楼主 |
发表于 2007-12-29 17:39:07
It wont install?
First make Sure Install.exe and Revolution .mpq are in the same directory. Secondly SC CD must be in the CD Drive with Scand BW already installed on the computer. If you get MPQ errors, Registry Key errors or you get stuck during the extraction of a soundfile it might be necessary to reinstall SC/BW before installing PR.
It wont run.
First off Wc3 and TFT must be installed for it to run.
Turn off your Virus scanners. Best bet if this still does not work is a fresh install of XP. Vista has been reported to work with PR however the developers of the Loader Andy, Mike, and I Never intended it for Vista. The base code was created over three years ago and many changes in standard included libraries may have occurred. Hence no vista support will be provided.
I type "yes" and it just exits.
You have to type yes exactly how you see it on the screen. Same capitalization and everything.
What path should I use?
This is up to you. A common one would be
"C:\\Program Files\\Project Revolution"
but it depends on your computer. |