楼主: 蕾妮


发表于 2008-5-8 22:28:02 | 显示全部楼层

使用道具 举报

发表于 2008-5-8 23:46:56 | 显示全部楼层
哦,偶用 -opengl模式,没效果,当然的啦...不用就有效果了..

使用道具 举报

发表于 2008-5-9 07:00:25 | 显示全部楼层

使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2008-5-9 08:23:30 | 显示全部楼层
EnableProxyLibrary=(0,1) load 3rd party library by the mod at game start. Helps to solve problem with multiple d3d8.dll files.
InitProxyFunctions=(0,1) connect to functions of 3rd party library.
ProxyLibrary=(filename) file name of 3rd party library.
UseEffect=(0,1) activate mod at start. In some situations HUD or startup movies may be corrupted visually because of this parameter enabled.
AlternativeDepth=(0,1) increase performance of some effects, but not all videocards can use this mode at full precision, if you see large lines on the objects, disable this parameter.
AllowAntialias=(0,1) enables antialiasing setting from game to be used in the mod effects. (antialiasing, multisampling, fsaa, in other words).
BugFixMode=(0..5) every value fixes it's own unsopported feature or bug in driver or hardware. For drivers 169.xx and 171.xx do not set this parameter to 1. Values from 0 to 5 actually HDR texture formats: 0 (R32G32F)-high quality and middle performance, 1 (R32F)-high quality and fast, 2 (A32R32G32B32F)-high quality and very slow, 3 (R16F)-low quality and fastest, 4 (R16G16F)-low quality and fast, 5 (A16R16G16B16F)-low quality and middle performance.
SkipShaderOptimization=(0,1) disables optimization when compiling shader, may help to elliminate bugs.
EnableBloom=(0,1) enables bloom effect (bright areas blurred) with time dependent adaptation. Works only if mod activated already (by key combination).
EnableOcclusion=(0,1) enables ambient occlusions (ssao) and some other effects (mod version dependent).
EnableReflection=(0,1) reflection of vehicles.
EnableMotionBlur=(0,1) blurring image in fast motion of camera. Temporary disabled.
EnableWater=(0,1) enable water effects
EnableShadow=(0,1) enable shadow effects
KeyUseEffect=(1..255) decimal key number for mod activation/deactivation.
KeyBloom=(1..255) decimal key number for bloom activation/deactivation.
KeyOcclusion=(1..255) decimal key number for ssao activation/deactivation.
KeyReflection=(1..255) decimal key number for reflection activation/deactivation.
KeyCombination=(1..255) decimal number of additional key for combining this key with others (SHIFT by default).
KeyShadow=(1..255) decimal key number for shadow activation/deactivation.
KeyWater=(1..255) decimal key number for water activation/deactivation.
ReflectionPower=(0..100) level of cars reflection.
ChromePower=(0..100) level of steel parts reflection. Temporary disabled.
UseCurrentFrameReflection=(0,1) when 1 use for reflection image of current frame screen, otherwise use previous frame image.
ReflectionQuality=(0..2) quality, 0 means maximal quality and slowest speed.
ReflectionSourceSpecular=(0..100) percent of using "specular" material color as reflection factor. Some car parts may be reflective with this setting.
ReflectionSourceTFactor=(0..100) percent of using "texture factor" as game environment map mix level. Some car parts may not be reflective with this parameter and on the contrary.
UseAdditiveReflection=(0,1) reflections added to screen car colors, 0 means more softly reflection.
ReflectionDepthBias=(0..1000) offset of reflection geometry relative to car and camera viewpoint. For some videocards may be useful to remove flickering and hiding of reflections.
UseLowResReflection=(0,1) use small and blurred texture as reflection, looks like matte reflection.
BloomPowerDay=(0..100) power of bloom at day time, dependent from screen brightness.
BloomFadeTime=(0..100000) time of bloom adaptation to screen brightness change, in milliseconds.
BloomConstantDay=(0..100) power of bloom at day time, independent from adaptation time between screen brightness change.
BloomQuality=(0..2) bloom effect quality, 0 means maximal quality.
BloomScreenLevelDay=(0..100) level of screen brightness in percents, that determined as day time.
BloomCurveDay=(-10..10) gamma correction of bloom at day time. negative values increases halftone brightness (smoggy look), positive values decrease halftones brightness (contrast, intensive image).
BloomPowerNight=(0..100) power of bloom at night time, dependent from screen brightness.
BloomConstantNight=(0..100) power of bloom at night time, independent from adaptation time between screen brightness change.
BloomCurveNight=(-10..10) gamma correction of bloom at night time. negative values increases halftone brightness (smoggy look), positive values decrease halftones brightness (contrast, intensive image).
BloomScreenLevelNight=(0..100) level of screen brightness in percents, that determined as night time.
BloomAdaptationScreenLevel=(0..100) level of screen brightness in percents, over which bloom deactivating. It's desirable that this parameter will be greater than BloomScreenLevelDay.
BloomAdaptationMultiplier=(0..100) percent of day time bloom brightness, that will be used when screen brightness will be greater than BloomAdaptationScreenLevel. Value 100 disable adaptation
BloomAllowOversaturation=(0,1) if 0, bloom softly applied to screen and bright areas not become too oversaturated.
UseFilter=(0,1) enable noise filtering, produced by ambient occlusion effect.
OcclusionQuality=(0..2) quality of ssao, 0 means maximal quality and slow performance. In current version this is disabled, using lowest quality level.
FilterQuality=(0..2) quality of ssao noise filtering, 0 is maximal quality and slowest performance.
DarkeningAmountDay=(-100..100) how much to dark or to bright dark screen areas at day time. Negative values makes brighter, positive darker.
ScreenLevelDay=(0..100) level of screen brightness in percents, that determined as day time.
ScreenLevelNight=(0..100) level of screen brightness in percents, that determined as night time.
DarkeningAmountNight=(-100..100) how much to dark or to bright dark screen areas at night time. Negative values makes brighter, positive darker. Positive values recommended for more natural nights.
GammaCurveDay=(-10..10) gamma correction of bloom at day time. negative values increases halftone brightness (pale image), positive values decrease halftones brightness (contrast, intensive image).
GammaCurveNight=(-10..10) gamma correction of bloom at night time. negative values increases halftone brightness (pale image), positive values decrease halftones brightness (contrast, intensive image).
WeatherMod=(0,1) activates color correction for Weather Mod installed, choosed by it's author. Temporary disabled.
UseWaterDeep=(0,1) use smooth transition between different deep levels.
WaterDeepness=(0..1000) factor of water semitransparencity at difference deep levels.
WaterQuality=(0..2) quality of water effects, 0 means maximal quality.
ShadowFadeStart=(0..1000) distance, at which shadow starts to be less intensive.
ShadowFadeEnd=(0..1000) distance at which shadow dissapear completely.
ShadowAmountDay=(0..100) percent of shadows intencity in the day.
ShadowAmountNight=(0..100) percent of shadows intencity in the night.
ShadowScreenLevelDay=(0..100) level of screen brightness in percents, that determined as day time.
ShadowScreenLevelNight=(0..100) level of screen brightness in percents, that determined as night time.
ShadowQuality=(0..2) quality of shadows, 0 is maximal and slowest.
ForceAnisotropicFiltering=(0,1) force to use anisotropic filtering for most game textures.
MaxAnisotropy=(1..16) maximal level of anisotropy filtering, greater values makes more sharp textures at low angles.
ForceDisplayRefreshRate=(0,1) force to use user defined reflresh rate.
DisplayRefreshRateHz=(60..240) custom monitor reflresh rate. Warning, incorrect use of this parameter may corrupt you display! (or what you are using)

使用道具 举报

发表于 2008-5-9 10:41:25 | 显示全部楼层

使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2008-5-9 10:44:16 | 显示全部楼层


使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2008-5-9 10:46:30 | 显示全部楼层





使用道具 举报

发表于 2008-5-9 13:09:17 | 显示全部楼层

使用道具 举报

发表于 2008-5-9 13:16:02 | 显示全部楼层

使用道具 举报

发表于 2008-5-9 13:22:08 | 显示全部楼层
确实是BLOOM 为了GTA罪恶都市制作的.........

使用道具 举报

发表于 2008-5-9 14:07:13 | 显示全部楼层

使用道具 举报

发表于 2008-5-9 23:52:47 | 显示全部楼层

使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2008-5-10 08:21:09 | 显示全部楼层

使用道具 举报

发表于 2008-5-10 11:09:10 | 显示全部楼层
额...  朦胧是艺术...

使用道具 举报

发表于 2008-5-10 14:49:27 | 显示全部楼层

使用道具 举报

发表于 2008-5-10 15:01:13 | 显示全部楼层
  1. [PROXY]
  2. EnableProxyLibrary=0
  3. InitProxyFunctions=1
  4. ProxyLibrary=
  5. [GLOBAL]
  6. UseEffect=0
  7. AlternativeDepth=1
  8. AllowAntialias=1
  9. BugFixMode=0
  10. SkipShaderOptimization=0
  11. [EFFECT]
  12. EnableBloom=1
  13. EnableOcclusion=1
  14. EnableReflection=1
  15. EnableMotionBlur=1
  16. EnableWater=1
  17. EnableShadow=1
  18. [INPUT]
  19. KeyUseEffect=123
  20. KeyBloom=120
  21. KeyOcclusion=121
  22. KeyReflection=122
  23. KeyCombination=16
  24. KeyShadow=119
  25. KeyWater=118
  27. ReflectionPower=20
  28. ChromePower=10
  29. UseCurrentFrameReflection=0
  30. ReflectionQuality=0
  31. ReflectionSourceSpecular=50
  32. ReflectionSourceTFactor=50
  33. UseAdditiveReflection=0
  34. ReflectionDepthBias=100
  35. UseLowResReflection=0
  36. [BLOOM]
  37. BloomPowerDay=20
  38. BloomFadeTime=40
  39. BloomConstantDay=10
  40. BloomQuality=0
  41. BloomScreenLevelDay=40
  42. BloomCurveDay=0
  43. BloomPowerNight=10
  44. BloomConstantNight=10
  45. BloomCurveNight=0
  46. BloomScreenLevelNight=10
  47. BloomAdaptationScreenLevel=60
  48. BloomAdaptationMultiplier=10
  49. BloomAllowOversaturation=1
  50. [SSAO]
  51. UseFilter=1
  52. OcclusionQuality=0
  53. FilterQuality=0
  55. DarkeningAmountDay=10
  56. ScreenLevelDay=60
  57. ScreenLevelNight=20
  58. DarkeningAmountNight=10
  59. GammaCurveDay=0
  60. GammaCurveNight=0
  61. [PLUGIN]
  62. WeatherMod=0
  63. [WATER]
  64. UseWaterDeep=1
  65. WaterDeepness=20
  66. WaterQuality=0
  67. [SHADOW]
  68. ShadowFadeStart=40
  69. ShadowFadeEnd=80
  70. ShadowAmountDay=60
  71. ShadowAmountNight=30
  72. ShadowScreenLevelDay=60
  73. ShadowScreenLevelNight=20
  74. ShadowQuality=0
  75. [ENGINE]
  76. ForceAnisotropicFiltering=0
  77. MaxAnisotropy=8
  78. ForceDisplayRefreshRate=0
  79. DisplayRefreshRateHz=85

使用道具 举报

发表于 2008-5-10 19:30:37 | 显示全部楼层
  1. [PROXY]
  2. EnableProxyLibrary=0
  3. InitProxyFunctions=1
  4. ProxyLibrary=
  5. [GLOBAL]
  6. UseEffect=1
  7. AlternativeDepth=1
  8. AllowAntialias=1
  9. BugFixMode=0
  10. SkipShaderOptimization=0
  11. [EFFECT]
  12. EnableBloom=1
  13. EnableOcclusion=1
  14. EnableReflection=1
  15. EnableMotionBlur=1
  16. EnableWater=1
  17. EnableShadow=1
  18. [INPUT]
  19. KeyUseEffect=123
  20. KeyBloom=120
  21. KeyOcclusion=121
  22. KeyReflection=122
  23. KeyCombination=16
  24. KeyShadow=119
  25. KeyWater=118
  27. ReflectionPower=10
  28. ChromePower=10
  29. UseCurrentFrameReflection=0
  30. ReflectionQuality=0
  31. ReflectionSourceSpecular=50
  32. ReflectionSourceTFactor=50
  33. UseAdditiveReflection=0
  34. ReflectionDepthBias=100
  35. UseLowResReflection=0
  36. [BLOOM]
  37. BloomPowerDay=5
  38. BloomFadeTime=50
  39. BloomConstantDay=10
  40. BloomQuality=0
  41. BloomScreenLevelDay=30
  42. BloomCurveDay=0
  43. BloomPowerNight=5
  44. BloomConstantNight=10
  45. BloomCurveNight=0
  46. BloomScreenLevelNight=10
  47. BloomAdaptationScreenLevel=40
  48. BloomAdaptationMultiplier=10
  49. BloomAllowOversaturation=1
  50. [SSAO]
  51. UseFilter=1
  52. OcclusionQuality=0
  53. FilterQuality=0
  55. DarkeningAmountDay=10
  56. ScreenLevelDay=60
  57. ScreenLevelNight=20
  58. DarkeningAmountNight=10
  59. GammaCurveDay=0
  60. GammaCurveNight=0
  61. [PLUGIN]
  62. WeatherMod=0
  63. [WATER]
  64. UseWaterDeep=1
  65. WaterDeepness=20
  66. WaterQuality=0
  67. [SHADOW]
  68. ShadowFadeStart=40
  69. ShadowFadeEnd=80
  70. ShadowAmountDay=60
  71. ShadowAmountNight=30
  72. ShadowScreenLevelDay=60
  73. ShadowScreenLevelNight=20
  74. ShadowQuality=0
  75. [ENGINE]
  76. ForceAnisotropicFiltering=0
  77. MaxAnisotropy=8
  78. ForceDisplayRefreshRate=0
  79. DisplayRefreshRateHz=60

使用道具 举报

发表于 2008-5-10 19:44:44 | 显示全部楼层

使用道具 举报

发表于 2008-5-10 20:56:06 | 显示全部楼层
看上去不错啊 有种蒙胧的美感

使用道具 举报

发表于 2008-5-11 10:31:25 | 显示全部楼层

使用道具 举报

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