发表于 2010-9-20 19:46:37
Due to i can't type chinese, so i could just use english
The first question:
Simply find something like UI - tooltip, and input somethings the click OK and it is done
The third question:
To make your life easier, i decided to make a new acton instead of making a lot of  action in a trigger. Please note that the chance may not bigger than the maximum range of randomize.
To put this into your map, simply copy and paste it, then make a new event, and set the action to the one i made it for you then modify each blank to appropriate value.
Hope to see your map in the battle.net, but i think you can upload the beta version of map to GA, so we could give you some advise to improve.
[ there is just 3 result in that action, if you want more simply copy those i made and modify it's action ] |