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发表于 2008-12-8 20:42:10
Damage and project
Whenever you read damageoptions, remember that all the information related to damageoptions
is in the Appendix A , which is in the Damage and Target Options trigger.
* Damage and projectile functions
Someday I decided to add damaging functions to the caster system, that was in the times when there
wasn't any way to make flexible damage with triggers considering bounty and experience.
Later Blizzard made patch 1.17 and thanks to my suggestions in bnet forums, they added the damage
functions, so know the caster system functions play more of an auxiliar role to help blizzard's damage
natives to do what you want.
Projectile functions are a result of the lack of moving special effect options, they lack something
and it is that because of the unit movement speed limit they can't be faster than 522, but they can
be really useful.
function GetDamageFactor takes unit u,attacktype a, damagetype d returns real
function GetDamageFactorByOptions takes unit hurter, unit target, integer DamageOptions returns real
* GetDamageFactor Will return the factor for specific damage and attack types for the unit u.
* GetDamageFactorByOptions uses an unit argument that determines the unit that would do the
damage, and uses DamageOptions, DamageOptions are a conjunctions of flags that determine what
to do, see Appendix A for more information.
function DamageUnitByTypes takes unit hurter, unit target, real dmg, attacktype attT, damagetype dmgT returns boolean
function DamageUnitByOptions takes unit hurter, unit target, real dmg, integer DamageOptions returns boolean
* The normal target damage function , but calls the last functions.
* I had to create DamageUnitByTypes, Blizzard's native ignores the damage type, this function
won't ignore the damage type, and once blizzard fixes the bug it will be deprecated.
* Alternativelly DamageUnitByOptions, uses a DamageOptions argument, you have to see
Appendix A for more information.
function UnitDamageUnitTimed takes unit hurter, real damageps, real damageperiod, real duration, unit target, string modelpath, string attachPointName, attacktype attT, damagetype dmgT returns nothing
* Will add damage per second for an unit to a unit, hurter is the damaging unit, duration
is self explanatory, damageps is the damage per second, target is the unit to affect,
damageperiod is the time before the unit takes the damage again note that damageperiod
values lower than ~0.4 will be considered ~0.4
* You can set modelpath to a special effect and attachPointName is the attachment point,
but if you don't want it to have a special effect use "" for the modelpath and attachment.
* Last 2 options are the attacktype and damagetype values, check appendixex B and C for more
* Also you can turn this function into a healing per second by using a negative value for damageps.
function DamageUnitsInAOEEx takes unit hurter, real damage, real x, real y, real radius, boolean affectallied, integer DamageOptions returns nothing
function DamageUnitsInAOEExLoc takes unit hurter, real damage, location loc, real radius, boolean affectallied, integer DamageOptions returns nothing
* Perform AOE damage on an area for an unit useful when UnitDamagePoint doesn't have enough
options for you.
* if affectallied is true will affect non-enemy
units too. x and y or loc determine the center of the circle, and radius the radius
* DamageOptions are a conjunctions of flags that determine what to do, see Appendix A for
more information.
* See the Light of Redemption Sample Trigger for an usage example.
function DamageUnitGroupEx takes unit hurter, real damage, group targetgroup, integer DamageOptions returns nothing
* Performs damage on an unit group, it will affect every unit in the unit group, depending
on the damage options, and remember that the set bj_wantDestroyGroup = true will work for
this function.
* Keep in mind that DamageTrees() doesn't work with this.
function AddAreaDamagerForUnit takes unit hurter, string modelpath, string targetart, string targetattach, real x, real y, real damage , real damageperiod, real duration, real area, boolean affectallies, integer DamageOptions returns unit
function AddAreaDamagerForUnitLoc takes unit hurter, string modelpath, string targetart, string targetattach, location loc, real damage , real damageperiod, real duration, real area, boolean affectallies, integer DamageOptions returns unit
* Will create a special effect at a point with a duration and each second will damage the units
in an area around the effect, the effect is a unit and that unit is returned by the function, you
can use the currentcaster variable to get the effect unit, you can move the unit or change its
size / color.
* targetart is the special effect that appears on the units affected by the damage,
targetattach is the attachment point for that effect and damageperiod is the period of time
before each moment the damage does effect
* You can also use a huge number (1000000) as duration and call RecicleCaster() on it
to stop it, instead of making it have a fixed duration.
* DamageOptions are a conjunctions of flags that determine what to do, see Appendix A for
more information.
* See the Poisonous Weeds and the The deadly fire star sample triggers to see usage
examples on this function.
* You can use 0 area, and 0 damage, to use this function for just the effect, it would allow
you to easily have effects with duration, the 'Deadly Fire Star Effect' sample does that.
function ProjectileLaunch takes string modelpath, real speed, real arc,real x1, real y1, real z1, real x2, real y2, real z2 returns nothing
function ProjectileLaunchLoc takes string modelpath, real speed, real arc, location loc1, real z1, location loc2, real z2 returns nothing
* Will Create A missile effect from place1 to place2, x1 and y1 determine the starting
position of the missile, z1 determines its starting flying height, x2 and y2 the target
position and z2 the target height.
* Modelpath determines the model used, must be betweeen quotes and needs to have double '\\',
example: "abilities\\\\weapons\\\\DemolisherMissile\\\\DemolisherMissile.mdl".
* Speed and Arc should work like the missiles in the object editor, Arc is a real number
between 1 and 0. ex: 0.15
IMPORTANT : This is valid for every projectile function, There are 2 modes for the projectile
functions, one looks really good and allows any positive speed value,
but is bad efficiency-wise, the other one looks ok, and will only happen with speed that are
less than or equal to 522 (and greater than 0).
Speed is a positive real number, when speed is less than or equal to 522, the projectile
function would use the normal unit movement, but if it is greater than 522 it will use a timer
with gamecache allowing high speeds, but the second mode has one problem: It is not too
efficient and it would cause problems if you use way too many of them at the same time.
* The ProjectileLaunchLoc uses location arguments instead of x and y coordinates, loc1
determines the starting position and loc2 the target position.
* Stops threads (The trigger that uses this function will wait until the missile effect
reaches to the target)
function ProjectileLaunchEx takes player owner, string modelpath, real scale, integer red, integer green, integer blue, integer alpha, real speed, real arc,real x1, real y1, real z1, real x2, real y2, real z2 returns nothing
function ProjectileLaunchExLoc takes player owner, string modelpath, real scale, integer red, integer green, integer blue, integer alpha, real speed, real arc, location loc1, real z1, location loc2, real z2 returns nothing
* Extended versions of ProjectileLaunch, let you specify the scale and vertex coloring used
by the projectily, colors and alpha (opacity) are in integers from 0 to 255.
function DamagingProjectileLaunchAOE takes unit hurter, string modelpath, real speed, real arc, real x1, real y1, real z1, real x2, real y2, real z2, real aoeradius, real damage, boolean affectallied, integer DamageOptions returns unit
function DamagingProjectileLaunchAOELoc takes unit hurter, string modelpath, real speed, real arc, location loc1, real z1, location loc2, real z2, real aoeradius, real damage, boolean affectallied, integer DamageOptions returns unit
* Like the previous function but doesn't stop the thread and will deal damage for the
hurter unit to the units in the target area, will return the missile unit used, damage,
aoeradius, affectallied and DamageOptions work like the AOEDamage functions.
* See the Grenade and Stone of Lightning sample triggers to see usage examples of these functions.
* Returns the missile unit created, you can change its scale / vertex coloring with using
the returned unit, you can also use the unit variable currentcaster .
function ProjectileLaunchKill takes player owner, string modelpath, real speed, real arc, real x1, real y1, real z1, real x2, real y2, real z2 returns unit
function ProjectileLaunchKillLoc takes player owner, string modelpath, real speed, real arc, location loc1, real z1, location loc2, real z2 returns unit
* Will create a missile effect, won't stop the thread and will kill the missile unit once it
reaches the target position, use a dead event to know when this kind of missile effect comes
to its target.
* Returns the missile unit created, you can change its scale / vertex coloring with using
the returned, unit you can also use the unit variable currentcaster.
function ProjectileLaunchToUnit takes string modelpath, real speed, real arc,real x1, real y1, real z1, unit target, real zoffset returns nothing
function ProjectileLaunchToUnitLoc takes string modelpath, real speed, real arc, location loc1, real z1, unit target, real zoffset returns nothing
function ProjectileLaunchToUnitEx takes player owner, string modelpath, real scale, integer red, integer green, integer blue, integer alpha, real speed, real arc, real x1, real y1, real z1, unit target, real zoffset returns nothing
function ProjectileLaunchToUnitExLoc takes player owner, string modelpath, real scale, integer red, integer green, integer blue, integer alpha, real speed, real arc, location loc1, real z1, unit target, real zoffset returns nothing
* The same as ProjectileLaunch but uses an unit argument instead of a second point, zoffset is
the height difference between the target flying height and the final height for the projectile,
like ProjectileLaunchEx, ProyectileLaunchToUnitEx is the extended version.
* The projectile is homing, if you don't want it to be homing use the normal projectile functions
and make them go to the position of the target unit.
function DamagingProjectileLaunchTarget takes unit hurter, string modelpath, real speed, real arc, real x1, real y1, real z1, unit target, real zoffset, real damage, attacktype attT, damagetype dmgT returns unit
function DamagingProjectileLaunchTargetLoc takes unit hurter, string modelpath, real speed, real arc, location loc, real z1, unit target, real zoffset, real damage, attacktype attT, damagetype dmgT returns unit
* Like the last functions but won't stop the thread and will hurt the target unit.
* attT and dmgT determine the attack and damage types, (like the ones that blizzard functions
take, for more info see appendixes B and C.
* Use the returned unit or the currentcaster variables to know the projectile.
* See the Green Fire balls trigger sample for an usage example for this function.
* Appendix E: Deprecated functions:
These functions were used in the pre patch 1.17 caster system versions, I left them
here for compatibility, and in case you find an use for them.
function DamageUnit takes player hurter, real damage, unit victim returns boolean
function DamageUnitTimed takes player owner, real damageps, real duration, unit target, string modelpath, string attachPointName returns nothing
function DamageUnitTimedEx takes player owner, real damageps, real damageperiod, real duration, unit target, string modelpath, string attachPointName returns nothing
function DamageUnitsInAOE takes player hurter, real damage, real x, real y, real radius, boolean affectallied returns nothing
function DamageUnitsInAOELoc takes player hurter, real damage, location loc, real radius, boolean affectallied returns nothing
function DamageUnitGroup takes player hurter, real damage, group targetgroup returns nothing
function AddDamagingEffect takes player owner, string modelpath, real x, real y, real damageps , real duration, real area, boolean affectallies returns unit
function AddDamagingEffectLoc takes player owner, string modelpath, location loc, real damageps , real duration, real area, boolean affectallies returns unit
function AddDamagingEffectEx takes player owner, string modelpath, string targetart, string targetattach, real x, real y, real damage , real damageperiod, real duration, real area, boolean affectallies returns unit
function AddDamagingEffectExLoc takes player owner, string modelpath, string targetart, string targetattach, location loc, real damage , real damageperiod, real duration, real area, boolean affectallies returns unit
function ProjectileLaunchDamage takes player owner, string modelpath, real speed, real arc, real x1, real y1, real z1, real x2, real y2, real z2, real aoeradius, real damage, boolean affectallied returns unit
function ProjectileLaunchDamageLoc takes player owner, string modelpath, real speed, real arc, location loc1, real z1, location loc2, real z2, real aoeradius, real damage, boolean affectallied returns unit
function ProjectileLaunchToUnitDamage takes player owner, string modelpath, real speed, real arc, real x1, real y1, real z1, unit target, real zoffset, real damage returns unit
function ProjectileLaunchToUnitDamageLoc takes player owner, string modelpath, real speed, real arc, location loc1, real z1, unit target, real zoffset, real damage returns unit
A good thing about them is that they only need a player argument instead of an unit, they
will use the defaults on the top of the caster system functions.
[/jass] |