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Event / Condition / Action Explainations

发表于 2008-6-20 15:27:57 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
First of all, the basics to the WC3 Triggers:

What is with this Trigger called Melee Initilization?
If you are a former Starcraft player, you remember the modes of play, such as Use Map Settings, Melee, FFA, Team Melee - Thats all gone now! The trigger they give you for free in a new map is the trigger for a melee map! If you take this out, your map will not do anything like it would in a melee map, like removing the creeps, creating starting units, setting hero limits and stuff like that.

If you noticed by now, on the left there is a bar that has Folders and Triggers. Folders are just there to make organizing your triggers easier. For example, you could make a folder for each wave in a defense map if you wanted.

Triggers are what makes a custom map... Custom. They are made up of Events, Conditions, and Actions. A trigger has to be placed in a folder, and may not contain any symbol in it's name. If you select a trigger, there are two checkboxes: Enabled and Initally on. If a trigger is not Enabled, it will not run at all, and there will be no way to turn it on ingame. If a trigger is Initally OFF, however, it will not work until you run it using another action, or if you use another action to turn it on.

What are they, Starcraft fans? If you remember switches, which could be true or false, then you know what one type of variable is.
Variables can hold info, like what someone said ten minutes ago, or what the strength of a hero is right now. They can even remember the last 20 units you made!

This type of variable remembers a type of ability, like Heal. You could use this if Red chose an ability for all the heroes to learn, and then have a trigger give all the heroes this ability!

These can be set to true or false, like starcraft's "Switches".
For example, if you made a room, and made it so when a hero entered, it would remember he entered the room if he ever entered again.

Camera Object
You will not use this very often, but this is used to remember the new "Cameras" in WC3. I don't have any idea what to use these variables for, except maybe having a different camera for each player.

This will hold a single Destructible, or a Doodad that can be attacked. An often used idea for this kind of variable is to open a specific door when the hero walks up to it.

This will remember a type of destructible, like a Crate. You could use this to create a different kind of doodad in several places quickly, if the type of doodad you wanted to make changed (like random trees, for example).

Defeat Condition
Defeat Conditions are conditions that cause a quest to be marked as failed. If any defeat condition is true, the quest is failed. You can commonly use this for quests requiring something to be alive.

Without this type of variable, you can't make your own neat little boxes that pop, like when you lose or win. A dialog variable is the actual dialog that pops up, is added buttons to, ect. Please note that the game has no way of telling what player clicked the dialog button, so you must have a dialog variable for every player.

Dialog Button
If you want something to happen when somebody clicks a button on your dialog, then you must have one of these. To set this variable after the button is created use Set Variable = Last Created Dialog Button. An example of this is, if you click on what you want to transform into like in the changeling, then your unit will be replaced.

Game Cache
This is handy for organizing different caches, or basically files that can be carried over onto diffent maps. I don't have an example here.

Game Speed
You can change the speed of the game now, unlike in starcraft multiplayer. Use this to remember what the original game speed was.

For those of you who are not computer geeks, this means "any number", which means you can as far down as -2147483648 or as high up as 2147483647. There are unlimited uses for this: Use it to remember how many items a hero has, how many players there were, how many kills a player has, the EXP of a hero, the wave of monsters you are on, like I said, endless! The only bad thing about integers are that they cannont hold decimals. Reals can hold decimals, and Integers can be converted into Reals.

Use this to refer to a specific item. You could use this to automatically drop a flag at a point, or to give that item instantly to another hero, and more.

Use this for changing types of items. If you want to make a different item everytime a hero does something, use this kind of variable.

Use this to refer to one leaderboard. You can use this in maps with more than one type of mode. Like Free For All Kills and Flags captured, and that kind of stuff.

Use it to remember an order given. I know one way you can use this: If you have a hero, and several units not owned by you behind it, lets say you gave the hero an attack order. You can use the order variable to give all the units behind it that same order.

Use player to remember a specific player. Lets say a hero picks up an item. Then, the player that picked it up would get 1 gold every second. Its kinda like a gold producing thingomabob.

Player Color
Use this to remember the color of a player. Sounds useless?
Well, how bout this? If the color of the player changes, and he couldnt remember what color he was, he could do something to get his old color back, since it would be remembed in the variable!

Player Group
Use it to refer to a bunch of players, but not in specific. The common use for this is putting players In a "red team" or "blue team".

Use this to remember an EXACT point on the map. In my map Machine Gun Marines, I used this variable to remember where my unit started out, so if it died, it would respawn there, and I wouldn't need a location.

Use this to refer to a specific quest. Most commonly used to remove them after they've been completed, since after they are made there is no other way to remember them except Last created Quest.

Quest Requirement
This has no actual role in weather a quest is won or lost, it's just there to tell the players whats up and if it's been completed. Use this to remember a specific Quest Requirement. You can use this to mark a specific aspect of the quest (for example, 1: bring the bowl to the house 2: Open the door ) as done.

This remembers the race of a player, or if you have UMSWE, the race of a unit. Lets say you want to make a unit that fits whats brought into a location (like a human footman and a human paladin, or a night elf archer and a night elf Demon Hunter). ou can use this variable to remember what race it was.

These are just like Integers, and can be converted into them. The difference is that the game uses these more often, like when figuring out the stats of units, where integers are used more with triggers. Another difference is the ability to use decimals, to be more specific. Lets say you wanted to increase the HP of a unit by 0.9 every second (11 seconds to get 1 HP lol), well thats something integers have a bit of trouble with!

They renamed Locations to Regions in WC3, and scrapped the High/Medium/Low ground thing. Basically, Region variables arent used that much, since there is a low use for them. You can use the region variables to remember where weather effects are, or where a group of units are located, ect. The correct term for regions is Rects, short for rectangles. An actual region is much different.

Region(Collection of Rects)
This opens up bold possibilities. Remember, the real regions are going to be called regions here, and the normal ones will be called their right name, Rects. A region is a Rect Group, to say the least. You can use the regions in events to detect if a player enters any rect inside of a region. If you don't understand that, think of it this way: If a unit enters any forest, triggers can detect it entered a forest with just one event. This is accomplished by adding the rects over the forest to a region, which means that all of the rects over a forest will now be in the Forests Region. If a unit enters a rect in the forest region, the trigger runs. Cool eh?

The Sound variable is used to refer to a specific sound. Lets say you have ten sounds playing at once, but only want to stop number 7. Use a sound variable to remember it, and then stop it with a trigger.

Event ID
Not really sure what this is for, its a UMSWE add-in that will let you identify events. No example for this.

Special Effect
If you plan to create cool stuff on units or on the map, you will need a way to take them off! Make sure you set it right after it is made, or else you will NEVER be able to remove it, unless it is a special effect that dissapears after a while. I used this in Machine Gun Marines to take the flag being "carried" on the unit off.

This is very useful, it has many different uses that people don't seem to utilize. Strings are simply this: a line of text. Anything that can be typed is a string. You can use this to remember the name of a player's first unit, or to remember the colors for text, the player's name, if you want.

Remembers a type of upgrade. You can use this to automatically max out the type of upgrade being learned.

Without this, you cannot make timers! Like Dialogs, the variable IS the Timer. Timers are not visible until a timer window is made for them. People use these all the time (no pun intended), to show how long it is until the next level, or the end of the game.

Timer Window
Use this to refer to a specific timer window. There can be several timer windows open at once. Lets say we want everyone to see how long it takes a killed player to respawn. When he finally does, it gets rid of the specific timer window.

Use it to refer to a specific trigger. The most common use is to Enable/Disable different triggers like this.

Trigger Condition
I don't know if this is a UMSWE add-in or not, but it supposedly remembers a specific trigger condition.

Trigger Action
I don't know if this is a UMSWE add-in or not, but it supposedly remembers a specific trigger action.

This variable is highly used in RPGs, and in some other games as well. The idea of this is to refer to a specific unit even if it is not on the map to begin with.

Unit Group
Use this to refer to a lot of units, but not in specific. You must use a trigger to add units to a Group variable. An example you say? Hmm... lets say a unit walks into a location. Add it to a unit group variable to make the game remember it's been there.

Use this to remember a specific type of unit. Ever play golems? Lets say somebody chooses a Rock Golem. A trigger is told to make the unit-type variable. The unit-type variable is set to Rock Golems, and of course, rock golems are created. But say you chose mechanical golems, then, the unit-type variable would be set to mechanical golems. Then, the trigger would start making mechanical golems. Understand?

Unit-Targeted Unit Order
Use it to refer to an order issued to a unit by a player that involves another unit. I cant think of a use for this, its another UMSWE add-in.

Ground-Targeted Unit Order
Use it to refer to an order issued to a unit by a player that involves empty terrain. Still, no use for this, UMSWE Add-In.

Destructible-Targeted Unit Order
Use it to refer to an order... God do you ride the short bus to school?... issued to a unit by a player that involves a doodad. Yet again, no known use, UMSWE Add-In.

Untargeted unit order
Use it to refer to a unit that was issued an order with no target (stop, hold position, cancel, ect.)

Unit Order
I dont know what makes this much different from the order variable, its just another UMSWE Add-In.

Visibility Modifier
Use it to refer to some special area that allows you vision or no vision. You can use this variable to turn the effect on / off, like in MRP1-91P.

Weather Effect
The final variable, use the weather effect to refer to a special weather effect being applied somewhere. Use it to make it look like rain or snow while time passes.

Notes about arrays
Arrays are very cool, they allow you to have more than one variable in one variable. For example, a unit array will let you list as many units as you want in a single variable. The catch? you must give it a number. Like player 1's unit would be Units[1] and player 2's unit would be Units[2] and so on.
 楼主| 发表于 2008-6-20 15:28:15 | 显示全部楼层
What are these "events"? They are a new thing that Blizzard has made for us. Instead of running a trigger every few milliseconds to check if something is happening in like in starcraft, Events will make the trigger run when it happens.

This is important! You remember "Current Player" from starcraft? There IS a way to make this work in WC3! I learned that ANY of the events you list in a trigger will make it run, no matter if the other events are happening! Lets say, for example, your events look like this:

Player 1 Finishes training a unit.
Player 2 Finishes training a unit.
Player 3 Finishes training a unit.
Player 4 Finishes training a unit.
Player 5 Finishes training a unit.
Player 6 Finishes training a unit.
Player 7 Finishes training a unit.
Player 8 Finishes training a unit.
Player 9 Finishes training a unit.
Player 10 Finishes training a unit.
Player 11 Finishes training a unit.
Player 12 Finishes training a unit.

Maybe we wanna give 20 gold to whoever just made that unit. To refer to the player we are giving gold to, use Triggering Player in this case. If it involves actions where no players are listed, like "enters a reigon" then you would do owner of triggering unit. You get it?

Well anyway, my explaination of Events below.

Map Initilization
The trigger will run at the exact moment the map loads - that means before you have actually started playing it, which means that creating units or displaying text and whatnot will not work if your trigger runs now.

Destructible Doodad - Destructible Doodad Dies
Runs the trigger whenever a specific destructible doodad that is ALREADY on the map is destroyed, blown up, chopped down, whatever.

Dialog - Dialog Button Click
When a Dialog Button is clicked. You must use variables to refer to a specific dialog button.

Game - Time of Day
This will happen at the moment when the time is greater/less/not equal to/equal to whatever is time is used. The time is in real. 12 is noon, 24 is midnight. Remember this easy thing, if you are dealing with PM, add twelve.

Game - Value of Real Variable
Will happen at the moment the real variable is greater/less/not equal to/equal to whatever you have put down.

Game - Hero Abilities Button is Clicked
Will make the trigger run when any hero button is clicked on any unit no matter what player.

Game - Build Structure Button Clicked
Will make the trigger run when any build button is clicked on any
unit no matter what player.

Player - Chat Message
This is one of the coolest things of WC3 - Chat commands! This will run when the player types whatever you have in the text space. If you select (as an exact match) its means that it will make sure that what he/she typed is exactly it, caps and all, and nothing else. If you choose (as a substring) then it will check to see if the the exact text is in what he/she typed.

Player - Cinematic Skipped (or ESC pressed)
This event will run when ESC is pressed. (the default key for skipping movies btw) This can even be run when the player has no imput.

Player - Selection Event
This will happen when a player selects a unit. Note that it doesn't matter if that player owns that unit. You can use this in an Roleplay Map to make spawning on click possible. It can also do when a player deselects any unit as well.

Player - Properties
This will make the trigger run if a player's gold or lumber (there are more i just dont feel like putting them up) becomes greater/less/not equal to/equal to whatever you have down.

Player - Alliance Change
The trigger with this event will run when the player given changes anything in the "Allies" screen. This will run if a trigger changes the alliance settings as well.

Player - Alliance Change (specific)
Will happen when a specific kind of alliance change happens. (shared vision, Non-Agression Allience, ect.) Will also run if triggers change it.

Player - Victory
Runs when the player leaves with a victory. Note that in WC3 getting a victory will not make the other players lose so there is a use for this trigger.

Player - Defeat
Runs when the player leaves, is defeated, or is disconnected.

Player - Advanced Events
This is a UMSWE add-in. It does almost everything the player events above do.

Time - Time Elapsed
This will run the trigger after the game has been started for so long.

Time - Periodic Event
This was the event of all Starcraft Triggers, Believe it or not! It checked to see if the events you had in them were true every 0.001 seconds if it was a repeating trigger. Well anyway, this trigger keeps running itself every (how many seconds you put in). To stop it, turn the trigger off with an action.

Time - Timer Expires
Will run the trig when a timer variable reaches 0.

Unit - Specific Unit Event
Will happen whenever a specific unit already on the map does a specific event (die, train, decay, ect.). I will post a list of them later.

Unit - Player Owned Unit Event
Same as above, with the exception of being a unit owned by the player instead of a specific unit

Unit - Unit Enters Reigon
Will run at the exact moment the center of the unit enters the location specified. It runs no matter what unit enters, even if it is created or teleported, or is a flying unit or whatever.

Unit - Unit Leaves Reigon
Runs the trigger when any unit leaves the location, im not sure if it applies to teleporting units or not.

Unit - Unit Within Range
This is something fairly easy to remember - 100 units is about the length / width of a peasant. So lets say you drew a circle with a width and height of 500 around a unit. If that circle passes onto a unit that is already on the map, your trigger will run.

Unit - Life
Will run at the moment when the preplaced unit's life becomes equal to/not equal to/greater than/less than what you have in the event.

Unit - Mana
Will run at the moment when the preplaced unit's mana becomes equal to/not equal to/greater than/less than what you have in the event.

使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2008-6-20 15:28:50 | 显示全部楼层
If you have starcraft, remember the old events system they had? Every event had to be in action for it to work, right? Well, WC3's Conditons are the same thing as Starcraft's Events - They must all be in action (or true) to let the trigger run.

Just some quick info, most people refer to Doodads that can die as destructibles.

Equal means "Same" and not equal means "not the same". I'm not treating you like a moron its just easier to remember that.

Boolean Comparison
Boolean Comparisan basically deals with things that do not involve numbers, text, units, or stuff like that. It deals with true/false stuff, like, "Is this unit in this Group?" or "does this location have this point inside of it?". The one I use the most is Unit is In Reigon, because in order for certain things to happen (ex click a unit and it will spawn it) I don't want other things to happen (ex click on ANY unit and spawn it)

Destructible Comparison
Compares two Destructibles, and is true if they match (or if you chose not equal, don't match). Lets say a destructible dies. Events can't figure out if the destructible doodad is a specific one by themselves, so instead the game makes its own variables to remember the dying doodad, like "Event Response - Dying Doodad" to refer to the doodad that is dying. The way I used this was to create units after a destructible died at specific spots (like a red spider at one spot, a black one at another, ect).

Destructible-Type Comparison
This will see if one type of destructible is same / not the same to another. Lets say that a destructible dies. If the dead destructible would be equal to a tree, then the destructible would be regrown.

Dialog Button Comparison
Use this conditon so your triggers can tell the difference between Dialog Buttons! You MUST use variables for this condition. The idea of using this condition is fairly simple. Make a trigger with an "A dialog button is clicked for dialog" event. Now, for the condition use Dialog Button Comparison, with "Event Response-Clicked Dialog Button" first, and the Dialog Button variable second. I think i confused myself :\\
It should Look like this: Clicked Dialog Button Equal To Variable

Game Difficulty Comparison
Has no real use in Multi-player maps. In single player campaigns, however, this is used to do different triggers for different difficulties. For example: (Difficulty Level) Equal to Hard. Remember, this has nothing to do with Multiplayer, it refers to the game difficulty under "Options".

Game Speed Comparison
This can be used in multi-player I suppose, I have no idea how. It just checks the speed of the game, and if it is what you have down, then the trigger can run.

Hero Skill Comparison
This is used to check the type of skill that was learned. Note that is HAS to be a hero skill, or else you will have to convert the trigger to custom text to edit the conditon. I know one way you could use this. Lets say you have a hero villager (sounds stupid but wth) and he has two skills: Firebolt and Blizzard. If he chooses Firebolt, his hero will be a flame-based hero. If he chooses Blizzard, his hero will be an ice-based hero.

Integer Comparison
Half of the conditions I have used deal with integer comparisons. You use this to compare an Integer Variable with a number. For example: KillNum Equal to 5

Item Comparison
Use it to compare specific items. You can use this is multi-player, if you wish. What if you had an item in an RPG that was sooo important, that whoever picked it up won? Well, lets use "a unit aquires an item" for an event, and (Item Being Manipulated) Equal to "Whatever 1234" for a condition. That just means, When a hero picks up an item, check to see if the item he's messing around with is the same item that im talking about.

Item Type Comparison
Use it to refer to a type of item, but not in specific. You can use it to find out if an item the hero just bought is a special kind of item. Well, what if, in an RP, toming was banned from the map, but someone had a tome seller. If a hero was caught buying those kind of tomes... Well you get it.

Order Comparison
Use it to figure out what kind of orders were issued.( I use another RP example here :) If you have ever played Kooler's Revenge, remember that when you did attack the spawner teleported? This is how you can use it! If the issued order is the same as attack, then it will let the trigger run. Something frustraiting is that you have to use the Convert String to Order function in the normal World Edit. Get UMSWE, they already have a list of orders built into the editor.

Player Comparison
Checks to see if players are the same (Like the killer of a unit IS red). You use this for what? Well, what if player one could only step on a certain Circle of Power? Then you would use this: Owner of Triggering Unit Equal to Player 1 (Red)
to let the trigger run.

Player Color Comparison
Seems useless? You can use this to See if two player colors are the same. (is Player 1's color still red?) This has to be here since player's colors can now change.

Player Controller Comparison
Use this to figure out who or what is controlling a player. For example, is a User controlling a Player, or is a Computer? You can use this to enable computer players - err lets say that Team Red is missing a player. Use this conditon to make the missing player do stuff by him - errr ITS self.

Player Slot Status Comparison
The most used condition, I believe, is this one. You can use it to figure out if a player is Playing, unused (or in otherwords Open), or if the player has left. The most common use for this is to remove an entire player's unused units like in Starcraft.

Race Comparison
Use it to see if the race of a player or unit is equal to Human, Night Elf, Orc, or Undead. The most likely use for this is to create units based on race.

Real Comparison
Basically the same as Interger comparison, except less used. Use it to check the HP/MP of units.

Trigger Event ID Comparison
This is a BlacKDicK (btw nice name) add-in, it's used to compare the last event that caused a trigger to run that is related to Unit, Player, and Player Owned Unit events, and sees what type of event it was. What if you have more than one event for your trigger? Like, a unit dies and a unit gains a level? The conditon here will be able to tell the difference.

Trigger Action Comparison
I really have no idea what this is for. Its another BlacKDicK add-in.

Reigon Comparison
Supposedly sees if two reigons are the same/not the same. When I tried it, I got some compile error and I had to remove the conditon. UMSWE Add-in.

String Comparison
Compares two Strings, and if they are the same (Case Sensitive) then the trig will run. I used this in an RP I'm making. To save space, instead of making a trigger for each color, I made one trigger that ran if you said ban, but then checked to see the EXACT thing you typed by using this condition.

Tech-Type Comparison
Use it to check if two types of upgrades are the same (Learned Upgrade is the same as Moon Armor). The use for this is to do something when you learn a specific upgrade, like change tower builders. For example, if you upgrade to level two strength of the moon, then you get a level two tower builder. Simple.

Trigger Comparison
Compares two triggers to see if they are one in the same. Can't think of much of a real use for this.

Unit Comparison
This will check to see if two units are the exact same (triggering unit equal to Dragon 1234). The most popular Unit comparison is when a unit steps on a circle of power, check to see if it is the right one.

Unit-Type Comparison
Will see if two types of units are the same. For example, a unit enters a location. If (Unit type of Triggering Unit) is a Hippogrith, then let the trigger run.

Will let you use two conditions, and will be true if both of them are true. Use this in the IF action, there is no real need to do it in with the trigger's conditions.

Will let you use two conditions, and will be true if either of them are true. Use this in both IF actions and trigger conditions, the Or condtion can both prove to be very useful.

使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2008-6-20 15:29:23 | 显示全部楼层
This is probably what everyone is after, so I'll cut to the chase. Actions are what HAVENT happened, and what WILL happen once you've gone through events and conditions. I will not include any examples since there are so many actions.

Need help with that "Red, Green, Blue" stuff? Here is what you should do: Open paint. Double click on a color. This will bring up the color list. Click on "Define Custom Colors". Choose the color you are looking for. There are three boxes labeled Red, Green, and Blue. Copy those numbers into the matching slot.

Do Nothing
Does nothing.

The comment is just a little text in the trigger you use to divide actions.

Does nothing for however long you specify, then moves on to the next action.

Wait for Sound
Will stop the trigger until a sound that is already playing is however many seconds away from stopping.

Set Variable
Will put whatever you want into a variable. This is the most important action in WC3!

Skip Remaining Actions
Stops the trigger without doing any more actions.

Use this to make a kind of "mini-trig". If the condition is True, then it will do the "Then" action. If it is False, it will do the "Else" action.

For Each Integer A, Do Action
Well, this is hard to explain. It will repeat an action, from (starting number) to (ending number). The idea of this is if you have a trigger that deals with numbers, "Integer A" will be that number, depending on which repeat you're on. The first repeat would be 1, if you are starting with 1, and the last one would be 10, if you are ending with 10.

For Each Integer B, Do Action
This is the same as above, except you are supposed to use it in the one above, if you have some kind of thing you need to do a lot.

I am skipping AI, I cant give you an accurate description.

Animation - Play Unit Animation
Plays the animation you specify for a certain unit. To see what kind of animations a unit can do, go to World Edit, open up the Unit layer, and click on one you want. Right above the place where you see what the unit looks like there are buttons, and text that says "Stand". Click the buttons to browse through what kind of animations the unit has, and look at them inside World Edit!

Animation - Play Unit Animation (specify rarity)
The same as above, with the exception of being able to play common types of animation (such as stand 1 or stand 2) or rare animations (like stand 4 or stand 5)

Animation - Queue Unit Animation
Same as Animation - Play Unit Animation, but with a twist! It will do one animation after another this way!

Animation - Reset Unit Animation
Resets the units animation to the normal "stand" animation.

Animation - Add/Remove Unit Animation Tag
This will let you "transform" units into something else. You can turn a peasant into a gold carrying peasant by adding the "gold" animation tag to him, or a Demon Hunter into a Demon by adding the "alternate" animation tag to him.

Animation - Lock Body Part Facing
Use this to make a specific part of a unit (the head or the body) face another unit. Offset is How far right, How Far Down, and How High from the unit to look.

Animation - Reset Body-Part Facing
Will Undo the action above.

Animation - Change Unit Size
Change the size of a unit to ?% of its length, ?% of its width, and ?% of its Height. If all three numbers are the same, it will be the same shape as it normally is, except bigger or smaller. The % CAN go over 100.

Animation - Change Unit Vertex Coloring
Changes the tinting of the unit to % Red, % Green, and % Blue. The % Can not go over 100.

Animation - Change Unit Animation Speed
This will change how fast a unit does its animations, not how fast it moves or attacks.

Animation - Change Unit Turn Speed
This will change the time it takes for a unit to turn.

Animation - Change Unit Blend Time
This changes how fast a unit turns to face something.

Animation - Change Unit Flying Height
You can change how high Hovering Units or Flying Units Fly. Rate is the number of seconds it should take to do this - 0 is instant.

Animation - Change Unit Prop Window Angle
I have no idea what this does, I thought it was referring to the angle of the unit's portrait, but apperantly not.

Animation - Play Destructible Doodad Animation
Same as Animation - Play Unit Animation with the exception of being for doodads. Note that even some NON destructible doodads can play their animations.

Animation - Quere Destructible Doodad Animation
Same as Animation - Quere Unit Animation with the exception of being for doodads.

Animation - Play Animation for Doodads in Reigon
Will play the specified animation for all the doodads in a reigon, no matter what the type.

Animation - Play Animation for Doodads in Circle
Plays the animation for doodads in a circle with a radius of (whatever you specify, remember 100 is about the size of a peasant). The circle is centered at a point that you must give.

Camera - Apply Camera Object (Timed)
If you have camera objects on your map, this action changes the camera you are looking into now into that camera object over how ever many seconds you want. Remember, 0 is instant.

Camera - Pan Camera (Timed)
This is the WC3 equal to Starcraft's "Center Screen". It will change only the position of the camera, nothing else, over how many seconds.

Camera - Pan Camera With Interpolated Height (timed)
The same thing as above, except this can also move the camera upwards/downwards.

Camera - Pan Camera as Necessary (Timed)
The same as Camera - Pan Camera, but this will decide weather to go there instantly if the camera is too far away, or pan there if it is not. If the camera is already close enough, nothing will happen.

Camera - Set Camerea Field (Timed)
This action will let you set a specific aspect of your camera over how many seconds you wish.

Camera - Lock Camera Target to Unit
This action locks the position of the camera onto the unit, so whenever it moves, the camera moves. It will snap to the unit if the camera is anywhere else.

Camera - Lock Camera Orientation to Unit
This action will make the camera focus on the unit, but it will not move the camera itself. Will snap if the camera is aimed anywhere else.

Camera - Play cinematic camera
Loads a camera from the WC3 files, and will make your camera go through it.

Camera - Stop Camera
If the camera is doing anything other than nothing, it will stop it dead in its tracks. This will not freeze the camera, just stop it.

Camera - Reset Game Camera
This action will reset the camera back to what it usually is over how many seconds.

Camera - Change Camera Smoothing Factor
This will sometimes help if your camera is a little jerky while it is moving around.

Camera - Reset Camera Smoothing Factor
Resets Camera Smoothing Factor.

Camera - Sway Camera Source
Will make it look like the camera is swaying back and forth, like in an earthquake. Take a guess on magnitude and velocity.

Camera - Sway Camera Target
Same as above, but in stead of swaying the camera, it will sway it's target instead.

Camera - Stop Swaying Camera
Will stop any swaying that is going on.

Camera - Extend / Shrink Camera Bounds
Will Extend / Shrink the distance the camera can go.

Camera - Set Camera Bounds
Sets the area the camera can go to a reigon.

Camera - Set Spacebar-Point
Sets a spot that the camera will snap to when the specified player presses space.

Cinematic - Transmission From Unit
Sends a transmission ( a special kind of messaging system used in cinematics when letterbox mode is on ) to A group of players from a specific unit. You can make a custom name for the unit that is transmitting, along with playing a sound and of course showing the message it is typing. If you add seconds, it will make your transmission longer, or set how long it is lasting if this is the only one playing. If you subtract them, it will reduce how long the transmission will last. Setting the time can sometimes undesired effects, I recommend against it. If you choose to wait, it will be the same thing as doing a Wait command. It will last the transmission length.

Cinematic - Transmission From Unit-Type
Same as above, with the added feature of the unit not having to be on the map. This will not add any units to the map. You must set what color the unit is by it's player. Also, make sure to set the area the unit would be if it were there, that is where the ping will be.

Cinematic - Cinematic Mode
As far as I can see, this turns letterbox mode, disables occlusion, boundry tinting, and player control on or off for the players given.

Cinematic - Fade Filter
A very useful effect. It will let you have your own fade in / out effect like in the movies. If fade out and back in is chosen, it will not let you choose how long your filter lasts, it will just undo it when in is finished. Use the action first with fade out, and the next fade filter with fade in. The first number determines how long it will take to fade in or out. The "texture" is what will be covering the screen. Color determines the tinting of the filter. Its in Red, Green, Blue format. 255 is as high as you can go with a color. Finally, Transparency helps too, it will let you determine how see-thru the filter is, with 100% being invisible. If I recall, there may only be one filter on at a time.

Cinematic - Fade Filter(advanced)
This can do the same thing as above, but is a little more complicated. I have yet to use this in a trigger, so I cannot give you an accurate description.

Cinematic - Show/Hide Filter
Will instantly show or hide the filter being used. Only one filter at a time can be used.

Cinematic - Ping Minimap
Does one of those green circular pings on the minimap where a point would be.

Cinematic - Flash Speech Indicator for Unit
Displays a circle (like the selection circles) under a unit for about 1 second. You can choose the color of it (Red, Green, Blue. 255 is the max for each color) and the transparency, with 100% being invisible. If the tinting of the unit changes, so does the indicator.

Cinematic - Flash Speech Indicator for Destructible
Same as above, but can be applied to destructibles only.

Cinematic - Flash Speech Indicator for Item
Same as above, but can be applied to items only.

Cinematic - Clear Text Messages
Removes all text messages, even chat, for the specified players.

Cinematic - Letterbox Mode On
Covers the bar at the top of the screen with a bar, and covers the main bar at the bottom with a space for transmissions and turns the minimap into a portrait box for transmissions. Will fade the bars out over the number of seconds you specify. Is applied to the players you choose.

Cinematic - Letterbox Mode Off
Undoes the action above.

Cinematic - Disable User Control
Disables the mouse and all keys on the keyboard except for the CTRL+ALT+DEL, ALT+F4, ALT+TAB, and ESC keys for the players you give.

Cinematic - Enable User Control
Undoes the action above.

Cinematic - Enable/Disable Occlusion
This will stop or let the trees from automatically cloaking when your camera is focused on them for a group of players.

Cinematic - Enable/Disable Boundry Tinting
This will make that wierd black stuff surrounding your map disappear or appear for the players you choose. Note that your units cannot walk where the boundry is, though.

Countdown Timer - Start Timer
This will begin counting down from however many seconds you specify for whatever timer variable you use. If it is a One-Shot timer, it will only run once, and then stop at 0:00:00. A repeating timer, however, will keep counting down from where it started from once it reaches 0:00:00, and will keep doing that over and over again. Your timer will not appear in the game unless you make a window for it.

Countdown Timer - Pause Timer
This will stop the timer dead in it's tracks - or resume it from where it ended.

Countdown Timer - Create Timer Window
Makes a Window for a Timer Variable - From here you may pick a title for it.

Countdown Timer - Destroy Timer Window
Removes a Timer Window from the game. After this is done, a new one must be created if you wish to display that timer again.

Countdown Timer - Show/Hide Timer Window
This will either hide a timer window or show it. Use the action above this action to be rid of it permanently.

Countdown Timer - Change Timer Window Title
Change the title of a specific Timer Window.

Countdown Timer - Change Timer Window Title Color
You can change the color and transparency of the Title Window's Title this way. Colors are in Red, Green, Blue. The max is 255 for a single color. 100% transparent is invisible.

Countdown Timer - Change Timer Window Time Color
Change the color and transparency of the time part of the window. The colors are in Red, Green, Blue. The max for one color is 255. 100% transparency is invisible.

使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2008-6-20 15:30:25 | 显示全部楼层
Destructible Doodad - Create
Makes a Destructible Doodad at a point on the map that can be facing any angle you specify, and may be scaled, with 2.0 double the normal size, and 0.50 being half the normal size. 1.0 is the Normal size. The variation determines the look of the destructible you are placing. Use Last Created Destructible to refer to it.

Destructible Doodad - Create (Dead)
Same as above, but creates it destroyed. Use Last Created Destructible to refer to it.

Destructible Doodad - Kill
Destroys a destructible instantly.

Destructible Doodad - Remove
Removes a destructible from the game. Its gone, vanished, can't be revived. Can be used on any destructible, dead or alive.

Destructible Doodad - Resurrect
Revives a dead destructible with however much life is needed. (MUST BE LESs THAN MAX HP).

Destructible Doodad - Set Life (To Percentage)
Sets the life of a destructible to whatever percent you specify.

Destructible Doodad - Set Life (To Value)
Sets the life of a destructible to whatever number you specify.

Destructible Doodad - Set Max Life
Sets the maximum life to whatever you want.

Destructible Doodad - Open/Close/Destroy Gate
Instantly opens, closes, or destroys a specific gate, depending on which option you choose.

Destructible Doodad - Make Invulnerable/Vulnerable
Will make a destructible doodad unharmable (invulnerable) or back to harmable (vulnerable)

Destructible Doodad - Pick Every Destructible Doodad in Reigon and Do Action
Does the same action for every destructible in a reigon. Use Picked Destructible to refer to all of those destructibles.

Destructible Doodad - Pick Every Destructible in Circle and Do action
Does the same action for every destructible in a circle (Remember, 300 is about the size of three peasants back to back). Use picked Destructible to refer to all of those destructibles.

Dialogs: I am providing some extra info on dialogs to help you create your own.
Dialogs are variables. You will need a dialog variable to create a dialog. Also, keep in mind the game has no way of knowing who clicks a dialog button, so you will need to create a dialog variable for each player, and a dialog button variable for each button on each dialog. The easiest thing to do is to create a Dialog Array variable, and then make a Dialog Button Array for each button. (The numbers would be the Players' Numbers.)

Dialog - Show/Hide
This will make a window for the dialog variable (Show) or close it (Hide). You do not need to hide a dialog once a button has been clicked on it, this is automatic. Displays to a specific player. Do this action LAST.

Dialog - Change Title
You must do this to set the text that appears when your dialog is shown. For example, "Choose a Unit:" would appear at the top of the dialog if you changed the title to "Choose a Unit:". Do this SECOND.

Dialog - Create Dialog Button
This will actually make the buttons that users will click on. Keep in mind that you will need to assign variables to these or else the game will not be able to see if the one you clicked on is really the one that does a trigger. For example, (Clicked Dialog Button) equal to DialogButton_1.

Dialog - Create Dialog Button With Hotkey
Same thing as Dialog - Create Dialog Button, with the ADDED feature of being able to set a hotkey! UMSWE Add-In.

Dialog - Create Dialog Button With Hotkey (GoldenUrg Version)
Same thing as Dialog - Create Dialog Button, with the added feature of being able to set a hotkey with any key on the keyboard (such as PrintScreen or F1). UMSWE Add-In.

Dialog - Clear
The most important action of dialogs: You MUST do this for dialogs that appear more than once. It removes all the buttons and I believe the title of the dialog. Do this FIRST, or else buttons will keep being added to your dialog.

Environment - Create Weather Effect
Makes a weather effect across a reigon. You need to use variables to remember these effects if you have more than one.

Environment - Enable/Disable Weather Effect
Turns a weather effect on or off.

Environment - Remove Weather Effect
Removes a weather effect from the map and from variables.

Environment - Set Sky
Changes the picture you see beyond the edges of the map. There is no sky in use when the map first starts out.

Environment - Set Fog
This will allow you to add a creepy mist to those areas that are in the fog of war or areas that are not discovered. I haven't compared styles of fog yet, so I can't tell you much about them. Z-start is the distance from your camera that the fog starts out in. Z-end is the distance that it ends. Density is the opacity/thickness of the fog, with 100 being completly solid. The Colors are in Red, Blue, Green. 255 is the max for each color.

Environment - Reset Fog
Removes custom fog (not the "weather effect", the environment effect)

Environment - Create/Remove Blight Reigon
Makes a reigon of the map have (or not have) undead blight. The blight will not move if you move the location.

Environment - Create/Remove Blight Circle
Makes the terrain in a circle have (or not have) undead blight. Remember, 300 is about the size of 3 peasants back to back.

Game - Text Message (Auto-Timed)
Displays the text to the players you specify. It estimates how long to show the text.

Game - Text Message (Explicitly Timed)
Displays the text to the players you specify. The text will be displayed for as long (or short) as you want.

Game - Text Message for Single Player (no desync) (Auto-Timed)
Same as Game - Text Message (Auto-Timed) but will display to a single player. I have no idea what the coordinates are for. UMSWE Add-In.

Game - Text Message for Single Player (no desync) (Explictily Timed)
Same as Game - Text Message (Explictly Timed), but will display to a single player. I have no idea what the coordinates are for. UMSWE Add-In.

Game - Pause Game
Stops the game, dead in it's tracks. Few triggers can run under this condition. This trigger HAS NOT been tested in multiplayer, however.

Game - Unpause game
Undoes the Action above.

Game - Set Game Speed
Sets the speed of the game from slowest to fastest.

Game - Lock Game Speed
Will disable changing the speed of the games like in starcraft multiplayer - Not even triggers can modify the speed when it is locked!

Game - Unlock Game Speed
This will undo the above action.

Game - Set Map Flag
Will Edit the "Options" of a game, like the ability to ally through the menu or trade resources to on or off.

Game - Set Time of Day
Will set the game time from 0.00 to 24.00. If you want a PM time, take the pm time you want and add twelve (6 PM is 18 and 6 AM is 6).

Game - Set Time of Day Speed
Sets the speed of time to what you want. This does not effect game speed.

Game - Turn Day/Night Cycle On/Off
You can stop daytime/nighttime this way.

Game - Share Vision and Full Unit Control with Team
This will let allies of a player control and use his base/units like they were his own. This has the same effect as when a person leaves in melee multiplayer.

Game - Give Units to Neutral Victim
Gives all the units for a player to Neutral Victim. Neutral Victim will be attacked by other players but will not fight back. This is what happens at the end of a DotA game.

Game - Set Next Level
This is disabled in multiplayer. The action sets the next map that the game will continue onto after victory is achieved, even if its the same map you are already playing.

Game - Victory
Make a player win and leave with victory. A player that gets victory will not make the other players lose by itself.

Game - Defeat
Make a player lose and leave with Defeat. A player that gets defeat can have a custom lose message when he is leaving.

Game - Set Campaign Screen
Sets the Singleplayer Campaign screen to whatever you need.

Game - Enable/Disable Mission
Enable or Disable a singleplayer campaign mission.

Game - Enable/Disable Campaign
Enable or disable a campaign (Human, Orc, Undead, Night Elf, ect.)

Game - Enable/Disable Cinematic
Enable or disable the short movies that come at the end or start of a campaign.

Game - Force UI Key
The same thing as pressing a key on your keyboard. Does it for whatever player you want. UI=User Interface

Game - UI Cancel
The same thing as pressing the ESC key for whatever player you want. UI=User Interface.

Game - Preload File
Use this at the initilization of your map to preload a file, so that the game does not spend time searching for it.

Game - Begin Preloading
Starts preloading all your files you have set to preload using Game - Preload File, with a wait if you want.

Game - Preload Batch
I have no idea.

Game Cache - Create Game Cache
If the file listed already exists, it will load the game cache instead of creating the file. Game Caches can be used to carry information from one map to another (units too). Single player is saved, but multiplayer caches can only be used in the same game.

Game Cache - Save Game Cache
After you have finished storing information using the Store actions, this will save the game cache so it can be used next time in another map. Disabled in multiplayer :(

Game Cache - Store Unit
Stores a unit in your game cache.

Game Cache - Store Real
Stores a Real variable in your game cache.

Game Cache - Store Integer
Stores an Integer in your game cache.

Game Cache - Store Boolean
Stores a true/false boolean in your game cache.

Game Cache - Restore Unit Facing Angle
Re-creates the unit in the game cache labeled whatever you gave it, under the category you put it in. Re-creates it for a player of your choice, at the location of your choice. Faces the Direction you give it.

Game Cache - Restore Unit Facing Point
Same as above, but instead of facing a specific direction, it will be pointing in the direction of a point.

Hero - Learn Skill
Will make the hero gain the skill, or upgrade it if it is already there. The hero must have a skill point available, and must have the ability in his hero skills as well.

Hero - Set Hero Agility
Sets the agility of the hero to what you need. I don't know what the Permanant/Temporary thing is. I suggest using permanant, thats what has worked for me.

Hero - Set Hero Intelligence
Sets the intelligence of the hero to what you need. I don't know what the Permanant/Temporary thing is. I suggest using permanant, thats what has worked for me.

Hero - Set Hero Strength
Sets the strength of the hero to what you need. I don't know what the Permanant/Temporary thing is. I suggest using permanant, thats what has worked for me.

Hero - Set Level
Set the level of a hero to a number. Skill points are gained automatically. You can choose to show the level up graphics or not.

Hero - Set Experience
Sets the exp of a hero to a number. Won't go over the EXP cap that heros have. Automatically gains skill points if a level up is achieved. If a level is acheived, then you can choose to show the level up graphics or not.

Hero - Add Experience
Adds EXP to the hero. You can choose to show or hide the level up graphics. Skill Points automatically gained in the event of a level up.

Hero - Enable/Disable Experience Gain
Determines weather a specific hero can get EXP from killing other units.

Hero - Set Experience Rate
Modifies how much experience can be gained from a kill for all heroes owned by a player.

Hero - Revive (Instantly)
Revives a hero and moves him to a point on the map. You can choose to show or hide the revive graphics.

Hero - Give Item To Hero
Move an item that already is on the map to a hero's inventory.

Hero - Create Item For Hero
Makes an item in the hero's inventory. If there is no space, it will be created besides him.

Hero - Create Item in Hero Inventory Slot
Makes an item in the hero's inventory in a specific slot. If the slot is unavailable, it will be bumped to another slot, or dropped if there is no space.

Hero - Drop Item For Hero
Drop a specific item (use variables) from a hero's inventory.

Hero - Drop Item For Hero Inventory Slot
Drops the item held in a specific slot of a hero's inventory, if there is an item.

Hero - Use Item on A unit
A special order for heroes only. This will cause the hero to use an item on another unit, if that is possible.

Hero - Use Item on A point
A special order for heroes only. This will cause the hero to use an item on a point on the map, if that is possible.

Hero - Use Item on a Destructible
A special order for heroes only. This will cause the hero to use an item on a destructible, if that is possible.

Hero - Use Item
A special order for heroes only. This makes a hero use an item that requires no targeting such as potions.

Item - Create
Creates an item at the point you specify.

Item - Remove
Gets rid of a specific item.

Item - Move (Instantly)
Moves a specific item to a point on the map instantly.

Item - Set Life
Sets the life of an item to a number.

Item - Make Undroppable
Makes a SPECIFIC item undroppable (or droppable).

Item - Make Item Drop From Heroes Upon Death
Make a SPECIFIC item drop (or not drop) from a hero when the hero dies.

Item - Change Owner
Changes the owner of an item to that player. This really has no other use except to change the colors of flags and such.

Leaderboard - Create
Makes a leaderboard with a title. After it is created, it is showed for the players you create it for.

Leaderboard - Destroy
Remove a leaderboard from the game.

Leaderboard - Sort
Sorts a leaderboard by Player Number, The Numbers on the Side, or by the label of the players. Ascending sorts it from last/lowest/Z to first/highest/A. Descending sorts it from first/highest/A to last/lowest/Z. If there are two that are the same, they will keep getting switched around.

Leaderboard - Show/Hide
Show or Hide a leaderboard.

Leaderboard - Change Title
Changes the title of a Leaderboard.

Leaderboard - Change Label Colors
Changes the color of all the labels (the labels for the players) to a color. Colors are in Red, Green, Blue form. 255 is the max for a color. 100% transparent is invisible.

Leaderboard - Change Value Colors
Same as above except it colors the numbers on the side.

Leaderboard - Change Style
Change aspects of the leaderboard this way. You can show or hide the title, numbers, or labels this way. Icons are not used.

Leaderboard - Add Player
Must do this after you created a leaderboard. This will add the player to the leaderboard, regardless of weather he/she is there or not. You can choose what he will appear as on the leaderboard by setting the label.

Leaderboard - Remove Player
Removes a player from a leaderboard.

Leaderboard - Change Player Label
Changes the text of a player on a leaderboard.

Leaderboard - Change Player Label Color
Changes the color of the text of a player on a leaderboard. Colors are in Red, Green, Blue. 255 is the max for each color. 100% transparent is invisible.

Leaderboard - Change Player Value
This is how to change the numbers on the side of the leaderboard. Just type the number for the player on the leaderboard. If you want a counter, use variables.

Leaderboard - Change Player Value Color
Same as Leaderboard - Change Player Label Color except for numbers.

Leaderboard - Change Player Style
Change the way a player looks in a leaderboard. You can change weather to show or hide his text and number. Icons are unused.

Melee Triggers Start Melee Games, and are pre-entered, so I'll skip this.

Neutral Building - Add Gold to Gold Mine
Adds gold to a building with the gold mine abilities. To subtract, put a little - at the start of the number. (subtract 99: -99)

Neutral Building - Set Resources of Gold Mine
Set the exact gold in a building wit the gold mine abilities.

Neutral Building - Haunt Gold Mine (Instantly)
Replaces a Gold Mine with a Haunted Gold Mine.

Neutral Building - Enable/Disable Waygate
Turn a building with the waygate ability on or off.

Neutral Building - Set Way Gate Destination
Changes where buildings with the waygate ability will teleport you.

Player - Set Property
Set an aspect of a player's stuff (gold, lumber, food max, food CAPacity) to whatever you need.

Player - Add Property
Adds (or type - at the beginning of a number to subtract) "property" to a player's "Property". Property is stuff like Gold, Lumber, Food CAPacity, ect.

Player - Turn Player Flag On/Off
Turns one of three options on or off: Gives bounty, (does it give money for kills? ON at first) Allied Victory, (If an allie of the player wins, and that allie also has Allied Victory turned on, both the allie and the player will win. Depends on map settings weather it is on or off at first.) and Unfollowable. (I presume this means you cannot do a move order on any of the player's units. Initally OFF.)

Player - Set Alliance
Set an exact allience between players, like allied (with no shared vision or unit control) or enemy with shared vision (and nothing else). I don't suggest using this. Use the next action for a Starcraft style ally action.

Player - Set Aspect of Alliance
Set the kind of alliance between two players. Like turn "alliance (non-agression)" or in other words Ally on/off, or like turn shared vision on/off.

Player - Enable/Disable Ability
Prevents the use of an ability for an entire player.

Player - Set Training/Construction Avalibility of Unit
Allows you to stop (or allow) a unit or building from being trained or produced (it greys out the unit's icon) for a single player. This doesn't effect shops.

Player - Set Current Research Level
Set the Upgrade Level of an Upgrade to a number between 1-3 for a player if it is Melee/Armor Upgrades. Once it has been upgraded it cannot (without removing and recreating all the units) be downgraded.

Player - Set Max Research Level
Sets the Max Upgrade Level of an upgrade to A number between 0-3 for a player. 0 Is unresearchable.

Player - Set Max Number of Units by type
Sets the maximum number of units that can be produced before they are greyed out and cannot be trained / constructed. UMSWE Add-In for one player.

Player - Change Color
Change the color of a player to a preset one. To change it to black, use the Color of Player function, and the player as Neutral Hostile.

Player - Set Handicap
Sets the % of max hp all units of a player should have. 100% is normal, 50% is half, 200% is double.

Player - Show/Hide in Score Screen
This trigger will change weather or not a player will show up in the score screen.

Player Group - Pick Every Player in Player Group and do Action
Does the same action for every player you choose. Use Picked Player to refer to the players you chose.

Player Group - Add Player
Adds a player to a Player Group variable.

Player Group - Remove Player
Removes a player from a Player Group variable.

Player Group - Clear
Removes all the players from a Player Group variable.

Quest - Quest Message
Coming Soon!

Quest - Create Quest
Makes a quest in the quest menu. If your quest is required, the quest will go on the left of the quest window. If it is optional, the quest will go on the right of the quest window. The title is the text that will be on the quest's button. The description is the text that will actually be in the box at the bottom when you click on it.

Quest - Destroy Quest
Gets rid of a quest and it's button.

Quest - Enable/Disable Quest
If a quest is disabled, it will not appear in the quest log. But it can be enabled (shown) or disabled (hidden) as many times as you want this way.

Quest - Mark Quest as Completed
Doesn't Do anything visually but can be used by triggers to see if a quest is completed.

Quest - Mark Quest as Failed
Doesn't Do anything visually but can be used by triggers to see if a quest is failed.

Quest - Mark Quest as Discovered
This is the way a quest starts out - Discovered. Its not won, nor is it lost, its just "pending".

Quest - Change Quest Title
Change the title of a specific quest.

Quest - Change Quest Description
Change the description of a specific quest.

Quest - Create Quest Requirement
Adds some text to the bar at the top of the description for a quest.

Quest - Mark Quest Requirement as Completed
Does nothing visually, but can be used to see if a quest requirement has been met.

Quest - Change Quest Requirement Description
Change the text that is displayed at the top of the quest description for that Requirement.

Quest - Create Defeat Condition
Similar to Quest Requirements, and are displayed to the right of requirements.

Quest - Destroy Defeat Condition
Gets rid of a defeat condition, from variables and quests.

Quest - Change Defeat Condition
Change the text for that defeat condition.

Quest - Flash Quest Dialog Button
Makes some stars go around the quests button on the bar at the top.

Reigon - Move
Moves the reigon to a point.

A note about selections: The triggering player will be the one who will be selecting/deselecting units.
Selection - Clear
Deselect everything.

Selection - Select Unit Group
Select an entire group of units (the first 12, anyway) after deselecting everything else.

Selection - Select Unit
Deselects everything, then selects one unit.

Selection - Add Unit
Selects a unit and adds it to the already selected units.

Selection - Remove Unit
Deselects a unit.

Sound - Play Sound
Plays a sound for all players. I don't know any loopholes to play for only one player... sorry :( This will also play a 3-d sound that has been positioned.

Sound - Stop Sound
Stops a sound that is playing.

Sound - Destroy Sound
Gets rid of a sound, removes it from memory, and cannot be used until the map is restarted.

Sound - Set Sound Volume
Set the volume of a sound to %.

Sound - Set Sound Cutoff Distance
This controls how far (in units) The camera must go before the player can no longer hear a 3d sound.

Sound - Set Sound Pitch
Sets the pitch (highness/lowness) of a sound to a number.

Sound - Attach 3-D Sound To Unit
Attaches a 3-D sound to a Unit.

Sound - Set 3-D Sound Position
Sets the position a 3-D sound will play. Z offset is Height above the terrain.

Sound - Set 3-D Sound Distances
Set the distances (in units) that you must be to hear a 3-D sound. Minimum distance is how far away from the place where the sound it to hear it, maximum is how far you can go before it starts to fade out and lose volume.

Sound - Add/Remove 3-D Sound Across Reigon
Add or remove the sound from a reigon. Keep in mind that you must do Sound - Play to hear the sound.

Sound - Use Daytime Ambient Theme
For every tileset, it has it's own sounds in the background, ex birds chirping, dogs barking. Use this to set the background sounds used in the daytime.

Sound - Use Nighttime Ambient Theme
Same as above, except this is what is played at night.

Sound - Enable/Disable Dawn and Dusk sounds
Turn the rooster and wolf sounds on/off.

Sound - Set Music List (Using A Specific Inital Song)
No idea...

Sound - Set Music List (Using A Random Inital Song)
No idea...

Sound - Clear Music List
Clears the music list. This will stop songs from being played after the current one stops.

Sound - Play Music
Plays any of the sounds imported via Music in the sound editor for all players.

Sound - Play Music Theme
Play a pre-made song blizzard made.

Sound - Stop Music Theme
Stops the premade music playing.

Sound - Stop Music
Stops the currently playing music (not music theme or game music).

Sound - Resume Music
Resume the music that was playing before another music started playing.

Sound - Set Music Volume
Sets the Music Volume FOR THE MAP to % loudness. This does not change the music volume under options, just the music volume for the map.

Sound - Set Volume Channel
Set a channel's (a channel acts as an organizer for sounds) volume level to %.

Sound - Set All Volume Levels For Cinematics
Lowers the sounds so you can hear sound FX better like in cinematics.

Sound - Setup All Volume Channels for Speech
Lowers the sounds so you can hear speech like in cinematics.

Sound - Reset All Volume Channels
Makes all Channels' volume back to 100%.

Special Effects: A special effects browser can be found somewhere on this site and a list of where special effects can be applied on a unit can be found in the UMSWE Folder (Downloadable on this site).

Use the special FX browsers or the All Models file in UMSWE's Folder to find a special effect you like...

Special Effect - Create Special Effect At Point
Places another model (A 3-D Object) at a point on the map.

Special Effect - Create Special Effect On Unit
Places another model on a part of a unit. There is a list of unit "parts" in the UMSWE folder (downloadable from this site). This is one of the coolest aspects of WC3. You can make a villager arm himself with a spear, or spikes or whatever the %&!$.

Special Effect - Create Spell Effect at Location
Creates the casting art or action art of a spell at a point on the map. UMSWE Add-In.

Special Effect - Create Spell Effect on Unit
Creates the casting art or action art of a spell on a body part of a unit. UMSWE Add-In.

Special Effect - Destroy Special/Spell Effect
Removes the special effect or spell art. Must use variables to remove specific ones.

使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2008-6-20 15:30:57 | 显示全部楼层
Trigger - Destroy
Outta the game, outta the memory, basically, kills the trigger. Cannot be used after this.

Trigger - Turn Off
Stops a trigger from running.

Trigger - Turn On
Allows a trigger to run. This doesn't need to be run unless the trigger is off.

Trigger - Run (Checking Conditions)
Run another trigger from a trigger. Will only run it if all conditions are true/ok. Note that stuff that contains "Picked" like picked unit is also useable in the trigger you are running. That also applies to Event Responses in the first trigger, and Integer A and Integer B as well.

Trigger - Run (Ignoring Conditions)
Same as above, except the conditions don't have to be true/ok.

Trigger - Add To Trigger Queue
This will skip events and put it in a list to run the triggers, one after another. You can choose to check conditions or not.

Trigger - Remove From Trigger Queue
This will remove a trigger from the trigger list of triggers to be run.

Trigger - Clear Trigger Queue
Skip all remaining triggers.

Trigger - Clear Trigger Queue of Pending Trigger.
Removes all triggers waiting to be ran except for the trigger this action is in.

Trigger - Remove Condition
Can't figure out how to use this properly. UMSWE Add-In.

Trigger - Clear Conditions
Removes all the conditions from a trigger. UMSWE Add-In.

Trigger - Remove Action
Removes an action from a trigger. Note one in specific, one that is the same as the one that is specified, I take it. UMSWE Add-In.

Trigger - Clear Actions
Removes the actions from a trigger. UMSWE Add-In.

Trigger - Reset Trigger
Sets a modified trigger back to what it was before it was modified. (ingame) UMSWE Add-In.

Unit - Create Units Facing Angle
Makes as many units as you want at a spot on the map for one player at a time, facing whatever direction you need. Use Last Created Unit Group to refer to units that were created this way, or Last Created Unit to refer to a single unit (if there was only one unit created).

Unit - Create Units Facing Point
Same as above, but can face a point on the map instead of an angle.

Unit - Create Corpse
Creates a dead unit at the point on the map. You need to specify an owner, because this is basically a unit, and all units must have owners. Use Last Created Unit to refer to the corpse you create.

Unit - Kill
Instantly kills a specific unit.

Unit - Remove
Removes a unit from the map - If used with heroes, the hero button is removed and the hero can no longer be revived.

Unit - Explode
This will kill a unit using the unit's special death animation, like blood and bones flying up in the air, or a wisp's explosion.

Unit - Replace
Removes a unit, then creates a new unit with the HP/MAX HP of the last unit if you choose. This is the same thing as upgrading a unit/building.

Unit - Hide
Makes a unit totally invisible and unable to participate in some conditions. Good if you want a premade guy to appear out of seemingly nowhere.

Unit - Unhide
Undoes the above action.

Unit - Change Color
Changes the unit's team color, not it's tint.

Unit - Change owner
The relatively same thing as starcraft's give action. Changes the owner of a specific unit to another player.

Unit - Shared Vision
Will allow a player to see what a unit sees, like it was his own.

Unit - Move Unit (Instantly)
Moves/teleports a unit instantly to a point on the map.

Unit - Move Unit and Face Angle(Instantly)
Same as above, except this will let it face a specific angle once it is teleported.

Unit - Move Unit and Face Point (Instantly)
Same as above, except this will make it face a point on the map once it is teleported.

Unit - Set Life (To Percentage)
Sets the life of a unit to 0-100%. 0% kills.

Unit - Set Mana (To Percentage)
Sets the mana of a unit to 0-100%.

Unit - Set Life (To Value)
Sets the life of a unit to a number equal or bigger than 0. If it is over the max HP, it will be set to the max HP. 0 kills the unit.

Unit - Set Mana (To Value)
Sets the Mana of a unit to a number equal or bigger than 0. If it is over the max Mana, it will be set to the max Mana.

Unit - Apply Life Timer
Makes the unit have a bar in its stats that counts down the time until is dies (Like Thrall's Spirit Wolves). Not sure what buff ID is for. UMSWE Add-In.

Unit - Make Invulnerable/Vulnerable
Make a specific unit undamageable/damagable.

Unit - Pause/Unpause
Stops a unit dead in it's tracks, it is kinda like hibernate mode. It remembers it's orders and when it is unpaused it goes back to them.

Unit - Pause/Unpause All Units
Pauses all units on the map or unpauses them all.

Unit - Make Unit Explode on Death
This will do the same thing as the action Unit - Explode when the unit dies. Kinda like reanimated death.

Unit - Suspend Corpse Decay
Stops / Resumes Corpses sinking into the ground.

Unit - Make Unit Sleep
Makes a unit owned by Neutral Passive, Neutral Hostile, or Neutral Victim fall asleep.

Unit - Make Unit Sleep at Night
Makes a unit owned by Neutral Passive, Neutral Hostile, or Neutral Victim fall asleep.

Unit - Wake Up
Wakes a unit that is sleeping. This don't work on units that have had the sleep spell cast on them.

Unit - Rescue Unit
If the unit belongs to a rescuable player, or is rescuable by triggers, the unit will change sides for the player specified.

Unit - Make Rescuable
This will make a unit change sides when a unit comes face close to one of the units owned by the players you choose.

Unit - Set Rescue Range
Sets how far a unit needs to come to another unit to rescue it

Unit - Set Rescue Behavior For Units
Sets weather or not units will change color when they are rescued (by default. This doesn't apply to triggers.

Unit - Set Rescue Behavior For Buildings
Same as above, but for buildings.

Unit - Make Unit Face Unit
Makes a unit face another unit over a time limit. Even if the limit is 0 the turn is not instant.

Unit - Make Unit Face Point
Makes a unit face a point over a time limit. Even if the limit is 0 the turn is not instant.

Unit - Make Unit Face Angle
Makes a unit face an angle over a time limit. Even if the limit is 0 the turn is not instant.

Unit - Set Movement Speed
Sets how fast the unit moves. The numbers are Units Per Second.

Unit - Turn Collision On/Off
This will let the unit walk through anything. The unit will still be an obstacle, though.

Unit - Set Acquisition Range
Sets how far a unit "scans" for a target. When it finds one in range, it will run to attack it.

Unit - Remove Buffs
Removes magical +s or magical -s from a unit.

Unit - Remove Ability
Removes an ability from a specific unit - This is permanant.

Unit - Issue Order Targeting a Unit
This will give an order targeting another unit (attack, follow).

Unit - Issue Order Targeting a Point
This will give an order targeting a point on the map (move to, attack to, patrol).

Unit - Issue Order Targeting a Destructible
Gives an order targeting a destrucible (attack, harvest).

Unit - Issue Order With No Target
Gives an order to a unit to do an action with no targeting (stop, hold position, Guard)

Unit - Issue Train/Upgrade Order
Causes a unit to train units or upgrade itself.

Unit - Research Order
Causes the Unit / Building to research a tech/upgrade.

Unit - Issue Build Order
Makes a Unit start building a building at a point on the map.

Unit Group - Pick Every Unit in Unit Group and Do Action
Does the same action for every unit in a unit group. Use "Picked Unit" to refer to all the units in the unit group.

Unit Group - Add Unit
Adds a unit to a Unit Group variable.

Unit Group - Add Unit Group
Adds all the units of one unit group to a Unit Group variable. Units can be in more than one group at once.

Unit Group - Remove Unit
Takes the unit out of the Unit Group variable.

Unit Group - Remove Unit Group
Takes out an entire group of units from a Unit Group variable.

Unit Group - Clear
Takes out all of the units from a Unit Group variable.

Unit Group - Issue Order Targeting a Unit
Issues an order to an entire group of units targeting a unit (attack, follow, repair).

Unit Group - Issue Order Targeting a Point
Issues an order to an entire group of units targeting a point (move, attack to, patrol).

Unit Group - Issue Order Targeting a Destructible
Issues an order to an entire group of units targeting a destructible (harvest, attack, eat tree).

Unit Group - Issue Order With No Target
Issues an order to an entire group of units with no target (stop, hold position, defend).

Unit Group - Issue Train Order
Issues an order to an entire group of units to train or upgrade themselves into a unit.

Visibility - Enable Fog Of War
Shows that see-through gray stuff that appears after you have explored an area.

Visibility - Disable Fog Of War
Hides that see-through gray stuff that appears after you have explored an area.

Visibility - Enable Black Mask
Shows the thick black stuff (Shroud) that means you haven't explored an area.

Visibility - Disable Black Mask
Hides the thick black stuff (Shroud) that means you haven't explored an area.

Visibility - Create Visibility Modifier Reigon
Will either show, fog, or hide a rectangular area on the map for a player.

Visibility - Create Visibility Modifier Circle
Will either show, fog, or hide a circular area on the map for a player. Remember - 300 is about the size of 3 peasants back to back.

Visibility - Enable Visibility Modifier
Turn on a show/fog/hide area.

Visibility - Disable Visibility Modifier
Turn off a show/fog/hide area.

Visibility - Destroy Visibility Modifier
Gets rid of the show/fog/hide area.

使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2008-6-20 15:31:28 | 显示全部楼层
Functions are one of the things you use when you don't have a value (number/text/unit ect.), a variable, or a preset. Functions are there to figure out things by themselves, like "The Number of Units In A unit Group" or the "Last Created Destructible Doodad".
There are not functions for the following kinds of stuff in wc3:

Unit-Targeted Unit Order (UMSWE Add-In)
Ground-Targeted Unit Order (UMSWE Add-In)
Destructible-Targeted Unit Order (UMSWE Add-In)
Untargeted Unit Order (UMSWE Add-In)

Boolean Functions
The descriptions under these are questions. If the questions are right/ok, then the Boolean will be true. If the questions are wrong/not ok, then the Boolean will be false, like: Is Dragon 0010 dead? No. So the boolean would be false. Get it?

Countdown Timer - Timer Dialog is Displayed
Is this Timer Window open? UMSWE Add-In.

Destructible Doodad - Destructible Doodad is Alive
Is a specific Destructible Doodad Alive?

Destructible Doodad - Destructible Doodad is Dead
Is a specific Destructible Doodad Dead?

Destructible Doodad - Destructible Dooad is Invulnerable
Is a specific Destructible Doodad invulnerable/cannot take damage?

Game - Map Flag Set
Is an option of the map on?

Game Cache - Load Boolean Value
After a game cache has been loaded via Game Cache - Create Game Cache, it will use the boolean in the Game Cache.

Hero - Hero Has Item
Does a specific hero have a specific item?

Hero - Hero Has Item Of Type
Does a specific hero have a type of item?

Hero - Experience Is Disabled For Hero
Does a specific hero not get EXP when he kills units? (All heroes start out gettting EXP for kills, but you can disable this with the Hero - Enable/Disable Experience action.

Item - Item Is Invulnerable
Is a specific item Invulnerable/cannot take damage?

Leaderboard - Leaderboard Contains Player
Does a leaderboard contain a specific player?

Neutral Building - Way Gate Is Enabled
Is a unit with the waygate ability enabled / can it teleport units?

Player - Player Flag Is On
Is a specific option of a player on?

Player - Player Is An Ally Of Player
Is one player allied twoard another player?

Player - Player Is An Enemy Of Player
Is one player unallied twoard another player?

Player - Player Alliance Twoard Player
Is one player giving a kind of allience to another player? (shared vision, unit control)

Player - Player In Player Group
Is a player in a player group?

Quest - Quest Requirement is Completed
Has a requirement been completed / ok'ed by an action?

Quest - Quest Is Enabled
Is the Quest visible in the quests window?

Quest - Quest Is Completed
Was the quest won?

Quest - Quest Is Failed
Was the quest lost?

Quest - Quest Is Discovered
Is the quest neither won or lost?

Quest - Quest Is Required
Is the quest in the left section of the quest window / is it a required quest?

Reigon - Reigon Contains Point
Is a specific point on the map in a location/reigon?

Reigon - Reigon Contains Coordinates
Is a specific point on the map (the two numbers make a point on the map) in a location/reigon? UMSWE Add-In.

Trigger - Trigger Is On
Is a trigger on?

Trigger - Evaluate Trigger Conditions
Are all of another trigger's conditions ok right now? UMSWE Add-In...?

Trigger - Trigger Is Queued
Is a trigger in a list of triggers waiting to be run?

Trigger - Trigger Queue Is Empty
No more triggers waiting to be run?

Unit - Unit Classification Check
Checks to see if a unit can do things (fly, attack ground, is ensnared).

Unit - Unit Race Check
Is a unit this race?

Unit - Unit In Unit Group
Is this unit in this Unit Group?

Unit - Unit In Reigon
Is this unit in this reigon?

Unit - Unit Is Alive
Is this unit alive?

Unit - Unit Is Dead
Is this unit dead?

Unit - Unit Is Paused
Is this unit paused via Unit - Pause/Unpause?

Unit - Unit Is Hidden
Is this unit hidden / not controllable right now?

Unit - Unit Is An Illusion
Is a unit an Illusion (like the Blademaster's Mirror Images)?

Unit - Unit Sleeps
Does a unit sleep at all?

Unit - Unit Sleeps At Night
Does a unit sleep at night?

Unit - Unit Sleeping
Is a unit owned by Neutral Hostile, Neutral Passive, or Neutral Victim sleeping right now?

Unit - Unit Is Being Transported
Is the unit in a transport / anyting that can be loaded/unloaded?

Unit - Unit Is In Transport
Is a specific unit inside another specific unit?

Unit - Unit Is Selected By Player
Is a specific unit selected by a specific player?

Unit - Unit Belongs To An Ally Of Player
Does this unit belong to an ally of this player?

Unit - Unit Belongs To An Enemy Of Player
Does this unit belong to an enemy of this player?

Unit Group - Unit Group Is Empty
Are there no units in this unit group?

Unit Group- Units of Unit Group Are In Reigon
Are all of the units in a Unit Group in a reigon/location?

Unit Group - Units of Unit Group Are Dead
All the units in this unit group are dead?

Visibility - Fog Of War Enabled
Is the Fog of War turned on?

Visibility - Black Mask Enabled
Is the Black Mask (Shroud) on?

Visibility - Unit Is Visible to Player
Can this player see this unit in neither the fog of war nor black mask?

Visibility - Unit Is Invisible to Player
This player can't see this unit in neither the fog of war nor black mask?

Visibility - Unit Fogged To Player
Is the unit in the Fog of War for this player?

Visibility - Unit Is Masked to Player
Is the unit under in the Black Mask (Shroud) for this player?

Visibility - Point Is Visibile To Player
Is a point on the map seen by the player?

Visibility - Point Is Fogged To Player
Is a point on the map fogged over to the player?

Visibility - Point Is Masked To Player
Is a point on the map shrouded over to the player?

Camera Object

Current Camera
The game camera as it is right now.

Destructible Doodad

Last Created Destructible Doodad
The last destructible created dead or alive with an action.

Random Destructible Doodad in Reigon
Picks out a random Destructible in a rectangular area of the map.

Random Destructible Doodad in Reigon Matching Condition
Picks out a random Destructible that meets the condition(s) on a rectangular area on the map. Use Matching Destructible Doodad to refer to the destructibles that are being checked for the condition that reigon.

Picked Destructible Doodad
Use this for actions inside the "Pick Every Destructible Doodad" action. The function is used to refer to all the destructibles that were picked out.

Matching Destructible Doodad
This is for all the fuctions that are "Doodads Matching Condition" functions. Use it to refer to the Destructibles that are being checked for the condition.

Event Response - Dying Destructible Doodad
If your trigger ran because of a destructible that died, use this to refer to the destructible that died.

Event Response - Target Destructible Doodad of Issued Order
If your trigger ran because a unit was issued an order targeting a doodad, use this to refer to the doodad the order was targeting.


Destructible-Type of Destructible
Finds out what type of Destructible a Destructible Doodad is.

Defeat Condition

Last Created Defeat Condition
The last defeat condition created for a quest.


Event Response - Event Response - Clicked Dialog
If a dialog button click made your trigger run, then this will give you the dialog that the clicked dialog button was on.

Dialog Button

Last Created Dialog Button
The dialog button that was created last via an action.

Event Response - Clicked Dialog Button
If a clicked dialog button made your trigger run, then this will give you the dialog button that was clicked.

Game Cache

Last Created Game Cache
The last game cache that was loaded/created.

Game Speed

Current Game Speed
The speed the game is going right now.


Adds, Subtracts, Multiplies, or Divides two numbers. / means divide. To increase a number, do this: A = A+1, where A is the name of your variable.

For Loop Integer A
If you are doing a For Every Integer A action, use this to refer to the repeat you are on. (1st Repeat, 2nd Repeat, 3rd Repeat, ect.)

For Loop Integer B
Same as above except it's for the For Every Integer B action.

Conversion - Convert Real to Integer
Converts Real numbers to Integer numbers. I don't know if it drops or rounds the decimal, if the Real has one.

Conversion - Convert String to Integer
If a string (text) is a number, then you can convert the text into a number, and get your Integer this way. This is part one of how to get numbers out of a text trigger.

Event Response - Learned Skill Level
If a Hero Learns A Spell event ran your trigger, the current level of a heroe's learned skill.

Game - Number of Players
The number of players that have a controller.

Game - Number of Teams
The number of forces.

Game Cache - Load Integer Value
Loads an Integer's number out of a Game Cache that has already been loaded/created with Game Cache - Create Game Cache.

Hero - Hero Level
The level of a hero unit.

Hero - Hero Experience
The EXP of a hero unit.

Leaderboard - Leaderboard Position
How high up a player is in a leaderboard. You could use this to say, "theJ89 was [insert leaderboard position here]st!" or something like that.

Math - Random Number
Just picks a number between whatever 2 numbers you want.

Math - Min
Don't know...

Math - Max
Don't know...

Math - Abs
The Absolute Value of a number. Also known as the "distance from zero".
Basically what this does, is makes sure no matter what number goes in, the number always comes out positive.

Math - Sign
If the number is under zero, you will get -1. If it is 0 or over, you will get 1. Use this to figure out weather a number is negitave or not.

Math - Modulo
Gets the remainder of a division problem. For example, 12 mod 5 = 2, since the remainder is 2.

Neutral Building - Gold Remaining
The amount of gold in a building with the gold mine ability.

Player - Player Property
The amount of "property". Property can be Gold, Lumber, Food CAPicity, Total Gold Gathered, ect.

Player - Player Number
Gives the Number of a player. You can use this with arrays to make your work go faster; for example: Kills[Player Number of Owner of Killing Unit]=Kills[Player Number of Owner of Killing Unit] + 1.

Player - Count Structures
Counts the number of structures. Exclude Imcoplete structures if you don't want them to be counted.

Player - Count Non-Structure Units
Counts the number of units that are not structures. An incomplete unit is one that is being trained.

Player - Current Research Level
The upgrade level of one of a player's techs/upgrades. All start out at 0.

Player - Max Research Level
The maximum upgrade level of one of a player's techs/upgrades.

Player - Player Team
Gives the Force number.

Player - Count Players In Player Group
The number of players in a Player Group.

Unit - Count Units in Unit Group
The number of units in a unit group.

Unit - Supply Used By Unit
The supply (food) used up by a specific unit.

Unit - Supply Provided By Unit
The supply (food) that a unit makes.

Unit - Supply Provided By Unit Type
The supply that a type of unit makes.

Unit - Point Value Of Unit
The number of points a specific unit is worth.

Unit - Point Value Of Unit-Type
The number of points a type of unit is worth.

Trigger - Trigger Evaluation Count
I... don't really know. I'm guessing that this is the number of times a trigger has had it's conditions evaluated.

Trigger - Trigger Execution Count
The number of times a trigger has been run.

Trigger - Count Triggers In Trigger Queqe
The Number of triggers waiting to be run.


Last Created Item
The last item created via the Item - Create action or Hero - Create Item For Hero action.

Last Dropped Item
This does not mean the last item dropped by a player, it means the last item dropped by the Hero - Drop Item action.

Item Carried By Hero
The item carried by this hero in one of his inventory slots.

Item Carried By Hero of Type
The item in this hero. If there is more than one item of this type in his inventory, a random will be chosen.

Event Response - Item Being Manipulated
If a Hero Using, Aquiring (getting), or Losing an item caused your trigger to run, then this refers to the item that was Lost/Aquired/Used.

Event Response - Target Item of Issued Order
If an order issued to target an item was what made your trigger run, then this will tell you the item that is targeted.


Item-Type of Item
The type of a specific item.

Random Item-Type
Chooses a random item (including customs) from all of the level whatever items. The levels of items can be viewed by changing the "Any Level" box under value.

使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2008-6-20 15:31:49 | 显示全部楼层

Last Created Leaderboard
The last leaderboard created by doing the Leaderboard - Create action.

Leaderboard of Player
The leaderboard that is showing for that player.


Picked Player
When you are using the Player Group - Pick Every Player in Player Group and Do Action action, use this to refer to all the players in the player group.

Matching Player
When using the "Players in Player Group Matching Condition" function for Player Group, use this to refer to all the players in the group being checked for the condition.

Owner of Unit
The owner of a unit.

Owner of Item
The owner of an item. I beleive that items start out belonging to Neutral Passive.

Random Player From Player Group
Picks out a random player from a player group.

Conversion - Convert Player Index To Player
Changes a Player Number into a Player. Example: 01 > Player 1 Red.

Event Response - Event Response - Triggering Player
if any events that start with "Player" ran your trigger, use this to refer to the player that it happened to.

Player Color

Color of Player
The color of a specific player. Use this to get the black color from Neutral Passive, Neutral Hostile, and Neutral Victim.

Player Group

All Players
Players 1-12, Neutral Passive, Neutral Hostile, and Neutral Victim. Even unused players will be included.

All Players Of Control
Picks out the players from All Players that are controlled by a specific kind of controller (User, Hostile, Passive, ect.).

All Players Matching Condition
Picks out all the players from All Players that match a condition. Use Matching Player from Player functions to refer to all the players that are being checked for the condition.

Allies of Player
The allies of a player, not including the player himself.

Enemies of Player
The enemies of a player, not including the player himself.

Convert Player to Player Group
Makes a temporary group with only that player in it.


Center of Reigon
Probably the most commonly used point function. Finds the center of a reigon/location.

Random Point in Reigon
Chooses a random point inside of a reigon.

Point With Offset
Takes a point and moves it by X, Y. X is the left/right coordinate. Use a negitive number to move it left, and a positive number to move it right. Y is the up/down coordinate. Use a negative number to move it up, and a positive number to move it down.

Point With Polar Offset
Takes a point and moves it to so far in a direction. For example, 300 offset twoard 45 degrees would move it 300 units in the direction of 45 degrees.

Camera - Target of Camera Object
The exact point on the map the arrow on a camera object is pointing at.

Camera - Target of Current Camera
The center of your viewing area.

Camera - Source of Current Camera
Where you are looking from.

Conversion - Convert Coordinates To Point
Think of latitude and longitude - Where the two lines meet, they form a point on the map. The coordinates are in units. X is "Longitude" or the left/right part of it, and Y is "Latitude" or the up/down part of it. 0, 0 is at the very top-left of the map.

Destructible Doodad - Position of Destructible
The center of the destructible on the map.

Event Response - Target Point of Issued Order
If an Issued an Order Targeting a Point event made your trigger run, this refers to the point that was targeted.

Item - Position of Item
Center of an item on the map.

Neutral Building - Waygate Destination
The exact point on the map a waygate will teleport units to.

Player - Player Start Location
The position of a player's required start location.

Unit - Position of Unit
The center of a unit on the map.


Last Created Quest
The last quest created via the Quest - Create Quest action.

Quest Requirement

Last Created Quest Requirement
The last quest requirement created via the Quest - Create Quest Requirement action.


Race of Player
The race that player (Night Elf, Human, Orc, Undead).

Race of Unit
The race of a unit (Human, Orc, Night Elf, Undead).


The same thing as Arithmetic for Integers, but with the added ability to mess with decimals. Adds, subtracts, multiplies, or divides two numbers. / is divide.

X of Point
The left/right position of a point on the map.

Y of Point
The up/down position of a point on the map.

Camera - Camera Field Of Camera Object
Lets you use the field (distance to target, Angle of Attack, ect.) of a camera object.

Camera - Camera Field of Current Camera
Lets you use the field (distance to target, Angle of Attack, ect.) of the default game camera.

Camera - Target X of Current Camera
The left/right coordinate of where the current camera's target is.

Camera - Target Y of Current Camera
The up/down coordinate of where the current camera's target is.

Camera - Target Z of Current Camera
The height of where the current camera's target is.

Camera - Source X of Current Camera
The left/right coordinate of where the current camera source is.

Camera - Source Y of Current Camera
The up/down coordinate of where the current camera source is.

Camera - Source Z of Current Camera
The height coordinate of where the current camera source is.

Cinematic - Last Transmission Length
The length of the last transmission.

Conversion - Convert Integer to Real
Converts an Integer to a Real.

Conversion - Convert String to Real
If a string contains only a number, you can convert it to a real this way. I don't know if it can convert decimals.

Conversion - Convert Degrees to Radians
I have no idea what radians are.

Conversion - Convert Radians to Degrees
I have no idea what radians are.

Countdown Timer - Elapsed Time
The time spent counting down for a timer.

Countdown Timer - Remaining Time
The time left unti the timer reaches 0.

Countdown Timer - Inital Time
The time that the timer started out with.

Destructible Doodad - Life
The current life of a destructible doodad.

Destructible Doodad - Max Life
The max life of a destructible doodad.

Event Response - Damage Taken
If a unit Taking Damage (Unit Events) caused your trigger to run, this is how much damage was taken.

Game - Time of Day
The current time of day in the game.

Game - Time of Day Speed
How fast time flies by in the game.

Game Cache - Load Real Value
Loads the number from a real inside of a Game Cache that has already been loaded via Game Cache - Create Game Cache.

Item - Item Life
The current HP of an item.

Math - Random Number
Picks a random number between whatever 2 numbers you specify.

Math - Random Angle
Picks a number between 0 and 360.

Math - Random Percentage
Picks a number between 0 and 100.

Math - Distance Between Points
Gives you how far apart two points are in one direction.

Math - Angle Between Points
Think about this - The first Point is the center. The second point is somewhere else. If you took a compass and make 0 face left, then you would find the angle between the two points. This is basically what this function does.

Math - Min
Finds the minimum between two numbers or expressions.

Math - Max
Finds the maximum between two numbers or expressions.

Math - Abs
Calculates the absolute value of a number.

Math - Sign
Finds out if a number is negative or not. If it is, -1 will be given. Otherwise, 1 will be given.

Math - Modulo
Gives the remainder of a division problem. Example: 10 mod 3 = 1, since 1 is the remainder of 10 divided by 3.

Math - Power
Multiplies the first number by itself however many times the second number says.

Math - Square Root
Gets the square root of a number.

Math - Sine
Takes the sine of a number.

Math - Cosine
Takes the cosine of a number.

Math - Tangent
Takes the tangent of a number.

Math - Arcsine
Takes the Arcsine of a number.

Math - Arccosine
Don't know...

Math - Arctanget (From Angle)
Takes the Arctangent of an angle.

Math - Arctangent (From Deltas)
Takes the Arctangent of deltas.

Player - Experience Rate
The % of extra EXP heroes of this player get per kill. 100% is normal.

Player - Handicap
The % of Extra HP units of this player get. 100% is normal.

Reigon - Center X Of Reigon
The left/right coordinate of the center of a reigon on the map.

Reigon - Center Y Of Reigon
The up/down coordinate of the center of a reigon on the map.

Reigon - Min X Of Reigon
The left/right coordinate of the top-left of a reigon on the map.

Reigon - Min Y Of Reigon
The up/down coordinate of the top-left of a reigon on the map.

Reigon - Max X Of Reigon
The left/right coordinate of the bottom-right of a reigon on the map.

Reigon - Max Y Of Reigon
The left/right coordinate of the bottom-right of a reigon on the map.

Reigon - Width Of Reigon
The left to right size of a reigon.

Reigon - Height Of Reigon
The top to bottom size of a reigon.

Sound - Sound Length
The time in seconds a sound lasts.

Sound - Music Length
The time in seconds a peice of music lasts.

Unit - Property
Either the current HP, HP max, current mana, or max mana of a unit.

Unit - Facing Angle
The facing direction of a unit.

Unit - Movement Speed (Current)
The speed that the unit is moving at right now.

Unit - Movement Speed (Default)
The speed that the unit moves at normally.

Unit - Acquisition Range (Current)
The area a unit scans for targets right now.

Unit - Acquisition Range (Default)
The area a unit scans for targets normally.

Unit - Turn Speed (Current)
The speed a unit turns to move in a direction right now.

Unit - Turn Speed (Default)
The speed a unit turns to move in a direction normally.

Unit - Prop Window Angle (Current)
Don't know what a prop window angle is...

Unit - Prop Window Angle (Default)
Don't know what a prop window angle is... sry...

Unit - Flying Height (Current)
The height that a flying or hovering unit is at right now. (also known as Z)

Unit - Flying Height (Default)
The height that a flying or hovering unit is normally at. (also known as Z)


Current Camera Bounds
The area where the camera can go right now.

Inital Camera Bounds
Where the camera could go at the start of the game.

Playable Map Area
The area inside that black border that surronds the map.

Entire map
From the very top-left of the map to the very bottom right of the map. in otherwords, everything.

Region With Offset
Makes a copy of the region and moves it by X, Y. X is left/right. Y is up/down. Put a minus before the number to move it left or up, or leave the number as it is to move it right/down.

Conversion - Convert Point With Size To Region
Makes a new region at a point. The region stays centered at wherever you made it, and it's size is in units. The typical size of a region made this way is usually 500.

Conversion - Convert Coordinates To Region
Makes two pairs of coordinates into points, and then makes a region with the 1st pair at the top left and the 2nd pair at the bottom right.

Conversion - Convert Points To Region
Takes two points and makes a region out of them, with the first point being the top left, and the second point being the bottom right.

Event Response - Triggering Region
Supposedly gives you the region when an event using a region causes your trigger to run, but I get errors when I do this, so I suggest against it.


Last Played Sound
The last sound played via the Sound - Play Sound action.

Event ID

Trigger - Event ID
Gives you the last event type that caused a trigger to run.

Special Effect

Last Created Special Effect
Gives you the last special effect created via Special Effect - Create actions.


Concatenate Strings
Takes two strings and puts them together.

Great. This is gonna be hard to explain... Think about a long peice of tape with writing on it. Lets say you took a pair of scissors and cut off the part you didn't want. The section you had left would be "subtape". Now, Replace tape with string, and you got it. The numbers tell the function where on the string to "cut off" the rest of it. The first number tells where to cut everything before it, and the second number tells it where to cut everything after it. For example: KoolersRevenge, 2, 5 is: oole since it cuts off everything before the second character, and everything after the fifth.

Conversion - Convert Integer To String
Makes a number into text. It's still a number, but you can use it in strings now.

Conversion - Convert Real to String
Makes a number into text. (This is for Real variables) It's still a number, but you can use it in strings now.

Conversion - Convert Real to String
Not really sure...

Conversion - Convert Order to String
Gives you the codename for an order.

Conversion - Convert Unit-Type to String
Gives you the codename of a unit.

Event Response - Entered Chat String
If a player typed something and it made your trigger run, this will give you the entire thing they typed.

Event Response - Matched Chat String
If a player typed something and it made your trigger run, this will give you the string inside of the chat that made the trigger run.

Player - Player Name
If the player is a person who has not left, this is the Nick/screen name of that player. Otherwise, it is the name of the player you type in Player Properties in the main WE.

Unit - Unit Name
Gives the name of a specific unit, but not the Hero's name. For example, If your Tauren was named Marn Thunderhorn, then it would not show that name, it would show "Tauren Cheiftan".


Event Response - Researched Tech Type
If a unit that finished researching an upgrade caused your trigger to run, this will give you the type of upgrade that was learned.

使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2008-6-20 15:32:09 | 显示全部楼层

Create Timer (GU compatibility)
Makes a timer through a function rather then an action.

Last Started Timer
The timer that was started last via the Countdown Timer - Start Timer action.

Event Response - Event Response - Expiring Timer
If a timer reaching 0.00 caused your trigger to run, this refers to the timer that ran.

Timer Window

Last Created Timer Window
The last timer window created via the Countdown Timer - Create Timer Window action.


Trigger - Create Trigger
Makes a trigger out of nowhere. UMSWE Add-In.

This Trigger
Refers to the trigger that this function is being used in.

Trigger Condition

Trigger - Add Condition
Adds a condition to a trigger through functions. UMSWE Add-In.

Trigger Action

Trigger - Add Action
Adds an action to a trigger through this function. UMSWE Add-In.


Last Created Unit
The last unit created via the Unit - Create Units Facing Angle, Unit - Create Units Facing Point, or Unit - Create Corpse actions. However, this only refers to a unit if one unit was created at once.

Last Restored Unit
The last unit created via the Game Cache - Restore Unit Facing Angle or Game Cache - Restore Unit Facing Point actions.

Last Replaced Unit
The last unit that was made via the Unit - Replace action.

Last Haunted Gold Mine
The last building with a gold mine ability that was replaced with a haunted gold mine via the Neutral Building - Haunt Gold Mine (Instantly) action.

Picked Unit
This is only to be used inside of a "Pick Every Unit In Unit Group and Do Action" action. This refers to all the units in that group individually.

Matching Unit
This is used in "Units in Unit Group matching Condition" kind of actions. This refers to all the units in the unit group being checked for the condition, while Picked Unit refers to all the units that "passed" the condition.

Random Unit from Unit Group
Picks out a unit from a unit group.

If a unit doing something caused your trigger to run... then:

Event Response - Attacked Unit
This was the unit that was attacked in your event.

Event Response - Attacking Unit
This was the unit that was doing the attacking on another unit.

Event Response - Constructing Structure
This was the building who's construction started.

Event Response - Cancelled Structure
This was the building who's construction was cancelled.

Event Response - Constructed Structure
This was the building who's construction was finished.

Event Response - Decaying Unit
This was the unit whos body sunk into the groud, even if it was a building.

Event Response - Dying Unit
This is the unit that died, but has not decayed.

Event Response - Entering Unit
This is the unit that entered a reigon.

Event Response - Hero Manipulating Item
This was the hero who was Using, Aquiring (getting), or losing an item.

Event Response - Killing Unit
This was unit that killed the dying unit.

Event Response - Learning Hero
This was the hero who learned a skill / spell.

Event Response - Leaving Unit
This is the unit that is leaving a reigon.

Event Response - Leveling Hero
This is the hero that gained a level.

Event Response - Loading Unit
This is the unit that was loaded into a transport / thing that can hold units.

Event Response - Ordered Unit
This is the unit that was issued an order.

Event Response - Researching Unit
This is the unit that Began, Cancelled, or Finished researching an Upgrade.

Event Response - Revivable Hero
This is the hero who had just become avilable to revive in the altar or some summoning building.

Event Response - Reviving Hero
This is the hero who is beginning, cancelling, or finishing being revived.

Event Response - Summoned Unit
I believe this refers to the hero that was summoned through an altar or some summoning building.

Event Response - Summoning Unit
This is the unit who was summoning the hero.

Event Response - Target Unit of Issued Order
This is the unit who was targeted in an order issued.

Event Response - Targeted Unit
This is the unit who was aquired when it came into another unit's acquisition range.

Event Response - Trained Unit
This is the unit who was trained by a building or a unit.

Event Response - Transporting Unit
This is the transport that a unit was loaded into.

Event Response - Triggering Unit
The unit that was directly involved in an event. For example, a dying unit is directly related since the event was "Dies", and the killing unit isn't since it was not dying.

Unit Group

Last Created Unit Group
This refers to the last 2 or more units created with the Unit - Create Units Facing Angle or Unit - Create Units Facing Point actions.

Units In Region
All the units in a given region.

Units in Region Owned By Player
All the units in a given region owned by one player.

Units in Region Matching Condition
All the units in a given region that get an OK from a condition. Use matching unit to refer to all of these units.

Units in Range
All the units in a circle. Remember, 300 is about the size of 3 peasants back to back.

Units in Range Matching Condition
All the units in a circle that are ok'ed by a condition. Remember, 300 is about the size of 3 peasants back to back.

Units Owned By Player
All the units owned by a player.

Units Owned By Player of Type
All the units owned by a player that are of a certain type.

Units Owned By Player Matching Condition
All the units owned by a player that are ok'ed by a condition.

Units Of Type
All the units of a certain type, regardless of what player owns it.

Units Selected
All the units selected by a player.


Unit-Type of Unit
The type of a unit on the map.

Random Creep Unit-Type
A random creep that has a level of whatever you choose.

Random Neutral Building Unit-Type
A random building that is listed under "Neutral Passive" in the unit editor.

Conversion - Convert String to Unit-Type
Converts the code-name of a unit into a unit.

Event Response - Trained Unit-Type
The type of unit that was began, cancelled or finished being trained.

Unit Order (For Comparisons) UMSWE Add-In

Conversion - Convert String To Order
Converts a codename for an order into an order.

Conversion - Convert Unit-Type To Order
Converts the codename of a Unit into an order (no idea why).

Event Response - Issued Order
If an order being issued caused your trigger to run, this is the kind of order that was issued.

Visibility Modifier

Last Created Visibility Modifier
The last area on the map that was masked (shrouded), fogged, or made visible to a player via the Visibilty - Create Visibility Modifier Reigon or Visibility - Create Visibility Modifier Circle.

Weather Effect

Last Created Weather Effect
The last weather effect created via the Environment - Create Weather Effect action.

使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2008-6-20 15:35:33 | 显示全部楼层
Basic Triggering Interface Changes (TFT)
There is a change in interface in TFT. A comment button is added. (little yellow lines). Think of it as creating a normal trigger (page) but all it was for was for comments. Well, basically thats what trigger comments do. You can use em to divide triggers, explain what a set of em do, put credits, ect.

You may also make a folder have a comment icon. Do this by right clicking a folder, and clicking "Category is comment". If you know jass, click on the map icon that is at the top of your category+trigger+trigger comment list and you will have a big, open space where you can write out functions and whatever you need done before triggers are being run.
On a smaller note, The triggers are now broken down so you can access a category of trigger (unit, destructible, floating text, ect) by selecting it. And on a very small note, the last clicked changable option has double underlines.

使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2008-6-20 15:36:15 | 显示全部楼层
TFT Added Variables
Blizzard can't get enough of these variables huh? Well, here you go!

Floating Text
This is the variable for new floating text. The floating text must be stored in a variable if you want to play around with it. Otherwise, it will fade out in about a minute, give or take. Well, you could use this for many things: Talking overhead characters (diablo 2 anybody?) Sign text, Hitpoints, Ect.

Item Classes define what kind of item an item is. Permanant, One-Time, unique, ect.

This is actually something that will make a table kind of look. You can use multiboards for all kinds of things. Nature's Call, Return of the Dragons, uses multiboards for maze maps (you can have an icon and a value for every multiboard item [cell] in a multiboard), and I am using multiboards to list the stats, inventory, level, ect. of heroes on a map. This comes in handy.
For a map with all multiboard actions in it, go to the link in my signiture.

Multiboard Item
This details specific cells in a multiboard. For example, Cell (0,0) Would be the cell at 1st to the left, 1st to the top. You can use this to remember a cell/ multiboard item that is changed a lot.

Terrain Deformation
These are also very cool! These remember deformations in the terrain, which can be removed, changed or added at will. For real, You can make hills with this and the right trigger, seemingly out of nowhere.

Hero Skill
This variable was already here, but I made it available for triggers so I could record the hero skills learned (necessary for a map a friend and I were doing). You use this to record what skills hero learns. In the map we were making, we used this to record the skills learned, so when an amnesia spell was cast, it disabled a random skill that the hero learned.
Modified UMSWE Add-In.

使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2008-6-20 15:36:38 | 显示全部楼层
TFT Event Additions
With the newfound power of the TFT editor, amazing things will happen. Just a small sample of the powerful new editor. All new TFT events:

Game - Game Load
Right after the game is loaded from a saved game, this will make your trigger run.

Game - Game Save
Right after the game is saved, this will make your trigger run.

Player - Keyboard Event
When you press down (or let up) on an arrow key (left, right, up, down), that will cause your trigger to run.

Unit - Generic Unit Event
This will cause the trigger to run if ANY unit does that action.

使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2008-6-20 15:36:54 | 显示全部楼层
TFT Condition Addition
Surprisingly, there are not very many. Hey look, I rhymed back there.

And, Multiple Conditions
This creates a little sub conditions. All the conditions in the sub conditions must be right for this condition to be true (allow the trigger to go on). Take note that you can only use this in the main view (not like part of an "matching condition" action or anything)

Or, Multiple Conditions
This creates a little sub conditions. If any of the conditions in the sub conditions is true, then this condition will be true. Take note that you can only use this in the main view (not like part of an "matching condition" action or anything)

使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2008-6-20 15:37:14 | 显示全部楼层
TFT Action Additions
Many more actions were added to TFT. Observe them here!

Custom Script
Allows you to run a line of JASS code. This is one full line of jass code, no inturruptions or extra stuff added.

Wait (Game-Time)
For use in multiplayer. This will make sure every player waits # of seconds before going on to the next action (it may last a little longer than you want, since it takes a small period for the players to all recieve this.)

Wait For Conditon
Perhaps one of my favorite actions, this action will pause the trigger until a condition is true, checking every few seconds (10ths of a second).

If / Then / Else, Multiple Functions
Makes a sub trigger, so to speak. It must pass though a list of conditions before going to the "Then" actions. Otherwise, it does the "Else" actions.

For Each Integer A, Do Multiple Actions
Does a group of actions using integer a. Starts at a number, stops at a number. You pick.

For Each Integer B, Do Multiple Actions
Does a group of actions using integer b. Starts at a number,
stops at a number. You pick.

For Each Integer Variable, Do Multiple Actions
I found this one cool. It uses a variable instead of "int. a" or "int. b". For each time (starting at a number, stopping at a number) it sets that variable to the respectful repeat number and does a list of actions that you want to use.

For Each Integer Variable, Do Action
The one action sister of the one above. It uses a variable instead of "int. a" or "int. b". For each time (starting at a number, stopping at a number) it sets that variable to the respectful repeat number and does an action that you want to use.

AI: Like I said before, I have no real AI experience, so I can't give you much.

Animation - Change Destructible Animation Speed
Changes the animation speed of a destructible doodad to that percent. 0% is completly frozen, 100% is normal, 200% is double.

Changed! Set Camera Field (Timed)
Scio and Starcraftfreak were kind enough to add a Z OFFSET (height from the ground) FIELD to the Set Camera Field action! W00T!
UMSWE Add-in.

Camera - Rotate Camera Around Point
This will fix the camera onto a point and start making the camera move around it in a circular motion. Degrees is how far to rotate it, time is how fast to do that.

Cinematic - Subtitle Display Override
Turns subtitles on or off. Weather the user like it or not. (not permanant, returns to normal at end of game.)

Cinematic - Cinematic Mode (Timed)
Changes to cinematic mode over a period of time, instead of just instantly.

Cinematic - Ping Minimap With Color
Makes a map ping at a location with a customizable color.

Destructible - Open/Close Elevator Walls
This command will open up or close an invisible elevator wall surrounding an elevator (they must be placed aside an elevator in the editor). One elevator wall per side will do fine.
Elevators are fairly large blocks. You'll find em on destructible palette.

Destructible - Set Elevator Height
Sets the height of the elevator (in cliff levels) to that height.

Destructible - Pick Every Destructible in Reigon and do Multiple Actions
Picks every destructible in a reigon and does the list of actions for each one.

Destructible - Pick Every Destructible in Circle and do Multiple Actions
Picks every destructible in a circle and does the list of actions for each one. Remember, 300 is about the size of 3 peasants in a row.

Environment - Create Terrain Deformation: Crater
Makes a dent in the terrain for so many seconds (unless it's permanant). Use a negative (- sign at front of number) for making hills.

Environment - Create Terrain Deformation: Ripple
This one is hard to explain:
Second Length: How long till it dissapears.
Normal/Depression: Haven't tested.
Point: The point on the map to start the circle ripple.
Starting Radius: How far away to start the circle ripple.
Ending Radius: How far away to end the circle ripple. (you can make it lower than the starting radius for a cool ripple-in effect)
Depth: How deep these ripples dig into the terrain.
Second Ripples: The number of seconds to wait before making another ripple.
Spaced apart: The minimum space to keep between the ripples.

Think of a drop hitting water. This is what this terrain deformation does. Except it's to the terrain.

Environment - Create Terrain Deformation: Wave
Think of the shockwave effect. This makes a moving dent in the terrain (negative number for hill) from a starting point to an end point. Trailing delay is the time in seconds the dent left in the terrain heals.

Environment - Create Terrain Deformation: Random
Makes a random terrain deformation.

Environment - Stop Terrain Deformation
Stops a terrain deformation dead in it's tracks, and reverses the deformation.

Environment - Stop All Terrain Deformations
Stops all Terrain Deformations. Regardless.

Environment - Set Water Tinting Color
Set the color of the water through an action! Heh, this is pretty cool. Colors are in Red, Green, Blue. 0-100. 0 Transparency is normal. 100% transparency is invisible (which might come in handy sometime).

Floating Text - Create Floating Text At Point
Makes floating text (with Warcraft 3's Default font) at a point on the map. Colors are in Red, Green, Blue. 0-100. 0 Transparency is Completly solid, while 100 is invisible. Size is in points I believe.

Floating Text - Create Floating Text Overhead Unit
Same as above. Creates at a unit, instead of a point. Doesn't follow the unit around.

Floating Text - Destroy
Immediatly get rid of floating text. (even though it fades in about a minute)

Floating Text - Show/Hide
Shows or Hides floating text. Nothing special.

Floating Text - Set Velocity
If you want your text to move, the only way to do it is to point it in a direction and tell it to move so far. This is the action that does the above.

Floating Text - Change Color
Change the color and transparency of an already existing floating text.

Game - Show/Hide Custom Campaign Button
Shows or hides a custom campaign button. No specs yet.

Game - Set Ally Color Filter
Sets the color of allies on the minimap.

Game Cache - Store String
Stores an entire string inside your map (interesting feature...)

Game Cache - Reload All
Reloads all of the saved data straight from the disk.

Game Cache - Clear Catagory
Clears out all the stuff in a catagory of a game cache.

Hero - Modify Hero Attribute
This was possible in Regualar WC3, but blizzard includes it in the TFT editor (for an unknown *cough*capatilistic*cough* reason). This will increase, decrease or set the Strength, Agility, or Intellegence of a hero.

Hero - Modify Hero Skill Points
Adds, Removes, or Sets the skill points of a hero.

Hero - Reserve Hero Buttons
Don't know...

Item - Make Pawnable
Makes a specific item sellable / unsellable.

Item - Pick Every Item in Region and Do Multiple Actions
For every item in a region, does several actions.

Item - Pick Every Item in Region and Do Action
For every item in a region, does an action.

Leaderboard - Show/Hide all Multiboard
Constantly hides all multiboards (including those of teammates that have left and you have control of)

Skipping Melee Game Actions... They pretty much explain themselves.

Neutral Building - Change Special Minimap Icon
You know that yellow little house used to show shops and stuff? That is the special minimap icon. Change it here, and it changes the houses to that icon.

Neutral Building - Turn Special Minimap Icon On/Off
Turns the special minimap icon on or off for a building.

Neutral Building - Add Item-Type (To Marketplace)
Adds a type of item to a unit that has the "sells items" ability.

Neutral Building - Add Item-Type (To all Marketplaces)
Adds a type of item to all units that have the "sell items" ability.

Neutral Building - Add Unit-Type (To Marketplace)
Adds a type of unit to a unit that has the "sells units" ability.

Neutral Building - Add Unit-Type (To All Marketplaces)
Adds a type of unit to all units that have the "sells units" ability.

Neutral Building - Remove Item-Type (From Marketplace)
Removes a type of item from a unit that has the "sells items" ability.

Neutral Building - Remove Item-Type (From All Marketplaces)
Removes a type of item from all units that have the "sells items" ability.

Neutral Building - Remove Unit-Type (From Marketplace)
Removes a type of unit from a unit that has the "sells units" ability.

Neutral Building - Remove Unit-Type (From All Marketplaces)
Removes a unit type form all units that have the "sells units" ability.

Neutral Building - Limit Item Slots (Of Marketplace)
I suppose this sets a # of spaces on the actions for items for a unit that has the "sells items" ability.

Neutral Building - Limit Item Slots (Of All Marketplaces)
I suppose this sets a # of spaces on the actions for items for all units that have the "sells items" ability.

Neutral Building - Limit Unit Slots (Of Marketplace)
I suppose this sets a # of spaces on the actions for units for a unit that has the "sells units" ability.

Neutral Building - Limit Unit Slots (Of All Marketplaces)
I suppose this sets a # of spaces on the actions for units for all units that have the "sells units" ability.

Player - Limit Training of Unit-Type
Limits the training of a type of unit (for one player) to as many or few as you want. 0=Can't build at all, -1=Unlimited Building.

Player - Show/Hide in Score Screen
This was an interesting new feature. You can choose to hide or show certain players in the end-of-the-game score screen.

Player - Set Name
Sets the name of a player (also cool).

Player Group - Pick Every Player in Player Group and do Multiple Actions
For every player in a player group, a list of actions is done before going back to repeat.

Player Group - Set Alliance
Makes an entire player group's relation with another player group change (enemy, ally, shared vision). Basically, an enhanced version of the Player - Set Alliance action.

Selection - Clear Selection For Player
A modified version of Selection - Clear Selection. Use this one in multiplayer. Completly deselects all units.

Selection - Select Unit Group For Player
Deselects all currectly selected units and selects first 12 of a group. Use this one in multiplayer.

Selection - Select Unit For Player
Deselects all currently selected units and selects a unit. Use this one in multiplayer.

Selection - Add Unit to Selection for Player
Selects one more unit. If that's possible. Use this in multiplayer.

Selection - Remove Unit from Selection for Player
De-select a unit from a player's selected units. Use this one in multiplayer.

Sound - Play Sound at Point
This could most possibly be the easiest to use sound trigger. Automatically positions a sound at a point (with height!), sets volume (100%=normal, 0%=Silent), and plays it.

Sound - Play Sound on Unit
Another easy one. Positions the sound on a unit, sets volume, and plays it.

Sound - Play Sound from Offset
Fast forwards (in 10ths of a second) to however far you want and plays the sound.

Sound - Play Music from Offset
Fast forwards (in 10ths of a second) to however far you want and plays the music.

Sound - Play Music Theme from Offset
Fast Forwards (in 10ths of a second) to however far you want and plays the music theme.

Sound - Skip to Music Offset
Immedately jumps to part of the music (in 10ths of seconds of time).

Sound - Skip to Music Theme Offset
Immedately jumps to part of the music theme (in 10ths of seconds of time).

Sound - Set Volume Channel
Sets one of the sound channel's (groups of sounds) volume to a percent. 100% = normal, 0%=silent.

Sound - Set All Volume Channels for Cinematic
Tweaks the volume of all the channels like they are when you're in a cinematic.

Sound - Set All Volume Channels for Speech
Tweaks the volcume of all the channels like they are when you're getting talked to.

Sound - Reset All Volume Channels
Resets all the volumes channels back to 100%.

Trigger - Clear Trigger Queqe of Pending Triggers
Triggers that are still waiting to run will be cancelled.

Trigger - Add New Event
Wierd. It adds an event to a trigger.

Unit - Create Permanant Corpse
Makes a permanant corpse for a player.

Unit - Pause / Unpause Expiration Timer
Stops or continues the timer on the unit that is going to die when it expires.

Unit - Add Expiration Timer
Adds a life timer to a unit.

Unit - Reset Ability Cooldowns
Instantly lets you use all learned abilities on a unit. Basically, Cancels cooldowns.

Unit - Set Building Construction Progress
Sets the Building% of a building being built to that %.

Unit - Set Building Upgrade Progress
Sets the upgrade% of a building being upgradeed to that %.

Unit - Turn Alarm Genoration On/Off
If a building is hit, will this building scream out, "OUR TOWN IS UNDER ATTACK!"?

Unit - Set Custom Value
This is pretty cool. But not refined enough. Every unit has a number built into it. You can set it with this action. Too bad you can't have more than one custom value.

Changed! Unit - Remove Buffs
Blizzard has updated this function so you can remove all buffs (an expiration timer is a buff) or all buffs but expiration timer.

Unit - Remove Buffs By Type
Removes buffs that are considered magic, physical, magic and/or physical, depending on which you take. Lets you choose to remove only positive ones, or only negative ones.

Unit - Add Ability
Wonderful feature. Allows you to add an ability to a unit, the opposite of the WC3 action Unit - Remove Ability. Note that adding Hero Abilities will not let you level them via the Hero Abilities button (although you may be able to set the level of the skill elsewise...)

Unit Group - Pick Every Unit In Unit Group and Do Multiple Actions
For every unit in a unit group, does a list of actions.

Unit Group - Add Unit Group
Adds one unit group to another unit group.

Unit Group - Remove Unit Group
Removes all the units that belong to one unit group from another unit group.

Unit Group - Issue Order Targeting A Unit
Issues an order to an entire group of units to do something to one unit.

Unit Group - Issue Order Targeting A Point
Issues an order to an entire group of units to do something involving a point.

Unit Group - Issue Order Targeting A Destructible
Issues an order to an entire group of units to do something to one destructible.

Unit Group - Issue Order With no Target
Issues an order to an entire group of units to do something that involves themselves.

Unit Group - Issue Train Order
Tells all of the units in a unit group to train/upgrade a unit-type.

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