我看了看…其實刷新那裡不用switch(switch的功能就是判斷某一個數的值,根據不如的值做不同的行為。說白就是vb裡的select case。),直接每秒觸發一次,然後看看group[1]裡面的怪是不是0就可以了。
也有一個方法可以避免你重覆paste 4次,就是for each integer(功能大約同vb的 for variabe = x to y),你只需要弄一個local variable叫tempInt(之類,隨便一個名,但名字上最好有較鮮明的意思,避免擾亂自己。),然後出
General - For each integer Tempint from 1 to 4(執行次數) with increment 1, do (Actions)
Unit - Create 3 Zergling for player 2 at (Random point in 區域 001) facing (Random point in 區域 001) (No Options)
只需要用Units In Region Matching Condition和Number Of Units In Unit Group就可以了。前者过滤出符合条件的单位组,后者计算数量。
Variable - Set ug = (Any units in Region 001 owned by player Any Player matching Excluded: Missile, Dead, Hidden, with at most Any Amount)
Variable - Set i = (Number of Any units in ug)