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发表于 2013-4-6 12:53:01 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 theninth1985 于 2013-4-6 12:58 编辑


Call it whatever you like—DPS, damage persecond—we just call it DAMAGE, and when it comes to making red bars go down,you can never have enough of it. Don't trivialize it though; damage is a veryversatile aspect of combat. There are so many ways that a character can dodamage.
— GuildWars2.com promotional material

— GuildWars2.com 宣传材料

Damage is any effect from an action which results in a targetlosing health. Damage is considered to be one of the three facetsthe Guild Wars 2 combat system is built around, the othersbeing support and control. All professions are able to deal damage in a usefulway, mostly by using skills.


There are three types of damage in Guild Wars 2:

§  Direct damage. This damage is inflicted by skills and/ortraits directly, can crit, and is mitigated by the target's armor.
§  Condition damage. This damage is inflicted primarily byconditions, does not crit and is not mitigated by the target's armor.
§  Falling damage. This damage is taken from falling. Whentaken below zero health by falling damage, the player does not enter a downed state but instead dies immediately. Falling damagescales with height fallen and is not mitigated by armor or

any skills thatreduce or prevent damage, but can be halved by one specific trait that variesby profession (see below). Death/defeat from falling does not result in damagedarmor.


§ 直接伤害。由技能(Skills)或者特性(Traits)直接造成的伤害,有暴击(Crit)效果,并且会受到护甲(Armor)减免。
§ 状态伤害。主要由不利状态(Condition)造成的伤害,没有暴击效果也不会受到护甲减免。
§ 坠落伤害。由坠落造成的伤害。当坠落伤害使玩家生命小于0时,玩家不会进入被击倒状态(Downed State),而是会直接死亡。坠落伤害根据掉落高度来计算,并且不会被护甲或者任何伤害减免技能减免,但是一些职业拥有能将其减半的特性(见下文)。由坠落造成


Direct damage

Base direct damage is given by the following equation:

Damage done = (weapon damage) * Power * (skill-specific coefficient) / (target's Armor)

§  Weapon damage: a uniformly distributed random number takenfrom within the range listed as Weapon Strength on the equipped weapon. The weapon damage used fora skill will typically be that of the weapon associated with that skill; utility and elite skillsare typically not affected by weapon damage and use a range based on theplayer's level.
§  Power: Thecurrent power as listed on the Hero tab.
§  Armor: The current armor as listed on the Hero tab. Armor is thesum of defense and Toughness.
§  Skill coefficient: Every skill has a unique coefficient usedto calculate damage inflicted. Listed by the () after tool tip listed on wikipages, not shown in-game however.


基础直接伤害(Base Direct Damage)是根据下面的公式计算得来的:
伤害(Damage done) = 武器伤害(weapon damage) * 威力(Power )*技能伤害系数 (skill-specific coefficient) / 目标护甲(target's Armor)

§  武器伤害(Weapon Damage):从装备武器的武器威力区间(Weapon Strength)中生成的一个离散式的随机数。技能的武器伤害数值通常由和技能相关的那个武器上取得,功效技能(Utility Skill)和精锐技能(EliteSkill)通常不受武器伤害影响,而是由角色等级决定。
§  威力(Power):英雄面板上的当前威力(Power)数值。
§  护甲(Armor):英雄面板上的当前护甲(Armor)数值。护甲是由防御力(Defense)和韧性(Toughness)相加得来的。
§  技能系数(Skill Coefficient):每个技能都有用于计算其造成伤害的独有系数。在维基页面悬浮提示面板的“()”中被罗列了出来,可是并不在游戏中显示。

This base direct damage can then be modified by thefollowing effects:

§  Critical hits do increased damage. Critical hits default to 150%of base damage and this amount can be increased by the Critical Damage player attribute. Critical hit chance is governed by the Precision player attribute and the fury boon.
§  Glancing blows, as caused by either level differenceor weakness, only do 50% of regular damage.
§  Vulnerability increases direct damage on a target.
§  Protection decreases the damage received by a target by 33%.
§  Other various passive effects that increase theattacker's outgoing damage or a target's incoming damage, including thosefrom upgrade components, traits, nourishment, etc


§  暴击(Critical Hits)会增加伤害。重击时默认会造成150%的基础直接伤害,并且这个比例会被角色身上的暴击伤害(Critical Damage)属性增加。暴击几率是由角色的精度属性(Precision)和狂怒增益状态(Fury Boon)决定的。
§  偏斜(Glancing Blows),由等级差或者衰弱不利状态(Weakness)造成的,只造成正常伤害的50%。
§  破甲(Vulnerability)不利状态会使其作用目标受到伤害增加。
§  防御(Protection)增益状态会其作用目标受到的伤害减少33%。
§  还有大量的被动效果会增强攻击者的伤害输出或者目标所受到的伤害,包括强化组件(Upgrade Components)、特性(Traits)、消耗品增益效果(Nourishment),等等

In order for a skill to do direct damage, it first must hit. The following willcause a skill to miss:

§  The blind conditionaffecting you
§  The target blocks, dodges or evades by other means
§  The target is out of range of the skill
§  The target is obstructed by terrain, structures orobjects
§  The target is invulnerable

§  当你被致盲(Blind)减益效果影响时
§  当目标格挡(Blocks),闪避(Dodges)或者用其他方式逃脱时
§  当目标在技能的射程之外时
§  当目标被地形、建筑或物体遮挡时
§  当目标被无敌(Invulnerable)增益状态影响时

Direct damage is listed on skill tooltips with the Damage icon. Skill tooltip direct damage is given by thefollowing formula:

Tooltip damage = (average weapon strength) * Power * (skill-specific coefficient) /(level-based Armor value)

§  Average Weapon Strength is the average of the range of damage listed asWeapon Strength on the equipped weapon's tooltip.
§  The damage actually done will not correspond to thetooltip damage, since it depends on your opponents Armor value and otherfactors listed above.
§  At level 80, the opponent Armor value used to calculate the tooltip's direct damageis 2600.
§  Some skills do not calculate their tooltip damage basedon the equipped weapon. These are frequently the same skills that areunaffected by Weapon Strength.
§  Some skills list multiple hits of Direct Damage, forexample: Damage (2x): 500. This means the target will receive 2 hits of 250each.
§  Some skills which apply conditions, such as Burning, mayalso have direct damage associated with them. For example: Damage (8x): 800,8xStack Burning (2s): 4800. In this case the fire will apply 8 pulses of directdamage of 100 each at 1sec intervals.

Each direct damage pulse will extend theburning condition by 2 sec which will apply 2 pulses of burning damage of 300each at 1sec intervals as long as the burning lasts. The burning will thereforelast 16sec and apply 16 burns of 300 and 8 direct damage hits of 100 each.

§  Direct damage is reported in the Combat Chat tab. Conditiondamage is not.


面板伤害(Tooltip damage) = 武器威力区间平均值 (average weapon strength) * 威力 (Power) * 技能伤害系数(skill-specific coefficient) / 等级基础护甲值(level-based Armor value)

§  武器威力区间平均值是指所装备武器悬浮提示上显示的武器伤害区间平均值。
§  真正的伤害并不会与面板伤害相符合,这是由于它还受到你目标的护甲和上面列出的其他因数的影响。
§  在80级,用于计算面板伤害数值的地方护甲值为2600。
§  一些技能并不根据武器威力区间计算其面板伤害。这些技能通常就是那些不受装备武器的威力区间影响的技能。
§  一些技能列出了多段的直接伤害,比如:伤害(2x):500。这是说目标会受到2段,每段250点的伤害。
§  一些会附加不利状态的技能,比如燃烧(Burning),可能也会带有直接伤害。比如:伤害(x8):800,8 x 层燃烧(2s):4800。在这里火焰会造成8跳的直接伤害,每跳100伤害,间隔1秒。每跳直接伤害会附加燃烧不利状态2秒,此状态会在其持续时间内给目标造成每秒300的伤害。也就是说燃烧会持续16秒,并且附加16次300的灼烧伤害和8次100的直接伤害。

§  直接伤害会在战斗记录面板(Combat Chat tab)中显示出来。状态伤害则不会。

Condition damage

The damage done by conditions is governed by the character level, the condition inflicted, and the player's Condition Damage attribute.
Unlike Direct Damage, Condition Damage is not reduced byArmor or Toughness.

0.05 * Condition Damage + 0.5 *  Level + 2.5
per second
0.25 * Condition Damage + 4.0 *  Level + 8
per second
0.10 * Condition Damage + 1.0 *  Level + 4
per second
0.15 * Condition Damage + 1.5 *  Level + 10
per skill use


由不利状态造成的伤害是由角色等级、被附加的状态和角色的状态伤害(Condition Damage)属性决定的。


0.05 * 状态伤害(Condition  Damage) + 0.5 * 等级(Level) +  2.5
0.25 * 状态伤害(Condition  Damage) + 4.0 * 等级(Level) + 8
0.10 * 状态伤害(Condition  Damage) + 1.0 * 等级(Level) + 4
0.15 * 状态伤害(Condition  Damage) + 1.5 * 等级(Level) +  10

Note that Confusion does half damage in Structured PvP.

Additionally, the total amount of damage done can be increasedby the player's Condition Duration attribute, although burning, poison, and bleeding only deal damage once per second, meaning that anyfractional duration is wasted for these conditions. Note that poison and burning stack in duration, so fractional duration may comeinto play if the duration can be extended. Damage dealt from retaliation is also considered condition damage, although itsdamage is based upon Power ratherthan Condition Damage.


Falling damage

A fall from a sufficient height willinstantly put a character into the defeated state.
A character that falls takes damage, which depends on thedistance fallen; a character can become defeated if the fall is far enough. The damage isproportional to the character's health: level 80 characters will take moredamage than those at level 1. Landing in water negates fall damage,although invulnerability does not. Armor is never damaged by falling damage.


从足够的高度摔下会立刻让一个角色进入死亡状态(Defeated State)。


You can fall while attempting to navigate a slope, sinceit is more difficult to estimate the height and angle. Sometimes, instead ofsliding safely down, a character can be inflicted by repeated short falls thatare each far enough to cause falling damage, sometimes resulting in becomingdefeated, even though individually the falls would not have been fatal.



Forcing opponents to fall

You can cause other players to fall by using control effects, such as fear and knockback, to move them over the edge, but NPCs will never falloff ledges.
Every profession has a trait which halves falling damage and grantsone or more other effects after falling. The Elementalist gets reduction at masterlevel, the other professions on adept level:


每个职业都有能让坠落伤害减半的特性,并且在坠落之后获得一个活多个其他的效果,元素师(The Elementalist)需要大师级别(MasterLevel)才能获得减免,其他职业在专家级别就能获得减免(AdeptLevel)(下面是一些职业的减免掉落伤害的技能):

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