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发表于 2010-2-22 21:10:55 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

And a list of errors complied by Deaod

e_badLValue=Cannot assign to the left side of assignment expression
e_badParameterType=Can only pass basic types
e_cantFindInclude=Include file not found
e_cantTakeAddress=Cannot use '&' on an object which has no address
e_constAssigned=Const variable already assigned
e_constInitRequired=Must initialize const variables
e_constNotAllowedHere=Cannot use const here
e_derefNotPointer=Cannot use '->' on a non-pointer object
e_expectedArrayIndex=Expected an array index: '['
e_expectedBoolExpr=Expected a boolean expression
e_expectedCloseBrace=Expected a closing brace: '}'
e_expectedComma=Expected a comma: ','
e_expectedConstExpr=Non-constant initialization of constant object
e_expectedExpr=Expected an expression
e_expectedFieldName=Expected a field name inside a structure
e_expectedFieldType=Expected a field type inside a structure
e_expectedFuncBody=Expected ';' or function body
e_expectedGlobalName=Expected unused global variable or function name
e_expectedInclude=Expected an include file name
e_expectedIntType=Shift operator requires integer value
e_expectedLeftParen=Expected '('
e_expectedNativeName=Expected a registered native function name
e_expectedOpenBrace=Expected an opening brace: '{'
e_expectedParams=Invalid parameter list
e_expectedReturn=Expected a return value
e_expectedRightParen=Expected ')'
e_expectedSemicolon=Expected a semicolon: ';'
e_expectedStructIdent=Structure requires an identifier
e_expectedType=Expected type name
e_expectedTypedefIdent=Typedef requires an unused identifier
e_expectedTypedefType=Typedef requires a type
e_globalsTooLarge=Global data are too large
e_identiferTruncated=Truncated identifier
e_illegalArraySize=Illegal array dimension
e_illegalCharacter=Illegal char constant
e_illegalEscapeSeq=Illegal escape sequence
e_illegalIndex=Array index require an integer value
e_illegalOctal=illegal octal digit
e_internalGalaxyError=Internal compiler error
e_localsTooLarge=32k - 1 size limit to local variables
e_mangleOverflow=Mangled name overflow
e_nativeMismatch=Native function prototype does not match the internal function
e_nestingTooDeep=Nesting overflow
e_newlineConst=Newline in constant
e_noBulkCopy=Bulk copy not supported
e_noForwardSupport=struct forward declaration not supported
e_noImplicitCast=Implicit cast not allowed
e_noNestedStruct=struct cannot be nested inside itself
e_notArray=Cannot use '[': object is not an array
e_notFunction=Cannot use '(': object is not a function
e_notStruct=Cannot use '.': object is not a structure
e_notStructField=This field is not a member of the struct type
e_noVoidVars=Illegal variable type: void
e_numericOverflow=Numeric overflow
e_oldStyleDimension=Galaxy array definitions require the dimension after the type
e_paramCountMismatch=Wrong number of parameters
e_paramTypeMismatch=Parameter type does not match the function definition
e_prototypeMismatch=Function does not match previous definition
e_callbackMismatch=Mismatched callback definitions
e_redefinedField=struct field redefinition
e_redefinedFuncName=function already defined
e_redefinedParam=redefined identifier
e_registerUsageOverflow=Register overflow
e_requireStruct=Require struct on left side of -> or .
e_scriptTooLarge=Script too large
e_stateStackOverflow=Stack overflow
e_stringTruncated=Truncated string
e_syntaxError=Syntax error
e_typecastError=That typecast not allowed
e_typeMismatch=Types do not match
e_undefFunction=Function declared but not defined
e_unexpectedBreak=Unexpected 'break' statement
e_unexpectedComment=comment blocks with /* */ are not supported
e_unexpectedContinue=Unexpected 'continue' statement
e_unexpectedDirective=unexpected directive, Galaxy does not have a preprocessor
e_unexpectedGoto='goto' statements are unsupported
e_unexpectedNew=dynamic memory allocation unsupported
e_unexpectedOperator=Operators ++ and -- are unsupported
e_unexpectedReturn=Unexpected value returned from a 'void' function
e_unexpectedSign=unexpected 'signed' or 'unsigned' as Galaxy types have implicit sign
e_unexpectedSwitch='switch' statements are unsupported
e_unreachableCode=unreachable code
e_jumpOutOfBounds=Code jump out of bounds (try reducing the size of very large functions or triggers)
e_noFunctionBody=No function body was ever declared

e_execPaused=Execution paused
e_threadIsActive=Execution currently active
e_threadIsReady=Thread is ready to execute
e_execTimeout=Execution took too long
e_codePtrInData=Code pointer tried to jump to data space
e_dataPtrInCode=Data pointer tried to access code space
e_divByZero=Divide by zero
e_invalidAddr=Invalid address
e_invalidGlobalPtr=Invalid global pointer
e_invalidStackPtr=Invalid stack pointer
e_nativeCodeError=Native function has encountered an error
e_notInCode=Code pointer moved out of code space
e_nullPointer=Dereferenced a null pointer
e_stackOverflow=Stack overflow
e_stackUnderflow=Stack underflow
e_unknownInstr=Unknown instruction

e_functionNotFound=Function not found
e_tooManyThreads=Too many threads
e_nestedIteration=Nested iteration detected
e_noInternalThread=No internal thread
e_tooManyInternalThreads=Too many internal threads

Apparently there will is a struct type and hopefully it will support user made structs.
I thought what I'd do was, I'd pretend I was one of those deaf-mutes. Or should I?
发表于 2010-2-22 21:16:02 | 显示全部楼层

使用道具 举报

发表于 2010-2-22 21:19:47 | 显示全部楼层

使用道具 举报

发表于 2010-2-22 21:24:27 | 显示全部楼层

使用道具 举报

发表于 2010-2-22 21:40:53 | 显示全部楼层

使用道具 举报

发表于 2010-2-22 21:43:34 | 显示全部楼层

使用道具 举报

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