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发表于 2010-5-2 10:26:00 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

Q. 目前我们已经可以制作FPS类型的UMS地图,但BN的通讯lag是一大障碍。BN2.0的最低延迟目前是250毫秒,你们可有计划降低它么?
A. 在最新补丁中网络延迟已经降低到了125毫秒。等我们开放了地图发布功能后,当然非常乐意看到FPS类自定义地图出现在beta中。

Q. 目前地图编辑器中的模型/物品数量少了些。将来会有更多模型可以用么?
A. 对,目前beta只包含了对战部分所必要的内容,只有少量的地形,没有战役相关单位及对象。等游戏正式发布后自然会有大量的新模型等资源供地图制作者们使用。

Q. 游戏发布前能在地图编辑器里使用原版单位么?
A. 不行。beta编辑器不会包含任何战役单位。

Q. beta目前的美工方向相当不错。星图还会出现么?还是已经被彻底砍掉了?
A: 代表星际争霸II的美工组感谢你。在单人战役中我们时常会用到星图,不过它和以前放出的样子会有很大不同。我非常希望在将来的资料片中使用跨整个银河系范围的地图。

Q. 根据最新消息,单人战役会包括25+个关卡。这其中把可选关卡也算进去了么?
A. 目前单人战役共计29关。如果你选择最长的路线,那么在一周目你可以玩到其中26关。其余的几关你得重新玩然后选择其他路线才能玩到。当然,你的通关体验很大程度上取决于你在游戏过程中所选择的科技、研究以及雇佣的兵种。

Q: 地图编辑器会进一步改进,变得更容易让菜鸟们使用么?
A: 我们计划加入一些在线新手指南和额外的帮助文档,但整体而言,编辑器不会变得让菜鸟都能很容易使用。做地图可是实实在在的技术活,随便点几下鼠标就做出一张好图来那是做梦吧。而且你看网上不是有很多人已经放出他们的心得和教程了么?

Q. 目前在地图中使用纯脚本有点复杂。有计划在编辑器中直接支持纯脚本么?
A. 目前没有计划让你直接在编辑器中编辑地图脚本。然而如果你觉得真的有必要,你也可以通过导入管理器轻松做到。难道你在使用导入管理器的时候有什么难处?

Q: 你能说说地图发布功能具体是怎么运作的么?
A: 可以。地图发布功能允许用户保存一些他们所制作的地图或模组(Mod)。它们是与作者的账号相绑定的。你可以选择秘密发布,这样你建立房间的时候你的地图就不会显示在自定义游戏列表里,但同时你可以邀请你的朋友加入游戏,一同测试你的地图和创意。一旦你决定你的地图可以拿出去见人了,你就可以选择公开发布。这样BN上其余的玩家就能在自定义地图列表里看到你的地图并加入游戏了。

Q: Can you detail how the map publishing feature is going to work?
A: Sure. Map publishing will allow the user to store a few maps or mods associated with their account. You can choose to publish a map privately which will not display the map in the custom game list when you open it up, but you ca invite your friends into a game on the map to help you test your map and ideas. Once you decide the map is ready for the rest of the community to play you can publish it publicly and then the map will be available for the rest of the community to see and start playing games with.

Q. Getting custom script into maps is currently complex. Are there plans to implement Galaxy scripting directly into the editor?
A. There are currently no plans for Galaxy script editing in the editor itself. However, through the Import Manager it should be pretty easy to add in your scripts as necessary. Are you having trouble doing it that way?

Q. The latest we've heard, the single-player campaign would feature about 25+ missions. Does this include the optional missions?
A. There are 29 total missions in the campaign. In a single play through you can get to 26 of them if you do everything. You'd have to play again to see the other optional missions. Of course, your experience through how you play those missions can vary widely depending on the technology, research, or mercenaries you've decided to puchase along the way.

Q: Will the map editor be revised to be more newbie-friendly around release?
A: We have plans to put some new user help files online and additional help text, but overall the editor will not get many more newbie-friendly options as making custom maps is a pretty technical endeavor and there is already a lot of great information appearing all over the web to help with more complex development.

Q: Art direction in beta looks great so far. Will the Star Map make an appearance of some kind or has it been cut completely?
A: On behalf of the StarCraft II art team, thank you. We use the star map in the single player alot but it isn't like what we have shown previously. A big galactic map is something I really want to use for future expansions.

Q: ill be be able to use original units for the map editor before release?
A: No. The beta editor will not include campaign units prior to release.

Q. Currently the Map Editor has a small variety of unit/item models for mappers to use. Will there be additions to usable models?
A. Yes. Currently the beta is limited to objects ONLY in the beta, which is a limited number of tilesets and no campaign units or objects. There will be a much larger set of models and assets for mappers to use at launch.

Q. Currently, FPS UMS maps are viable but prevented by lag. Are there any plans to reduce Battle.net 2.0's minimum latency from 250ms?
A. In the newest patch latency network turns have been reduced to125ms latency. We'd love to see an FPS-like custom map in the beta as soon as publishing is available!
发表于 2010-5-2 10:30:02 | 显示全部楼层
Q. 目前在地图中使用纯脚本有点复杂。有计划在编辑器中直接支持纯脚本么?
A. 目前没有计划让你直接在编辑器中编辑地图脚本。然而如果你觉得真的有必要,你也可以通过导入管理器轻松做到。难道你在使用导入管理器的时候有什么难处?

使用道具 举报

发表于 2010-5-2 10:32:30 | 显示全部楼层

使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2010-5-2 10:37:04 | 显示全部楼层

使用道具 举报

发表于 2010-5-2 11:11:28 | 显示全部楼层

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