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Monster Guide 中的坏蛋们

发表于 2008-3-19 16:46:42 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

Archaedas is one of the ancient servants of the titans, a giant of stone crafted toguard the vaultof Uldaman.Toensure he would always be vigilant, his creators sealed him in a stone shell that keeps him magically preserved in a timeless sleep.

Any attempt to activate the keystone that opens the vault awakens him immediately. Should the creatures not speak the appropriate command words at once, Archaedas carries out his orders and destroys the invaders before returning to sleep once again. Sadly, the command words have been lost to the ages, so anyone who awakens him almost certainly finds himself engaged in battle.

Archaedas stands 18 feet high and weighs 12,000 pounds.

He can speak Dwarven and Titan fluently.

The stone cracks and shatters, and an immense giant with craggy features steps forth. It wears an ornate breastplate and wields a sword almost as tall as its frame, about the height of three sturdy humans.
 楼主| 发表于 2008-3-19 16:52:49 | 显示全部楼层

Balnazzar (a.k.a. Saidan Dathrohan, Champion of the Scarlet Crusade) was one of the three nathrezim siblings left behind in Kalimdor to oversee the demonic conquest of that land. The return of Prince Arthas, following the defeat of Archimonde, sent the three brothers packing, but they quickly regrouped and concocted a new plan to destroy Arthas once and for all. Though they (and Sylvanas Winrunner, who attacked Arthas on her own terms) didn’t destroy Arthas, the undead prince left Lordaeron, leaving Balnazzar to rule the land now known as the Plaguelands.

Unfortunately for Balnazzar, Sylvanas had plans of her own and laid siege to Lordaeron. She had defeated Balnazzar’s brother Varimathras, who offered to serve her in exchange for his life. Sylvanas accepted and the dreadlord fought at her side in the attack on Lordaeron, and in the battle she ordered Varimathras to finish off his sibling. He grudgingly agreed and apparently slew Balnazzar. However, Balnazzar survived — he faked his death and fooled both Sylvanas and his brother.

To remain hidden, Balnazzar went underground. Not content to simply sit by while the undead legions overran Azeroth, he formed a new plan to oppose them. He possessed the body of the paladin Saidan Dathrohan, who then helped found the Scarlet Crusade, an order of knights focused on the singular goal of defeating the Scourge in all its forms. No one in the crusade is aware that Dathrohan is a demon

— they simply believe him to be a holy knight obsessed with the destruction of the undead. Balnazzar uses this fact to his advantage as much as possible, intending not only to defeat the undead but one day secure his hold on Lordaeron once again. To maintain his charade, Balnazzar kept (and still keeps) a low profile, letting others run the Scarlet Crusade. At present, Balnazzar dwells within the Scarlet Crusade stronghold in the besieged ruins of Stratholme, in the deepest reaches of the Eastern Plaguelands. The Scourge and the Crusade remain locked in battle, at a stalemate primarily because Balnazzar depends upon his masquerade for his long-term plans. His agents actively recruit new members for the crusade, and his ranks grow steadily. Should anyone find out his true nature, however, the Scarlet Crusade could potentially fall apart overnight, and the undead would become the only power in the Plaguelands.

The hulking demon’s skin is a waxy purple, save the black bat-like wings. Its eyes glow crimson as it raises its massive greatsword.

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 楼主| 发表于 2008-3-19 16:54:49 | 显示全部楼层

Once, Baron Rivendare was a wealthy Lordaeron landowner and friend of Kel’Thuzad. He fell under the necromancer’s sway and helped build and structure the Cult of the Damned. Rivendare then achieved the title and powers of a death knight.

Now, Rivendare has his base in Stratholme. He serves Kel’Thuzadeagerlyandexaltsinhispower.Oneofhisgreatest joys is to instill corruption in others, especially paladins, and most especially members of the Argent Dawn.

This knight is a regal figure — his face is pale but aristocratic, and white hair hangs to his shoulders, while a scarf covers his face. He crouches over a horned, skeletal steed, and purple runes glitter across his black armor, cloak, and greatsword.

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 楼主| 发表于 2008-3-19 16:58:05 | 显示全部楼层

General Drakkisath is the dragonspawn ruler of the armies of Nefarian, leader of the black dragonflight. From the pinnacle of Blackrock Spire, he oversees his forces in their war to drive out the Dark Iron dwarves from the bowels of the mountain. His ultimate goal is to drive his army into the depths in a climactic battle against Ragnaros the Firelord, all in the name of his master Nefarian.

Drakkisath is well known for his ruthlessness and total lack of quarter in combat. He shows no mercy and expects none in return. Although quite clearly evil, he commands respect from his troops, primarily because when he gives his word he keeps it.
This giant, scaly, four-legged dragonspawn is a mottled orange with dark red and brown stripes. He bears a large banner on his back, wears immaculate plate armor, and carries a scimitar.

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 楼主| 发表于 2008-3-19 17:00:57 | 显示全部楼层

As one of the two chief lieutenants serving under Ragnaros, Garr plays a key role in the current success of the Firelord and his spreading influence. Garr, like Baron Geddon, holds half of Bindings of the Windseeker, which contains the remaining essence of Thunderaan, Prince of Air. Tales say that after centuries of partnership, Geddon became suspicious of Garr and felt the elemental sought both halves of the talisman. Thus, relations between the two powers are strained.

Both Garr and Baron Geddon draw their considerable might from the blazing runes carved deep into the floor of Molten Core.
Two orbs of molten lava are set into the hill of stone that constitutes this creature’s head, the whole resting atop a mountainous torso. Two immense bands of metal bind the creature at what might be its wrists, if those massive stone appendages can be called arms.

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 楼主| 发表于 2008-3-19 17:03:51 | 显示全部楼层

Kel’Thuzad was once one of the greatest his passion for the dark arts of necromancy among his fellow arcanists. Heeding the Kel’Thuzad traveled to Northrend and Ner’zhul. The Lich King commanded the him unleash the undead Scourge upon humanity Though Arthas later slew Kel’Thuzad, prince raised the necromancer as a Lich King captured Arthas’s soul. Kel’Thuzad as Arthas’s most trusted advisor as annihilated the last traces of humanity When the Lich King called Arthas to defend the Frozen Throne, Arthas left oversee the Lich King’s army and the Plaguelands of the Scourge.

Now, Kel’Thuzad reigns over the Plaguelands his necropolis of Naxxramas, floating above Stratholme.

Kel’Thuzad speaks Common, Darnassian, Draconic, Dwarven, Eredun, Gnomish, Taur-ahe, Thalassian, and Zandali.
This imposing skeletal figure is wreathed in frost and malice. Blue light shines out from an otherwise empty skull. The being is draped in rune encrusted robes, with its ice-covered ribcage hideously exposed. It wears a ceremonial headdress on his skull reminiscent of the ancient nerubian spider-crowns of Northrend. The gaunt, 7-foot frame levitates ominously above the ground, trailing a freezing cloud of frost; several frost-rimmed chains wind loosely around the thing, floating in mid-air.

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 楼主| 发表于 2008-3-19 17:06:18 | 显示全部楼层

Lady Onyxia is one of the eldest remaining black dragons and a daughter of Deathwing, the Aspect of the black dragonflight. After carefully calculating her plans for many years, she entered into a pact with her elder brother, Nefarian, to take over for their missing father and gain control of the entire flight. To this end, she has begun manipulating many mortals and dragons alike to her own ends.

At present, Onyxia masquerades as one of the highest officials in Stormwind, preventing the people there from sending much-needed aid to the areas near the Burning Steppes (where her brother has great power and influence). Her own lair lies in Dustwallow Marsh on Kalimdor, and thus she always has a safe haven if someone discovers her in Stormwind.

Many suspect that Onyxia is connected to the disappearance of King Varian Wrynn of Stormwind, but this rumor has never been confirmed. She clearly has insidious plans for the human nation that go far beyond simply withholding the city’s forces, however. Onyxia is quite possibly the one responsible for the prison breaks in the Stockades, but her motivation is as yet unclear.

Onyxia speaks Common, Darnassian, Draconic, Dwarven, Orcish, Thalassian, and Zandali.
The tremendous dragon is jet black, massive yet sinuous.
Her midnight scales reflect the ambient light brightly, making
the beast look even more nightmarish.

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 楼主| 发表于 2008-3-19 17:08:48 | 显示全部楼层

The demon Lord Kazzak was one of Archimonde’s lieutenants during the Third War. After his master’s defeat, Kazzak pulled back. He and his forces now occupy a ravaged area in the Blasted Lands known as the Tainted Scar.

Kazzak is a mighty demon with great power, but he lacks independent initiative. Trapped within the Tainted Scar, he is completely cut off from contact with any other demonic forces on Azeroth. Even should such personages — such as Balnazzar — become aware of his presence, they would likely as not avoid contact for fear of Kazzak’s power.

Lord Kazzak’s main goal — indeed, his only goal — is to reopen the Dark Portal and return to Draenor, now the shattered realm of Outland. Whether he might then proclaim an intention to serve Illidan or raise an army to fight the night elf betrayer remains to be seen.
The massive demon’s skin is sickly yellow in color, and its reddish-black wings and horns glisten evilly in the light. The sword it wields glows with evil power.

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 楼主| 发表于 2008-3-19 17:12:36 | 显示全部楼层

Mekgineer Thermaplugg was once a brilliant and wise tinker, who despite being incredibly frail even at a young age, was destined to be High Tinker. He cunningly laid the way to the seat, charming people to his side and cranking out one great invention after the next. He worked unceasingly toward his goal, for Thermaplugg planned on not only making High Tinker, but also becoming the gnome’s first true king in over four hundred years. He envisioned a great kingdom out of Gnomeregan, carved out of the entire western half of Dun Morogh, even if it meant relocating the nearby dwarven communities in the name of progress. Nothing would stop him! However, his closest friend, Gelbin Mekkatorque, ruined all of his goals when the council of tinkers decided that Thermaplugg was too ambitious and chose Mekkatorque instead.

Thermaplugg’s sanity broke that day, and he planned on gaining revenge over his friend. Through working the system and gaining favor among the intellectual elite, Thermaplugg eventually won the seat of advisor to the High Tinker. It was his idea that, during the trogg invasion, the gnomes shut themselves from the world. Thermaplugg claimed that the world outside didn’t need to be bothered by gnomish problems, for he had an idea that would both destroy the image of Mekkatorque and win him the throne. After weeks of debate, he convinced Mekkatorque to flood the halls of Gnomeregan with radiation via a bomb, thus killing the troggs. If a few gnomes died in the process, he stated, it would be a worthy sacrifice for saving the entire race.

However, due to reasons even Thermaplugg can’t remember, he found himself locked inside Gnomeregan when the bomb was released began. Despite his age and frailty, he did not die. Some speak that it was his ambition that saved him, while others say he hid and suffered the least of the poison. Despite this, he lived and mutated into a leper gnome. The radiation killed more gnomes than troggs, and many other gnomes in Gnomeregan’s walls also suffered from the radiation and became leper gnomes. However, in the ensuing chaos, Thermaplugg has begun calling himself a king. To this day he rules over the leper gnomes and continues fighting the troggs. He controls his land with a tyrannical fist, destroying outsiders as rapidly as any other enemy.

He keeps to himself most of his time since becoming king of Gnomeregan, working on insane world– conquering inventions. Thankfully, few if any will ever see the light of day. Paranoid beyond rational thought, Thermaplugg destroys anything that disturbs his work, even his own leper gnome servants. Recently, however, he opened negotiations with the Dark Iron dwarves, allowing them use of Gnomeregan’s tunnels in exchange for a part of Ironforge to call his own. No one knows

what may become of this alliance, but it won’t be good. Thermaplugg speaks Common, Dwarven, Gnomish, Goblin, Low Common, Orcish, and Thalassian.
A crazed, frail-looking leper gnome peers out from within a massive suit of steam-powered armor. He snickers maliciously, swinging the massive club-like right arm of his battle suit.

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 楼主| 发表于 2008-3-19 17:15:04 | 显示全部楼层

Nefarian is one of the oldest and most powerful children of Deathwing, and he has recently succeeded where his father (presumably) failed: he has created a group of chromatic dragons. These dragons quickly grow in number, and with the help of his sister Onyxia, he plans to use them to rally the entire black dragonflight under his command. With the black dragonflight once again under solid leadership, and with the support of these new chromatic dragons, he plans to strike back against the other dragonflights, as well as the mortal nations of the world. In addition, he hopes to soon gain enough power to take over the Blackrock Depths beneath his fortress, where the weakened Firelord Ragnaros resides. While Nefarian fears he is not strong enough to confront the firelord directly yet, he delights in capturing Ragnaros’s elemental minions and using them for his own insidious purposes.

Nefarian speaks Common, Darnassian, Draconic, Dwarven, Goblin, Gnomish, Low Common, Orcish, Thalassian, and Zandali.
The creature that looms before you is evil incarnate. Immense and pitch black, with swordlike fangs and raven-hued fire on its breath, the massive dragon looks as if it stepped out of the worst nightmare a raving mind could possibly conceive.

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发表于 2008-3-19 17:20:12 | 显示全部楼层

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发表于 2008-3-19 21:37:42 | 显示全部楼层

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发表于 2008-3-19 22:05:11 | 显示全部楼层

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 楼主| 发表于 2008-3-19 22:06:06 | 显示全部楼层

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发表于 2008-3-19 22:09:36 | 显示全部楼层
呃  搜索到了

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 楼主| 发表于 2008-3-19 22:43:05 | 显示全部楼层

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发表于 2008-3-19 22:51:25 | 显示全部楼层
http://bbs.islga.org/read.php?ti ... 4%CB%C4%C6%EF%CA%BF


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 楼主| 发表于 2008-3-19 22:58:08 | 显示全部楼层

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