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Starcraft:The Story So Far Part2:The Brood War

发表于 2008-4-17 12:38:17 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
The Story So Far
Part2:The Brood War

The evacuation of Aiur

Tassadar's brave sacrifice had destroyed the Overmind, but countless rampaging zerg remained on Aiur and would surely overrun the surviving protoss. Zeratul offered sanctuary on Shakuras, the adopted home of the dark templar. Although the decision was difficult, Executor Artanis and the surviving members of the shattered Conclave agreed that their first duty was to save as many lives as possible.

Jim Raynor's forces and the protoss cut a path through the zerg to reach an ancient xel'naga warp gate, the relic of an earlier age. Using the gate, Zeratul opened a connection to a second gate on Shakuras. During the battle, Raynor and some of the protoss were cut off, but Artanis and Zeratul led many other protoss through the gate to safety on Shakuras.

To their horror, they found that the zerg were following them through the gate. The evacuees joined forces with their dark brethren and fought the invasion. Meanwhile, Raynor's forces and a handful of protoss chose to remain on Aiur and shut down its warp gate, ensuring that no further zerg reinforcements could reach Shakuras. With no means of escape, this brave band seemed doomed.

Unlikely allies

Sorrowfully the dark templar led their visitors to meet Raszagal, the ancient matriarch who ruled Shakuras. The protoss' first priority was to battle the spreading zerg infestation of Shakuras. Raszagal declared that a xel'naga temple on Shakuras could cleanse the planet, but its activation required two crystals--the Khalis and the Uraj--that had been lost long ago.

Kerrigan arrived unexpectedly and told the wary protoss that with the Overmind slain, she was no longer the merciless killer she had been. However, the surviving cerebrates had merged to create a new Overmind that would soon control the Swarm and transform Kerrigan back into the Overmind's pawn.

Kerrigan offered to help retrieve the Khalis and Uraj, and Raszagal accepted, overriding the objections of Artanis and Zeratul. The protoss heroes and Kerrigan departed for the planet Braxis, where they secured the Uraj. In the process they encountered an unfamiliar terran force identifying itself as the United Earth Directorate (UED). Ordered to surrender, the protoss refused and eluded capture.

Their next destination was Char, where the protoss located the Khalis, dangerously near the developing Overmind. Pitting themselves against the zerg and the young Overmind, Kerrigan and the protoss retrieved Khalis and returned to Shakuras.

Tragedy on Shakuras

There they found that some of the Aiur evacuees had turned against their dark templar allies. Already in the midst of a crisis, Raszagal was in no mood to negotiate and ordered the dark templar to vanquish the dissenters. Zeratul found the command troubling, but he and his allies obeyed. As the traitors' resistance crumbled, the dark templar demanded that the rebel leader surrender. He refused, claiming that the other protoss were doomed and Raszagal was hiding a loathsome secret.

Before the traitor could explain his accusation, Kerrigan and her zerg minions slew him. Zeratul angrily ordered Kerrigan to leave Shakuras. She left willingly, telling him that their alliance had already achieved her goal. The cerebrates had refused to follow her leadership, and now with the dark templar's assistance, they were all but destroyed.

The zerg would overwhelm Shakuras unless the protoss unleashed the xel'naga temple's power. Thus, the desperate protoss carried out their plan despite knowing that they were further aiding Kerrigan by doing so. Artanis and Zeratul carried the crystals to the temple's summit, channeled the temple's vast energies, and obliterated all zerg on Shakuras.

Discovery of the psi disrupter

For some time the UED had kept a close watch over the terran colonies in the Koprulu sector. With the discovery of the protoss and zerg, the Directorate's ruling council decided it was time to reestablish control over their distant cousins.

The UED dispatched an expeditionary fleet led by Admiral DuGalle. His orders were to overthrow the Terran Dominion and capture the young Overmind. First, with the assistance of Samir Duran and his Confederate resistance forces, the UED fleet secured the planet Braxis as a staging point. Vice Admiral Stukov, DuGalle's tactical advisor, recruited Duran's group into the UED.

Next, DuGalle launched a surprise attack on the Dylarian shipyards, commandeering many of the Dominion's battlecruisers docked there. Dominion reinforcements arrived, led by General Edmund Duke, but they were outgunned and ultimately retreated. The triumphant UED laid waste to the shipyards and conscripted the remaining Dylarian defenders.

UED forces learned of a mysterious weapon on the planet Tarsonis: the psi disrupter, which could block zerg communications. If the Dominion secured the weapon, the UED would be unable to use the zerg as planned. Thus, Duran recommended destroying the weapon, and DuGalle agreed despite Stukov's objections.

Duran and other UED forces captured the psi disrupter, but several UED ghosts quickly arrived and announced that Stukov had ordered them to dismantle the device. Duran had little choice but to relinquish the weapon.

Stukov's defiance

The UED fleet headed to the planet Korhal IV, capital of the Dominion. Attacking Korhal's capital city, Augustgrad, DuGalle's fleet eventually surrounded the remainder of Mengsk's forces. UED forces prepared to take the deposed emperor into custody, but Jim Raynor arrived in Mengsk's old battlecruiser, the Hyperion, along with a small protoss fleet. Moments later, Raynor, his protoss allies, and Mengsk had escaped, and the UED fleet was in hot pursuit.

The UED tracked Raynor and Mengsk to Aiur, where the fugitives activated a warp gate in preparation for an escape. The gate's energies incited the surrounding zerg to attack, and to Stukov's shock, Duran's forces moved out of position, leaving UED forces on the planet open to attack by the Swarm. Unable to hold off the zerg and recapture Mengsk at the same time, Stukov withdrew his forces to rejoin the fleet. Stukov himself abruptly departed for Braxis.

DuGalle was puzzled to hear that Raynor and Mengsk had escaped, and Stukov had abandoned the battle on Aiur. When the UED detected a psi disrupter on Braxis, Duran concluded that Stukov had rebuilt the Tarsonis device to sabotage the UED's goals. Unable to deny the evidence, DuGalle ordered Duran to find and kill Stukov.

Duran shot Stukov and then slipped away. Mortally wounded, Stukov told DuGalle that Duran was the real traitor and had likely been infested by the zerg. Duran had allowed Mengsk and Raynor to escape. Furthermore, Duran had suggested destroying the psi disrupter, which Stukov had reassembled because he was certain it was critical to saving humanity from the zerg.

Stukov's message convinced DuGalle, who established a garrison on Braxis before he led the UED fleet to Char. UED forces overcame the young Overmind's defenses and administered powerful neurostims so that the UED could control the Overmind.

Controlling the Swarm

As the drugs started taking effect, Duran and the Queen of Blades suddenly appeared in the UED's midst. Kerrigan introduced herself as the leader of the zerg. It was clear that Duran was indeed infested. DuGalle threatened to disrupt her control over the zerg with the psi disrupter, but Kerrigan said that she intended to destroy the weapon. She thanked DuGalle for executing Stukov and departed.

Establishing a base on Char, the UED took control of the Overmind's minions, who made up the vast majority of the Swarm. This control gave the UED a decisive advantage over Kerrigan, for the psi disrupter prevented her from controlling zerg that were not yet under the young Overmind's control.

She contacted Shakuras and convinced Jim Raynor and the protoss to rescue the remains of the Dominion fleet from the UED. Raynor and the protoss remained distrustful, but she informed them that controlling the zerg was only the first step in the Directorate's plan. Earth would inevitably lock down the whole sector.

Furthermore, Kerrigan claimed that she bore Mengsk no ill will. She needed Mengsk's psi emitters to reclaim additional zerg minions, destroy the psi disrupter, and vanquish the Directorate fleet. In return, she offered to help Mengsk reclaim Korhal IV. With no acceptable alternatives, Mengsk agreed. Kerrigan's plan worked perfectly, and she destroyed the psi disrupter.

Breaking alliances

Kerrigan honored her side of the bargain, bolstering the ranks of her zerg minions and helping Mengsk retake Korhal from the UED. Then, without warning, she sent her zerg against the Dominion and protoss encampments. General Duke fell in battle, but Kerrigan spared Mengsk's life because she wanted to savor his suffering as he watched her ascend to power. As for Jim Raynor, he escaped, swearing that one day he would kill her.

Next Kerrigan had Raszagal kidnapped and taken to Char. Predictably Zeratul tracked down the protoss matriarch and demanded her safe return. Kerrigan proposed a trade: if Zeratul and his compatriots destroyed the young Overmind, Kerrigan would permit Raszagal to return to her people. Because the Overmind was indisputably the protoss' enemy as well as Kerrigan's, Zeratul reluctantly agreed.

Only after he and his compatriots had destroyed the Overmind did Zeratul learn that Kerrigan had long ago enslaved and corrupted the dark templar's matriarch. The Queen of Blades had brilliantly outmaneuvered the protoss. With the Overmind and its cerebrates dead, all zerg in the Koprulu sector reverted to Kerrigan's control.

Yet the dark templar refused to give up. They stole Raszagal from the zerg, but Kerrigan's minions surrounded Zeratul's base before the dark templar could escape with their matriarch. As Kerrigan and her minions drew near, Zeratul mortally wounded Raszagal rather than let her be recaptured. In her last moments, Raszagal thanked him for freeing her from Kerrigan's influence. Kerrigan decided to spare Zeratul's life rather than allow him the peace of death. Ravaged by grief and guilt, Zeratul vowed that he would avenge Raszagal.

A far greater power

As Zeratul and his people left Char, they detected protoss power signatures on an uncharted moon nearby. Zeratul and several other protoss investigated and found that someone had been using gene splicing to create hybrids with mixed zerg and protoss DNA.

In at least one case, the attempt had proven successful. Staring the abomination in horror, Zeratul was surprised when a male terran suddenly uncloaked in front of the stasis cell. The terran introduced himself as Samir Duran.

Zeratul recognized the name and asked if Kerrigan had instigated the hybridization project. Duran denied the accusation and said that he served a far greater power. The zerg-protoss hybrid were the last step in a vast cycle that was approaching its end. Scattered on a thousand different worlds, the hybrid would presently awaken, and the universe would change forever. Deeply troubled, Zeratul and the other protoss returned to their ship and continued on their way to Shakuras.
Kerrigan's ascension

The Queen of Blades soon faced another threat, and she was not pleased to discover that Duran had inconveniently disappeared. Apparently Arcturus Mengsk had called in a few favors and scraped together a new fleet. Artanis had also warped into the area with a fleet of protoss ships from Shakuras. Last but not least, Admiral DuGalle was stubbornly determined to defeat the woman who had masterminded Stukov's death.

Kerrigan taught the three fleets better than to underestimate the Swarm. Facing imminent defeat, Mengsk and Artanis were forced to withdraw from the battle. At last it became clear that the UED fleet could not hope to succeed where the other two fleets had failed. DuGalle offered to surrender if Kerrigan would spare the lives of his soldiers. The Queen of Blades, however, had no interest in taking prisoners. Instead, she told DuGalle to turn his ships in the direction of Earth and flee. She would give him a reasonable head start before she sent the Swarm after him.

DuGalle and his battered ships obeyed, for they had no other choice. Onboard the flagship Aleksander, DuGalle composed a last letter to his wife. His mission was a failure. The zerg remained untamed; the colony worlds, unconquered. His pride had killed Stukov and brought the Directorate fleet to this desperate pass.

The admiral killed himself not long before Kerrigan's forces overtook the UED fleet and devastated it. Not one Directorate ship reached Earth to report the events that had taken place in the Koprulu sector.


he Queen of Blades did not become complacent in the wake of her victory. She kept watch over the Swarm from her core hive on Char. The Brood War left her the dominant force in Koprulu sector. The initial explosive expansion of the zerg has been replaced with a foreboding silence for four years, but no scouting expeditions to Swarm-controlled worlds have lived to tell what they saw there.

Thus, outsiders can only speculate about what she has been doing--or what she has been seeking--these past four years. Many believe that the zerg are building their strength and engineering new organisms before going on the offensive again. Some contend that Kerrigan is staying her hand due to some small shred of humanity buried deep inside the creature she has become. Those who have encountered her savage fury know this to be merely wishful thinking.
On the terran front

Mengsk and his forces have regrouped on Korhal IV. His first order of business was to rebuild the Terran Dominion. In Kerrigan he had found a new target for revenge, and he'd always been happier with a goal to work toward anyway. The Dominion has since become the most powerful force among the terran factions, having taken over many of the original Confederate worlds.

The Kel-Morian Combine and the Umojan Protectorate have been preparing for the inevitable war with either the zerg or Mengsk. The UED task force was almost completely destroyed in Brood War; only a few isolated pockets of survivors remain hidden in the Koprulu sector.

Jim Raynor has led a resistance movement against the Dominion, but that has been a losing battle. Arcturus Mengsk has used his greatest weapons--the media and propaganda--to marginalize Jim's efforts. Raynor seems to be losing faith, drinking heavily and haunted by the ghosts of his past. He has never forgiven himself for letting Kerrigan be taken by the zerg.

Reintegration of the protoss race

The protoss evacuees from Aiur have been struggling to recover from the loss of their home planet while finding ways to mesh their society with that of the dark templar who call Shakuras home. The transition has been difficult for both sides, and the name of Raszagal has been invoked more than once to keep the peace.

The old Conclave has been swept away, and in its absence many protoss have begun looking to their ancient tribal affiliations for leadership and a sense of identity. With the protoss people working together as they did in ancient times and studying the xel'naga technology on Shakuras, the protoss have made many technological developments for continuing the war with the zerg.

Memories of Raszagal have plagued Zeratul, who was further disturbed by his encounter with Samir Duran and the zerg-protoss hybrid Duran had apparently been creating. Shortly after bidding Raynor farewell on Shakuras, Zeratul departed the planet, and he has not been heard from in years. To this day he seeks to understand what Duran and the hybrid he was creating might portend. Lately he has uncovered something that may be related to the xel'naga, creators of both protoss and zerg, and he seeks new clues to unravel the mystery.
发表于 2008-4-17 13:04:51 | 显示全部楼层
简单来说 …… 看不懂

使用道具 举报

发表于 2008-4-17 14:06:14 | 显示全部楼层

使用道具 举报

发表于 2008-4-17 14:23:09 | 显示全部楼层


塔萨达的勇于牺牲的已经摧毁了overmind的,但无数狂暴zerg仍对艾尔行星,并一定会超出预算尚存protoss 。泽拉图尔提供避难所就shakuras ,通过主页的黑暗templar 。虽然决定是困难的,遗嘱执行人塔尼斯和幸存的成员组成,粉碎了秘密会议一致认为,他们的首要职责是为了挽救许多生命越好。

吉姆raynor的力量和protoss砍掉路径通过zerg达成一项古老的萨尔那加经线大门,舍利子的年龄也提前。用门,泽拉图尔,开辟了连接到第二个门就shakuras 。在战斗中, raynor和部分的protoss被切断,但塔尼斯和泽拉图尔为首的许多其他protoss通过闸门安全shakuras 。

他们的恐怖,他们发现了zerg人后,透过门。撤离的部队加入与黑暗兄弟打过入侵。与此同时, raynor的势力和少数protoss选择留在艾尔行星,并关闭了其经线闸门,以确保不会再zerg援军可达到shakuras 。无逃生途径,这个勇敢的乐队似乎注定。


痛心黑暗templar带领他们参观,以满足raszagal ,古复国统治shakuras 。该protoss '的首要目标是战斗蔓延zerg为患的shakuras 。 raszagal宣布说,萨尔那加寺shakuras可以净化地球,但它的激活需要两个晶体-卡利斯和u raj-这已经遗失不久前。

里根抵达不料,并告知戒心protoss ,随着overmind杀害,她已经不再是无情的杀手,她到过的。但是,尚存cerebrates了合并,以创建一个新overmind说,将很快控制群和改造里根重新纳入overmind的棋子。

里根表示愿意协助取回卡利斯和uraj , raszagal接受的,压倒一切的反对塔尼斯和泽拉图尔。该protoss英雄和里根离开这个星球braxis ,他们争取到uraj 。在这个过程中,他们遇到了一个陌生的terran部队确定了自己作为美国地球首长( ued ) 。下令投降, protoss拒绝与在逃。

他们的下一个目的地是烧焦,而protoss寻回卡利斯,危险地接近发展中国家overmind 。痘本身对zerg和年轻overmind ,里根和protoss发音卡利斯回到shakuras 。


在那里他们发现,有一些的艾尔行星撤离人员已纷纷倒戈,他们的黑暗templar盟国。已经在危机当中, raszagal是在没有心情谈判,并下令暗templar克敌制胜异议人士。泽拉图尔发现指挥困扰,但他和他的盟友服从了。由于叛徒的抵抗崩溃,黑暗templar要求叛军领导人投降。他拒绝了,称这是其他protoss注定和raszagal是藏令人厌恶的秘密。

前汉奸可以解释他的指责,里根和她的zerg minions转换他。泽拉图尔愤怒地下令里根离开shakuras 。她心甘情愿地留下,告诉他说,他们的联盟已经实现了她的目标。该cerebrates曾拒绝听从她的领导,而现在与黑暗templar的帮助下,他们都被毁坏。

该zerg将压倒shakuras除非protoss释放出萨尔那加寺的力量。因此,绝望的protoss进行自己的计划,虽然明知他们进一步协助里根这样做。塔尼斯和泽拉图尔进行了晶体,以该庙的首脑会议上,渠道庙的庞大能量,并抹杀一切zerg对shakuras 。


一段时间以来该ued一直密切关注超过了terran殖民地,在koprulu部门。随着发现的protoss和zerg ,首长的执政委员会决定,现在是重新确立控制其遥远的堂兄弟。

该ued派出远征舰队为首的海军上将dugalle 。他的命令被推翻terran统治和捕捉年轻overmind 。首先,随着援助的萨米尔杜兰巴和他的邦联抵抗力量, ued舰队担保星球braxis作为一个中转站。副斯图科夫, dugalle的战术顾问,网罗杜兰巴的集团进入ued 。

接下来, dugalle发动突然袭击就dylarian船厂,征用许多该自治领的battlecruisers停泊在那里。 Dominion的增援部队赶来时,将军领导的埃德蒙杜克,但他们所获,并最终退守。胜利ued荒芜向船厂和征兵,其余dylarian维护者。

ued部队学到的一个神秘武器,对地球tarsonis :防扩散安全倡议干扰,这可能座zerg通讯。如果有担保Dominion的武器, ued将无法使用zerg按计划进行。因此,建议杜兰巴销毁核武器,并同意dugalle尽管斯图科夫的反对意见。



该ued舰队前往该星球克哈行星四,资本的统治。攻击克哈行星的首都, augustgrad , dugalle的舰队,最终包围了,其余的曼斯克的力量。 ued部队,准备采取废黜皇帝羁押,但吉姆raynor抵达曼斯克的旧battlecruiser ,海波,随着一个小protoss舰队。一会儿后, raynor ,他的protoss盟友,曼斯克逃脱,并ued舰队紧追不舍。

该ued履带raynor和曼斯克以艾尔行星,那里的逃犯启动了一个经线门,准备潜逃。门口的精力,鼓动周围的zerg攻击,并斯图科夫的休克,杜兰巴的势力移出位置,留下ued力量,对地球上公开攻击所一窝蜂。不能推迟zerg和夺回曼斯克在同一时间内,斯图科夫撤回他的部队重新加入舰队。斯图科夫自己突然离开braxis 。

dugalle被莫名其妙地听到raynor和曼斯克逃脱,并斯图科夫已经放弃了战斗就艾尔行星。当ued发现了一个倡议干扰对braxis ,杜兰巴得出结论认为,斯图科夫了重建tarsonis装置来破坏ued的目标。无法否认的证据, dugalle下令杜兰巴找到并杀死斯图科夫。

杜兰巴开枪斯图科夫,然后逃之夭夭。深受重伤,斯图科夫告诉dugalle认为杜兰巴是真正的卖国贼,有可能被感染,由zerg 。杜兰巴使得曼斯克和raynor逃脱。此外,杜兰巴曾提议摧毁倡议干扰,其中斯图科夫已重新装配,因为他一定会有人批评,以拯救人类免于zerg 。

斯图科夫的讯息确信dugalle ,卫生组织设立了驻军braxis之前,他率领ued舰队烧焦。 ued力量战胜了年轻overmind的防范能力和管理强大neurostims使该ued可以控制overmind 。


由于药物开始生效,杜兰巴和王后的叶片突然出现在ued的行列。里根推出自己的领导人,该zerg 。很显然,杜兰巴确实是蝗灾。 dugalle扬言要破坏她的控制权, zerg与防扩散安全倡议干扰,但里根说,她打算摧毁的武器。她感谢dugalle执行斯图科夫并驶离现场。

建立一个基地,焦炭, ued控制了overmind的minions ,谁取得了绝大部份的一窝蜂。这种控制了ued决定性的优势超过里根,为防扩散安全倡议干扰使她无法控制zerg表示尚未下青少年overmind的控制范围内。

她接触到shakuras并深信吉姆raynor和protoss抢救仍该自治领舰队从ued 。 raynor和protoss仍然不信任感,但她告诉他们说,控制zerg只是第一步,在首长的计划。地球上难免会锁定整个行业。

此外,里根声称,她膛曼斯克没有恶意。她需要曼斯克的倡议排放大户复垦新增zerg minions ,破坏防扩散安全倡议干扰,并征服了首长级船队。作为回报,她愿意帮助曼斯克填克哈行星四。没有任何可以接受的替代品,曼斯克同意。里根的计划非常完美,而她破坏了防扩散安全倡议干扰。


里根荣幸,她身旁的讨价还价,增强职级的她zerg minions和帮助曼斯克夺回克哈行星从ued 。然后,没有警告的,她给她发zerg对统治和protoss住地。一般杜克下跌,在战斗中,但里根不遗余力曼斯克的生活,因为她想品尝他的痛苦,因为他看过她升天之势。至于吉姆raynor ,他越狱,宣誓说,有一天,他将她杀死。

明年里根曾raszagal绑架,并被带到烧焦。可以预见泽拉图尔查获了protoss复国,并要求她安全返回。里根提出了一项贸易:如果泽拉图尔和他的同胞,破坏了青少年overmind ,里根将允许raszagal回到她的人。因为overmind是无可争议protoss '敌以及里根的,泽拉图尔勉强同意。

只有经过他和他的同胞,已经摧毁了overmind没有泽拉图尔得知里根早就被奴役和败坏了黑暗templar的复国。女王的叶片,出色地outmaneuvered的protoss 。与overmind及其cerebrates死了,所有的zerg在koprulu部门回复到里根的控制范围内。

然而黑暗templar不肯放弃。他们偷走raszagal从zerg ,但里根的minions包围泽拉图尔的基地之前,黑暗templar无法逃脱其复国。作为里根和她minions临近,泽拉图尔深受重伤raszagal ,而不是让她被抓回。在她生命的最后时刻, raszagal感谢他腾出她从里根的影响力。里根决定备件泽拉图尔的生活,而不是让他对和平的死因。蹂躏悲痛和内疚,泽拉图尔发誓说,他将报仇raszagal 。


作为泽拉图尔和他的人离开烧焦,他们发现protoss电力签名未知月球附近。泽拉图尔和其他几个protoss调查,并发现有人已开始利用基因拼接,以营造混合动力车与混合zerg和protoss的DNA 。


泽拉图尔公认的名称,并询问是否里根曾唆使杂交工程。杜兰巴否认这项指控,并表示,他任职至今有更大的权力。该zerg - protoss杂交获得最后一步,在一个广阔的周期正在接近尾声。散落千不同的世界,混合,将目前令人警醒,宇宙将永远改变。深受困扰,泽拉图尔和其他protoss返回自己的船上,并继续对他们的方式shakuras 。

女王的叶片很快面临另一种威胁,她并不高兴地发现,杜兰巴了不便消失了。显然大角曼斯克曾呼吁在少数主张,并一起刮一个新的舰队。塔尼斯还歪进入该地区,与车队的protoss船舶shakuras 。最后,但并非不重要的是,海军上将dugalle是顽固决心打败女子,她曾策划斯图科夫的死因。

里根教三大舰队总比低估一窝蜂。面临着即将战败,曼斯克和塔尼斯被迫退出战斗。在过去人们清楚地看到了ued舰队不可能期望成功而其他两个舰队失败了。 dugalle表示愿意投降,如果里根将抽出的生命去为他的士兵。女王的刀片,但是,没有兴趣考虑囚犯。相反,她告诉dugalle把他的船只在该方向的地球和逃亡。她给他一个合理的头部开始之前,她发出了群后,他的。

dugalle和他的受虐船舶服从了,因为他们已经没有别的选择。板载旗舰科瓦希, dugalle组成的最后一信给他的妻子。他的使命是一个失败的。该zerg仍燎原;殖民地世界中, unconquered 。他自豪曾杀害斯图科夫带来首长舰队这绝望的通过。






该kel -莫里安结合起来,与umojan保护国已准备应付不可避免的战争,无论是与zerg或曼斯克。该ued工作队几乎完全被摧毁,在育雏战争只有几个孤立的幸存者仍然隐藏在koprulu部门。

吉姆raynor又带领一个抵抗运动反对统治,但已失去战斗。大角曼斯克用了,他最大的武器-媒体和宣传-边缘化,吉姆的努力。 raynor似乎丧失了信心,饮酒过量和困扰鬼他过去的。他从来没有原谅自己,让里根所要采取的zerg 。



旧的秘密会议已经一扫而空,并在其缺乏许多protoss已经开始展望自己的古老部族背景的领导和认同感。与protoss人一起工作,因为他们在远古时代,并研究萨尔那加技术shakuras , protoss都对此作出了许多技术的发展,为继续战争与zerg 。

回忆raszagal一直困扰泽拉图尔,他更不安的,由他遭遇萨米尔杜兰巴和zerg - protoss杂交杜兰巴显然是创造。不久后竞标raynor告别就shakuras ,泽拉图尔离开了这个星球,他并没有被听到,在多年。为了这一天,他的目的是要了解什么杜兰巴和杂交他创造可能预示着。最近,他发现了另一项可能涉及到萨尔那加,创作人员均protoss和zerg ,他寻求新的线索,以揭开谜。

使用道具 举报

发表于 2008-4-17 16:08:32 | 显示全部楼层

使用道具 举报

发表于 2008-4-17 16:21:03 | 显示全部楼层

使用道具 举报

发表于 2008-4-17 18:50:55 | 显示全部楼层

使用道具 举报

发表于 2008-4-17 19:01:39 | 显示全部楼层

使用道具 举报

发表于 2008-4-17 20:02:35 | 显示全部楼层

使用道具 举报

发表于 2008-4-24 07:48:54 | 显示全部楼层

使用道具 举报

发表于 2008-4-24 12:22:39 | 显示全部楼层

使用道具 举报

发表于 2008-4-24 12:34:36 | 显示全部楼层
首先~~brood war翻译成血战?~~

其次~~这个根本不是sc2的剧情而是sc1的剧情~~不看人家写着The Story So Far么?~~

使用道具 举报

发表于 2008-4-24 12:46:43 | 显示全部楼层

使用道具 举报

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