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便捷实用的WE小技巧-Handy WE Tips

发表于 2006-4-18 18:18:51 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
不知道有人翻译过没 觉的写的很详细 确实有好多小技巧很有用呢:D


This thread is composed of information compiled from a similar thread started by Whitehorn in the Triggers and Scripts forum, focusing on information specific to the General Development forum. I will attempt to keep this stickied thread current by incorporating suggestions on regular basis and cleaning up the posts. Please make all suggestions in this thread; don't post other threads about it and please don't PM me with the suggestions. If a topic is sufficiently large, I'll give it its own post in this thread and link to it from the first post. Note that this is not a source of tips for triggering.

Navigating in the World Editor
To manipulate the camera in the main World Editor window:
To rotate the camera, hold CTRL and the right mouse button and move the mouse. Move right to rotate clockwise and left to rotate counter-clockwise. Move up to rotate the camera up, and down to rotate down.
The mousewheel zooms in and out.
Contributed by Whitehorn.

In the distance in the world editor, there is a "blackness". This is because it does not show the map after a certain distance to conserve memory. If you need to view a certain distance away, you can hold down CTRL and move the mousewheel to change the distance at which the "blackness" starts. Moving the mousewheel forward brings the "blackness" closer, while moving backward pushes it away.
If you don't have a mousewheel, hold CTRL and SHIFT and then press the up or down arrows to change this in the same way.
Contributed by Milkman and Gitlich.

To use game fog and see it in the WE, go to Scenario>Map Options and select "Use Terrain Fog", and then go to View>Fog Effects.
Contributed by Milkman.

To view the entire map as from an eagle's eye, go to Advanced>View Entire Map. Be warned, doing this puts a large amount of strain on your computer, since it's showing every element of the map at the same time. If you try this on a slow computer, it may lag too badly or freeze. Doing this is only recommended if you want to get a screenshot of your complete map.
Contributed by Aznwhore and nathanmx.

To view a camera's motion while in the editor, select it in the Camera Palette. This lets you avoid having to play the map for a simple test.
Contributed by nathanmx.

Object Editor Tips
To copy objects (units, abilities, doodads, etc.) between maps, you can simply copy-and-paste. Open both maps in the World Editor, open the Object Editor, and select the object that you wish to copy. Right-click on the unit on the left (in the "tree") and select "Copy Unit" (or "Copy Doodad", etc.).
Switch to the other map using the Window menu. Right-click in the tree and select "Paste Unit".
If you're pasting a unit with custom abilities, you'll want to have copied the abilities over first, because if you don't, the new map won't be able to find them when you copy over the unit, and then you'll have to set them manually later.
Contributed by Whitehorn.

To make new hero units, create a new custom unit using an existing hero as the base. Change the unit Stats, Art, Pathing, etc., to match the unit that you want to be a hero. Possibly the most critical field to change is "Art - Model File", which defines the model that the hero unit uses.
Contributed by Whitehorn.

To use a specific variant of a doodad model that has multiple variations, use the file path of the doodad, but add the variation number followed by .mdl at the end. The WE automatically adds these variations to the path when the doodad is set for multiple variations, but many other objects, like units, don't have support for multiple variations.
Contributed by |LMM|Duff_Man.

If you need to see the object id's for whatever reason, you can make them appear in the Object Editor by hitting CTRL+D or going to View>Display Values As Raw Data. This allows you to use the object id for things like spell tooltips, as well as for other possible uses.
Contributed by BANE.

If you're selecting a model for an object or spell effect, you can preview the model by using a combination of the Object Editor and the main WE window. In the Object Editor, under the object that you want to change, go to the model selection and change it to a model that you wish to preview. Switch back to the main WE window, and the model will appear in the window on the middle of the left side. This allows you to rotate and position the model to see it in any fashion, and lets you select the different animations that the model has.
Contributed by nathanmx.

When editing a field in the object editor, you can make it ignore its hardcoded boundaries by holding SHIFT while double-clicking on it. This will allow you to enter negative values as well as values above any upper limit set by the game designers. Bear in mind, however, that lots of abilities won't know how to use values outside their set limits properly. Feel free to experiment.
Contributed by AFB-DieHard.

In order to properly set an icon in the command card for any kind of object, it's necessary to understand the button matrix. The command card in the lower-righthand corner of the screen has four buttons across and three buttons down. However, the numbers of these buttons start with 0 instead of 1. Therefore, the x-axis (left to right) buttons are 0, 1, 2, 3 and the y-axis (top to bottom) buttons are 0, 1, 2. By way of explanation, the smashed orc in the following diagram is in position 1,2 (x=1, y=2).
:) :) :) :)
:) :) :) :)
:) :P :)  :)
Contributed by Panto.

Map-Making Tips
To raise and lower doodads in the map, hold CTRL and press Page Up or Page Down.
Contributed by Milkman.

If you want to change the location of a doodad which has had its height changed manually, uncheck Advanced>Reset Fixed Object Heights, or else it will snap back to the level of the terrain.
Contributed by LegolasArcher.

To make rivers and bodies of water with smooth edges, make sure that Advanced>Enforce Water Height Limits is unchecked, and then paint deep water over the area where the river will be. Then, paint over the water using the "Increase One" terrain tool. Now you have plain ground with water underneath it (crazy!), so you can use the "Lower" tool to slope the ground into the water, making a nice river.
Contributed by Milkman.

You can make a river that appears to be flowing rapidly by placing Waterfall doodads over it and stretching them so that the water rushes quickly sideways.
Contributed by BananaTwist.

You can place doodads on top of each other by making them ignore collision. This can be accomplished by holding SHIFT while placing the doodad. However, two doodads cannot have the same center point.
Contributed by Dark Illidan and Milkman.

You can change the rotation of any object on the map by selecting the object, holding down CTRL and the left mouse button, and moving the mouse. However, some objects are only allowed to face in a few directions.
Contributed by Wyvern_8, SoulReaver, and Panto.

Destructible doodads can be set as dead by selecting the doodad and hitting DELETE. These doodads can be resurrected with triggers.
Contributed by Voi.

You can deselect anything that you have selected by pressing SPACE. Pressing SPACE again will re-select what you have just deselected.
Contributed by Milkman and Panto.

To quickly move an object or region, select it, hold ALT, and then left-click wherever you want it to be moved to.
Contributed by Mighty3k.

Good Mapping Practices
Save and rename your map, or make a backup copy in a different directory, often. If anything goes wrong (like your program crashes or computer freezes), this allows you to start working again without much data lost. Since the World Editor can crash while you're saving your map and make the map file unreadable, it's wise not to just save over the same map file all the time.
Contributed by BANE and Panto.

Always right click on things! There's tons of useful stuff that you'll never see, just waiting to make life easier. For example, when editing skills, you can use the right-click menu option "Auto Fill Levels" to increment information automatically.
Contributed by BANE.

If you've got a slow computer and are experiencing lag problems in the WE, sometimes deleting the player start locations will clear this up for you. Just be sure to add them back in before you're done.
Contributed by Wyvern_8.

Try out new maps and new tools all the time. Seeing how other mappers and programmers do things can open your mind to new ideas for spells and systems. Even if you can't access a map, just seeing how something happens in-game can give you good ideas.
Contributed by BBDino.

Don't try to make a map based on what you think will be popular. There's no gaurantee that it will, even if you do a good job. Make maps that you think are fun to yourself, and do things that you enjoy doing. This may be the key to having fun with the map-making process.
Contributed by BBDino.

Make sure that your World Editor does not auto-save every 5 minutes.
Contributed by Whitehorn.

If your map becomes corrupted for any reason, remember that using the File>Test Map feature saves the map to a separate file, and you can get your map back from that.
Contributed by zotax.

While using the File>Test Map feature, the map will use the same random "seed" every time that you play it, which means it won't really be random at all. You can set it to use a truly random "seed" by going to File > Preferences > Test Map and unchecking "Use Fixed Random Seed".
Contributed by BBDino.

Don't work on one map for too long at a time; take breaks.
Contributed by TheGameFreak.

Look up hotkeys for yourself in the File>Configure Controls menu. You can also change them and define things that don't have default hotkeys here. However, this menu is only available for Windows 2000 and XP.
Contributed by nathanmx and Gitlich.

Ctrl+d turns on the object ID for everything in the Object Editor.
Contributed by BANE.

x, in the main WE window, changes to Letterbox view.
Contributed by nathanmx.

v, in the main WE window, changes to Game view.
Contributed by Aznwhore.

c, in the main WE window, changes to the Camera view.
Contributed by Aznwhore.

CTRL+SHIFT+c, in the main WE window, snaps to the Camera angle, without changing to Camera view.
Contributed by Skwee.

Print Screen takes a screenshot either in the main WE screen or in-game. Screenshots can be pasted into an image program or accessed as files from the Warcraft 3\Screenshots\ directory.
Contributed by Panto.

CTRL+a selects every object on the map of the type of the palette which you're using.
Contributed by johnfn and Panto.

[ 本帖最后由 illlusion 于 2006-4-22 11:13 编辑 ]
发表于 2006-4-18 18:41:26 | 显示全部楼层

使用道具 举报

发表于 2006-4-18 18:41:33 | 显示全部楼层



By Danny


可以用物件管理器(F11)找?你要的??或??,以及??它?相互?用的情形,尤其可以?易看出是否有??未被??使用。?在研究他人的地??尤其有用 !
  Map initialization
  Custom script: set udg_IsSingleGame = bj_isSinglePlayer

  Debug Level Up
  Player - Player 1 (Red) types a chat message containing -level as An exact match
  IsSingleGame Equal to True
  Unit Group - Pick every unit in (Units currently selected by (Triggering player)) and do (Hero - Set (Picked unit) Hero-level to 99, Show level-up graphics)

利用副程式:不同??可以用Trigger - Run <Trigger> (checking(ignoring) conditions)互相?用。利用??,可以把常用的一?串?作??成?有Events的???作副程式。然後在主要的??用Trigger - Run <Trigger>?行呼叫,以增加便利性,也?方便修改。
善用Add Event:如果你要把一些特定的?位加入日後的事件,可以考?用Add Event。最典型的?例如?木?活。
local [??名?]................................必??在最前面
local [??名?] = [??初始值]........必??在最前面
set [??名?] = [??值]

Custom script: set ?域?? = udg_全域??
Custom script: set udg_全域?? = ?域??
  Map initialization
  Custom script: set udg_IsSingleGame = bj_IsSinglePlayer
  Custom script: set udg_LocalPlayer = GetLocalPlayer()
  Custom script: set udg_Locust = \'Aloc\'

Unit - Add Locust to (Triggering unit)
If (LocalPlayer Equal to Player 1 (Red)) then do (Sound - Play BlizzardTarget1 <gen>) else do (Do nothing)
使用Spell Book(魔法?)做出多???的技能
?藏被?技?示:把被?技放在Spell Book?,把Spell Book用??Disable,然後添加Spell Book?部?,部?就?得到?藏的被?技。
使用暴???(Storm Crow Form)技能以便用??改?非?行?位的?行高度。如果不想看到?示,可用Disable Ability
使用??Enable/Disable Ability做?技能的限制,和科技需求不同的是,被停用的技能不??示、不能??,而未?科技需求的技能仍??示出?示和?明,也可以??。
利用Turn On/Off以及??事件,做出?隔??短的?微??(卡通原理)
使用??技能?要注意技能可否重?、可否重?冷???(有些技能?涉到????,不能在一次技能生效期?施展第二次)、可否改?施法者的所有?、可否一?玩家多?施法者、可否用Spell Shield……等等可能造成??的??

使用道具 举报

发表于 2006-4-19 10:34:37 | 显示全部楼层

使用道具 举报

发表于 2006-4-20 17:29:50 | 显示全部楼层

使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2006-4-20 17:54:34 | 显示全部楼层
足以见证中国的教学及考级等等都顶个蛋用 都是浮云而已...

[ 本帖最后由 illlusion 于 2006-4-20 17:56 编辑 ]

使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2006-4-20 20:59:03 | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 wataloo 于 2006-4-20 17:29 发表

其实我那句蓝色的话是想说: 如果每人翻译过的话 那我来翻译把 哈哈~~不想上次那样重蹈覆辙...:\'(

使用道具 举报

发表于 2006-4-20 21:17:18 | 显示全部楼层

使用道具 举报

发表于 2006-4-21 00:01:02 | 显示全部楼层

使用道具 举报

发表于 2006-4-21 13:31:18 | 显示全部楼层
hehe ,强烈支持这种挑战生命极限的行为!!!!

使用道具 举报

发表于 2006-4-21 14:03:40 | 显示全部楼层

使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2006-4-21 14:03:52 | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 wataloo 于 2006-4-21 13:31 发表
hehe ,强烈支持这种挑战生命极限的行为!!!!

一点也不挑战生命极限 就是要花点时间写想中文而已~~只是看的话 10多分钟就看完了。。。

使用道具 举报

发表于 2006-4-21 14:11:04 | 显示全部楼层

使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2006-4-21 14:13:41 | 显示全部楼层

使用道具 举报

发表于 2006-4-21 14:17:39 | 显示全部楼层



使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2006-4-21 14:19:33 | 显示全部楼层

使用道具 举报

发表于 2006-4-21 14:20:36 | 显示全部楼层


使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2006-4-21 14:23:56 | 显示全部楼层

使用道具 举报

发表于 2006-4-22 11:05:40 | 显示全部楼层
想不?位大大的英文能力??好  真是造福要?WE的人

使用道具 举报

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