Map initialization
Custom script: set udg_cache = InitGameCache("battleships.w3v")
Set SecondGoldPeopleSouth = 1
Set SecondGoldPeopleNorth = 1
Set UpgradeCheckSouth = True
Set KickOn = False
Unit Group - Pick every unit in (Units in RemoveShips <gen>) and do (Actions)
Loop - Actions
Unit - Remove (Picked unit) from the game
Player Group - Pick every player in (All allies of Player 1 (Red)) and do (Actions)
Loop - Actions
Player - Set (Picked player) Current gold to 200
Player - Turn Gives bounty On for (Picked player)
Player - Turn Gives bounty On for (Picked player)
Set PlayerBoat[(Player number of (Picked player))] = (Random unit from (Units owned by (Picked player) of type Battle Ship))
Visibility - Create an initially Enabled visibility modifier for (Picked player) emitting Visibility across South Harbour <gen>
Camera - Apply First Camera S <gen> for (Picked player) over 0.00 seconds
Set PlayerLumber[(Player number of (Picked player))] = 0
Player Group - Pick every player in (All allies of Player 2 (Blue)) and do (Actions)
Loop - Actions
Player - Set (Picked player) Current gold to 200
Player - Turn Gives bounty On for (Picked player)
Player - Turn Gives bounty On for (Picked player)
Set PlayerBoat[(Player number of (Picked player))] = (Random unit from (Units owned by (Picked player) of type Battle Ship))
Visibility - Create an initially Enabled visibility modifier for (Picked player) emitting Visibility across North Harbour <gen>
Camera - Apply First Camera N <gen> for (Picked player) over 0.00 seconds
Set PlayerLumber[(Player number of (Picked player))] = 0
Set VotingPlayersTotal = 10
For each (Integer B) from 3 to 12, do (Actions)
Loop - Actions
If (All Conditions are True) then do (Then Actions) else do (Else Actions)
If - Conditions
((Player((Integer B))) slot status) Not equal to Is playing
Then - Actions
Unit - Remove (Random unit from (Units owned by (Player((Integer B))))) from the game
Set VotingPlayersTotal = (VotingPlayersTotal - 1)
If (All Conditions are True) then do (Then Actions) else do (Else Actions)
If - Conditions
((Player((Integer B))) is an ally of Player 1 (Red)) Equal to True
Then - Actions
Set SecondGoldPeopleSouth = (SecondGoldPeopleSouth + 1)
Else - Actions
Set SecondGoldPeopleNorth = (SecondGoldPeopleNorth + 1)
Else - Actions
Game - Set the time of day to 12.00
Game - Set time of day speed to 150.00% of the default speed
Wait 0.10 seconds
Unit Group - Pick every unit in (Units in (Entire map) matching (((Matching unit) is A Hero) Equal to True)) and do (Actions)
Loop - Actions
Unit - Pause (Picked unit)
Set VoteDoneBool = False
Set VoteNumberNoBP = 0
Set VoteNumberNoTraders = 0
Set VoteNumberOnlyTraders = 0
Set VoteNumberOnlySailors = 0
Set VoteNumberNormalPlay = 0
Game - Set ally color filtering to 0
Trigger - Run Seagull Sounds <gen> (ignoring conditions)
Trigger - Run Rowboat Spawn <gen> (ignoring conditions)
Trigger - Run Battle Ship Spawn <gen> (ignoring conditions)
Trigger - Run Cruiser Spawn <gen> (ignoring conditions)
Quest - Create a Required quest titled General Help with the description |cffffcc00Weapons|r..., using icon path ReplaceableTextures\CommandButtons\BTNStatUp.blp
Quest - Create a Required quest titled Commands with the description |cffFF6666Commands ..., using icon path ReplaceableTextures\CommandButtons\BTNStatUp.blp
Quest - Create a Required quest titled Change Log with the description |cffFF6666Change Lo..., using icon path ReplaceableTextures\CommandButtons\BTNSelectHeroOff.blp
Quest - Create a Optional quest titled Trading with the description |cffffcc00Step 1|r:..., using icon path ReplaceableTextures\CommandButtons\BTNScroll.blp
Quest - Create a Optional quest titled Missile Firing with the description |cffffcc00Step 1|r:..., using icon path ReplaceableTextures\CommandButtons\BTNFlare.blp
Player Group - Pick every player in (All players) and do (Actions)
Loop - Actions
Game - Display to (Player group((Picked player))) the text: (Welcome captain |cffffcc00 + ((Name of (Picked player)) + |r to the Carribean. If you need help, just go to the |cff33BBBBQuest Menu|r.))
Set Kills[(Player number of (Picked player))] = 0
Set Deaths[(Player number of (Picked player))] = 0
-------- Vote-Board --------
Wait 0.10 seconds
Multiboard - Create a multiboard with 2 columns and 10 rows, titled Vote-Board
Set VoteBoard = (Last created multiboard)
For each (Integer A) from 1 to 10, do (Actions)
Loop - Actions
Multiboard - Set the display style for VoteBoard item in column 1, row (Integer A) to Show text and Hide icons
Multiboard - Set the display style for VoteBoard item in column 2, row (Integer A) to Show text and Hide icons
Multiboard - Set the width for VoteBoard item in column 1, row (Integer A) to 14.00% of the total screen width
Multiboard - Set the width for VoteBoard item in column 2, row (Integer A) to 4.50% of the total screen width
Multiboard - Set the text for VoteBoard item in column 1, row 1 to |cffFF1111No Black ...
Multiboard - Set the text for VoteBoard item in column 2, row 1 to |cffffcc000|r
Multiboard - Set the text for VoteBoard item in column 1, row 2 to |cffFF2222No Trader...
Multiboard - Set the text for VoteBoard item in column 2, row 2 to |cffffcc000|r
Multiboard - Set the text for VoteBoard item in column 1, row 3 to |cffFF3333Only Trad...
Multiboard - Set the text for VoteBoard item in column 2, row 3 to |cffffcc000|r
Multiboard - Set the text for VoteBoard item in column 1, row 4 to |cffFF4444Only Sail...
Multiboard - Set the text for VoteBoard item in column 2, row 4 to |cffffcc000|r
Multiboard - Set the text for VoteBoard item in column 1, row 5 to |cffFFFF55No Pearl ...
Multiboard - Set the text for VoteBoard item in column 2, row 5 to |cffffcc000|r
Multiboard - Set the text for VoteBoard item in column 1, row 6 to |cff66FF66Normal Pl...
Multiboard - Set the text for VoteBoard item in column 2, row 6 to |cffffcc000|r
Multiboard - Set the text for VoteBoard item in column 1, row 7 to <Empty String>
Multiboard - Set the text for VoteBoard item in column 2, row 7 to <Empty String>
Multiboard - Set the display style for VoteBoard item in column 1, row 8 to Show text and Show icons
Multiboard - Set the icon for VoteBoard item in column 1, row 8 to ReplaceableTextures\PassiveButtons\PASBTNStatUp.blp
Multiboard - Set the text for VoteBoard item in column 1, row 8 to |cffFFFFFFPlayers:|...
Multiboard - Set the text for VoteBoard item in column 2, row 8 to (|cffffcc00 + ((String(VotingPlayersTotal)) + |r))
Multiboard - Set the display style for VoteBoard item in column 1, row 9 to Show text and Show icons
Multiboard - Set the icon for VoteBoard item in column 1, row 9 to ReplaceableTextures\PassiveButtons\PASBTNStatUp.blp
Multiboard - Set the text for VoteBoard item in column 1, row 9 to |cffFFFFFFVotes:|r
Multiboard - Set the text for VoteBoard item in column 2, row 9 to |cffffcc000|r
Multiboard - Set the text for VoteBoard item in column 1, row 10 to <Empty String>
Multiboard - Set the text for VoteBoard item in column 2, row 10 to <Empty String>
Multiboard - Show VoteBoard
Dialog - Change the title of KickDialogHelp to |cffFF6666You are k...
Dialog - Create a dialog button for KickDialogHelp labelled Ok
-------- Vote --------
Dialog - Change the title of VoteDialog to Vote Menu
Dialog - Create a dialog button for VoteDialog labelled |cff66FF66Normal Pl...
Set VoteNormalPlay = (Last created dialog Button)
Dialog - Create a dialog button for VoteDialog labelled |cffFFFF55No Pearl ...
Set VoteNoPearlAndNoTraders = (Last created dialog Button)
Dialog - Create a dialog button for VoteDialog labelled |cffFF1111No Black ...
Set VoteNoBlackPearl = (Last created dialog Button)
Dialog - Create a dialog button for VoteDialog labelled |cffFF2222No Trader...
Set VoteNoTraders = (Last created dialog Button)
Dialog - Create a dialog button for VoteDialog labelled |cffFF3333Only Trad...
Set VoteOnlyTraders = (Last created dialog Button)
Dialog - Create a dialog button for VoteDialog labelled |cffFF4444Only Sail...
Set VoteOnlySailors = (Last created dialog Button)
Player Group - Pick every player in (All players) and do (Actions)
Loop - Actions
Dialog - Show VoteDialog for (Picked player)
Wait 1.50 seconds
Set VoteTimer = 15
Multiboard - Change the number of rows for VoteBoard to 11
Multiboard - Set the display style for VoteBoard item in column 1, row 11 to Show text and Hide icons
Multiboard - Set the display style for VoteBoard item in column 2, row 11 to Show text and Hide icons
Multiboard - Set the width for VoteBoard item in column 1, row 11 to 14.00% of the total screen width
Multiboard - Set the width for VoteBoard item in column 2, row 11 to 4.50% of the total screen width
Multiboard - Set the text for VoteBoard item in column 1, row 11 to |cff33BBBBVote-Time...
Multiboard - Set the text for VoteBoard item in column 2, row 11 to (String(VoteTimer))
For each (Integer A) from 1 to 15, do (Actions)
Loop - Actions
Wait 0.90 seconds
Set VoteTimer = (VoteTimer - 1)
Multiboard - Set the text for VoteBoard item in column 2, row 11 to (String(VoteTimer))
Wait 1.00 seconds
Multiboard - Change the number of rows for VoteBoard to 10
Set VoteDoneBool = True
Trigger - Run Mode Vote Done Check <gen> (checking conditions)
Wait 10.00 seconds
Set KickOn = True
[ 本帖最后由 greedwind 于 2006-4-2 07:27 编辑 ] |