1. There is an opportunity in wc3 to cast a spell on the unit using just simple click on it's icon or portrait. There is no such kind of function in sc2 and it is impossible to bring it to life with use of triggers. In order to implement this function to the game we need an event in the Editor like Player starts pretargeting of ability/ Player cancels pretargeting of ability.
“War3可以对着队伍面板施法,但是SC2编辑器没有这个功能。”——然而你没玩过War3 Mod吗?War3 Mod本来就可以对队伍图标施法好不好。真神奇,明明这些俄国人已经在自己的视频里用我的Mod里的模型和代码了。
2. There was a possibility in wc3 to switch between the subgroups just by pressing the TAB button or clicking on the icon of the unit on the InfoPanelGroup. We had to replace original "Group Panel" with the custom created one, which was made with the use of triggers. In order to make it work absolutely properly, including the multiplayer we need the following improvements to be done:
a. Ability to figure out the current "Unit type" for the particular player. That is "Unit type" buttons of which are displayed on the Command Card now. Something like “Get unit-type in focus for player”.
b. That would be great if it is possible to make the event “Unit is selected” more informative in order to get information about the way which player used to select, for instance: "Added to the group with use of SHIFT and left click", "Selected via frame", "Clicked on the icon on the Group Panel", "Pressed "1", "2' or "F3" and etc"
“我们捕捉不了tab键和队伍热键切换子组。我们要这种支持,否则做不了队伍面板血条”——所以我在他们排视频的时候就喷过了,明明做不出来却摆拍。然而War3 Mod里面都已经有了队伍面板血条了。
3. I don't know whether it is a bug or not, but it's impossible to add teamcolor on the waypoint model, nevertheless there are some objects in the Data Editor called like “waypoint teamcolored”.
4. In order to select the Hero via hotkey we need to press the buttons starting with "F3" in SC2. And it is uncomfortable to do so, because in the original WC3 the hero hotkeys started from "F1"