原文,不知道該说啥好..I'm finally ready to present my [opensource] MPQ library that requires no additional dll's and is cross-platform (you just need to change file system functions to work for your platform).
The only things that are missing are compression/decompression functions other than zlib (I'm not sure inserting the huge pkzip, huffman and wave compression code is worth it because it isn't used in WC3, and bzip2 is easy to add but the bzip2 library requires a dll to work).
I haven't tested it with wow's MPQ archives but I suppose it would work if you add bzip2 library.
So, all you need is a few source files and the zlib library (http://zlib.net/ - build it for your system) which is a .lib and still doesn't require additional dll's).
If you ask why not just use sfmpq, you can customize this library to add your features that would be much harder to do with sfmpq (also you don't need to bother with dll imports).
Included are the library source files (rmpq.h rmpq.cpp filesys.cpp mpqcompress.h mpqcompress.cpp), test (test.cpp) and zlib compiled for Visual C++ 2008. |