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发表于 2010-6-14 01:18:57 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
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所以就拿出来做一个单独的东西贴出来好了 用空我要看看AI是不是真的这么神 竟然连SC2咩噗死忒的管理员在主页上面都说是有学习能力啥的

顺便一提 MIMIC这个名字同样给Darknest上一个画师用了hmmm


My entry for the sc2mapster AI competition!

Mimic actively records your build order and army composition as you play, which can then be saved into Mimic's memory for later use. Mimic will then try to emulate your playstyle in subsequent games!


    * Mimic can play as Protoss, Zerg and Terran
    * Mimic actively scouts, and cannot attack what it can't see
    * Up to 12 players can be controlled by Mimic simultaneously
    * The AI can be easily transferred into other melee maps
    * Mimic can store up to 30 build orders simultaneously


Playing - By default, Mimic starts with no build or attack orders. If this is your first game against Mimic; build and expand as much as you please. Attack the existing enemy base, and type -save before defeating the opponent. Once the profile is saved, restart the game and Mimic will now know how to build and attack with your race! Alternatively, you can download the MimicAIData.sc2bank file and place it into the Starcraft II Beta\Banks folder. This contains 9 basic profiles to get you started.

Editing - You can change several basic settings within the AI Initialization trigger: 'Gather Rate' determines the mineral yield of the AI. Setting this to 2 will make the AI gather minerals twice as fast, and you can use this to alter the difficulty. Similarly, 'AI Omnipotence' can be toggled on to remove the scouting mechanic; this effectively allows the AI to see the entire map. If you want to choose which players are controlled by the AI, simply add them to the 'AI Players' player group.

Copying - Mimic can be copied into any melee map. Copy and paste the 'Mimic' folder, and delete the 'Set Default Melee Options' and 'Start Melee AI' functions within the Melee Initialization trigger of the destination map. Then, navigate to 'Map -> Player Properties' and make all the desired AI players computer controlled.

Tournament Mode - You can now battle different Mimic AI's against eachother using the following steps:

   1. Copy upto four AI data banks into the 'Banks' folder.
   2. Rename the files: 'MimicPlayer1.sc2bank', 'MimicPlayer2.sc2bank' etc
   3. Make the first four players computer controlled, or neutral if you want the slot to be empty. (In map -> player properties)
   4. Set Tournament Mode = true in the AI Initialization trigger.
   5. As a spectator in slot 5, choose the profiles for each AI. (The map numbers them as they are saved, so typing "-profile 1" will load the first build order saved to the player's bank.)
   6. Watch your AI's compete against eachother!

via SC2mapster


2 MB, 下载次数: 63

发表于 2010-6-14 13:12:48 | 显示全部楼层

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发表于 2010-6-14 14:08:32 | 显示全部楼层

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发表于 2010-6-14 17:03:53 | 显示全部楼层

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