发表于 2009-2-27 23:49:58
[jass]function CustomVictoryDialogBJ takes player whichPlayer returns nothing
// local trigger t = CreateTrigger()
local dialog d = DialogCreate()
call DialogSetMessage( d, GetLocalizedString( "GAMEOVER_VICTORY_MSG" ) )//创建胜利对话框
call DialogAddButton( d, GetLocalizedString( "GAMEOVER_CONTINUE" ), GetLocalizedHotkey("GAMEOVER_CONTINUE") )
//set t = CreateTrigger()
//call TriggerRegisterDialogButtonEvent( t, DialogAddButton( d, GetLocalizedString( "GAMEOVER_CONTINUE" ), GetLocalizedHotkey("GAMEOVER_CONTINUE") ) )
//call TriggerAddAction( t, function CustomVictoryOkBJ )
call DialogAddButton( d, GetLocalizedString( "GAMEOVER_QUIT_MISSION" ), GetLocalizedHotkey("GAMEOVER_QUIT_MISSION") )
//set t = CreateTrigger()
//call TriggerRegisterDialogButtonEvent( t, DialogAddButton( d, GetLocalizedString( "GAMEOVER_QUIT_MISSION" ), GetLocalizedHotkey("GAMEOVER_QUIT_MISSION") ) )
//call TriggerAddAction( t, function CustomVictoryQuitBJ )
//if (GetLocalPlayer() == whichPlayer) then
// call EnableUserControl( true )
// if bj_isSinglePlayer then
// call PauseGame( true )
// endif
// call EnableUserUI(false)
// endif
call DialogDisplay( whichPlayer, d, true )
// call VolumeGroupSetVolumeForPlayerBJ( whichPlayer, SOUND_VOLUMEGROUP_UI, 1.0 )
//call StartSoundForPlayerBJ( whichPlayer, bj_victoryDialogSound )
function CustomVictoryBJ takes player whichPlayer, boolean showDialog, boolean showScores returns nothing//设置玩家胜利
if AllowVictoryDefeat( PLAYER_GAME_RESULT_VICTORY ) then//如果是胜利
call RemovePlayer( whichPlayer, PLAYER_GAME_RESULT_VICTORY )//删除玩家-按 玩家结果-胜利
if not bj_isSinglePlayer then//如果不是单人游戏
call DisplayTimedTextFromPlayer(whichPlayer, 0, 0, 60, GetLocalizedString( "PLAYER_VICTORIOUS" ) )//对玩家说胜利
// UI only needs to be displayed to users.
if (GetPlayerController(whichPlayer) == MAP_CONTROL_USER) then//判断是否 用户
set bj_changeLevelShowScores = showScores//判断是否显示记分屏幕
// if showDialog then//是否显示胜利对话框
call CustomVictoryDialogBJ( whichPlayer )
// else
// call CustomVictorySkipBJ( whichPlayer )
// endif
以前翻译了部分bj 结果后来又没动力了`` |