- Events
- Unit - A unit Acquires a item
- Conditions
- (Charges remaining in (Item being manipulated)) Not equal to 0(依你的情况来设置这个条件,用于检查打捆的物品是哪一类)
- Actions
- For each (Integer A) from 1 to 6 , do (Actions)
- Loop - Actions
- If - Conditions
- (Item being manipulated) Not equal to (Item carried by (Triggering unit) in solt (Integer A))
- (Item-type of (Item being manipulated)) Equal to (Item-type of (Item carried by (Triggering unit) in solt (Integer A)))
- ((Charges remaining in (Item being manipulated)) + (Charges remaining in (Item carried by (Triggering unit) in solt (Integer A)))) Less than or equal to(你所希望的最大值,例如6)(这个条件可以检查物品打捆的最大值,不限制则无须此条件)
- Then - Actions
- Item - Set charges remaining in (Item carried by (Triggering unit) in solt (Integer A)) to ((Charges remaining in (Item being manipulated)) + (Charges remaining in (Item carried by (Triggering unit) in solt (Integer A))))
- Item - Remove (Item being manipulated)
- Skip remaining actions
- Else - Actions
- Do nothing