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发表于 2008-1-26 02:44:29 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
---StarCraft II Q&A Batch 27---

1) How will the map pool for the ladder be handled? Only maps made by Blizzard or will there be opportunities for mapmakers to contribute? If so, how will new maps be selected/balanced and how often are you planning on updating the map pool?

[Dustin Browder] The map pool for competitive play will only be Blizzard maps or Blizzard-approved maps. We are always excited to see new maps from the community and when we see new cool maps we will definitely include them in the pool. I have no idea how often this will happen. It really depends on the map makers and our schedule. We also have some really cool plans for mod support for Battle.net for StarCraft II, which we will be rolling out to the community soon. We have all watched with great enthusiasm the impact that mod makers have had upon our previous games, especially Warcraft III, and we really want to continue to support and encourage this community.

4) Some new maps used in the pro scene for StarCraft have started to include permanent spells like "Dark Swarm" and "Disruption Web" as a part of terrain. Are there any plans to allow this as a kind of special terrain by default or allow map makers to add it as a special attribute to some sections of the terrain?
Examples would be areas with decreased movement for some or all units like shallow water, terrain making units immune to missile fire like dark swarm or terrain making the units unable to fire like web.

If you plan to include it will it be usable on melee maps or UMS only?
- CuddlyCuteKitten

[Dustin Browder] Our data editor allows the creation of this type of terrain. You could easily put this type of terrain on melee maps. We have not finalized our feature set for terrain yet so I dont know what will make the final cut for the default Blizzard maps.
发表于 2008-1-26 09:30:52 | 显示全部楼层
map pool是啥?


使用道具 举报

发表于 2008-1-26 10:12:13 | 显示全部楼层
---星际二问答一批27 ---

1 )如何将小水池阶梯如何处理?只图所作出的暴风雪或者会有机会mapmakers作出重大贡献呢?如果是的话,如何将新的地图选择/平衡,以及如何,常常是你的规划,更新地图池?

[为Dustin Browder不]小水池发挥竞争只会暴雪地图或暴雪批准的地图。我们总是兴奋地看到新的地图,从社区时,我们看到了新的地图冷静,我们一定要将他们在泳池中。我不知道如何,往往会发生。真的,就看地图制造商和我们的时间表。我们也有一些真正酷计划为英国国防部的支持battle.net为星际第二,我们将推出向社会很快。我们都看了,以极大的热情的影响,认为国防部的决策者产生了我们以往的游戏,特别是魔兽争霸III的,我们真的要继续支持和鼓励的做法。

4 )一些新的地图使用的临现场为星际已经开始,包括永久性符咒一样, "黑暗一窝蜂" , "混乱网"的一个组成部分的地形。是否有任何计划,让这作为一种特殊的地形默认或容许地图制造商,以补充它作为一个特殊的属性,以部分路段的地形?

-c uddlycutekitten

[为Dustin Browder不]我们的数据编辑器允许建立这种类型的地形。你可以很容易把这种地形对混战地图。我们还没有定稿,我们的功能集为地形然而,所以我不用知道什么会作出最后削减为默认暴雪地图。

使用道具 举报

发表于 2008-1-27 00:15:38 | 显示全部楼层

使用道具 举报

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