xw1995327www 发表于 2021-2-28 18:06:08


本帖最后由 xw1995327www 于 2021-3-11 05:04 编辑



1. 添加了队伍光圈 Team aura
2. 删除修改了一些不太正确的动作 Remove some inappropriate animations
3. Attack Slam,Spin 动作增加火焰粒子刀气 Add particles for specific animes
5.提亮了靴子肩甲以及腰带上的蓝色光源 Improve light at several places
6.修复镜头 Fix the portrait cam
7.删除不必要的骨骼以及节点注释 Remove useless bones and annotations


**** Hidden Message *****

泰墨 发表于 2021-2-28 21:15:38


小兵疯狂 发表于 2021-2-28 21:45:36


魔龙zx 发表于 2021-3-2 00:50:26


tobbyyes107 发表于 2021-3-2 01:03:36


安谬 发表于 2021-3-4 12:46:01


手信 发表于 2021-3-4 18:05:47


luiscarlosapeu 发表于 2021-3-5 21:17:30

This environment is Wc3 Reforged.
But the model is not in HD form and not even with its textures being worked on the Reforged graphics engine.

xw1995327www 发表于 2021-3-8 23:33:45

本帖最后由 xw1995327www 于 2021-3-8 23:41 编辑

luiscarlosapeu 发表于 2021-3-5 21:17
This environment is Wc3 Reforged.
But the model is not in HD form and not even with its textures be ...
My suggestion is trying switch on the material mode of shadow using Magos(WME) to see if it would achieve a better performance in your WC3 than before.

I use Quenching mod so maybe something different. As I said before. Its difficult to show the same effect of Reforged models by WOW-based one without extra and complex (for amateurs) works on texture and geosets. Just treat them as models with diffierent art styles.

If I learne some skills new in future I will update this model, because I truely like this design of Morgranie very much. This is in my plan.

royli96518 发表于 2021-3-10 11:45:26

谢谢分享 ~~~

royli96518 发表于 2021-3-10 11:46:12


royli96518 发表于 2021-3-10 11:46:38


luiscarlosapeu 发表于 2021-3-10 19:36:39

本帖最后由 luiscarlosapeu 于 2021-3-10 19:46 编辑

But in fact, there is a breakdown of visual harmony. Light reflections and shadow effects are very weak. It is uninteresting if you are going to use it on a map together with HD Reforged models, there will be dissonance... It really is ugly!
War3Magos does not handle .MDX in HD format. Maybe try using Reteras Model Studio to recalculate vertices, save all Geosetes to the 1000-HD format or among other possibilities that I don't know yet, besides knowing how to manipulate the types of advanced textures.
But I've seen people at Hive manipulate WOW models with almost 90% of the same quality Reforged.

xw1995327www 发表于 2021-3-11 05:20:58

本帖最后由 xw1995327www 于 2021-3-11 05:31 编辑

luiscarlosapeu 发表于 2021-3-10 19:36
But in fact, there is a breakdown of visual harmony. Light reflections and shadow effects are very w ...
It depends on the version of resources. I believe that models and textures ripped from WOW after 8.0 are able to achieve a ~80% similarity of one from Wc3R. However there are still huge amount of works for realizing that. I mean that is such a skillful work and out of ability of a hobbist without training. Basically WOW's art style is different with Wc3R so I just made and share them for fun.

QQ461892698 发表于 2021-3-11 09:44:07


luiscarlosapeu 发表于 2021-3-11 21:52:15

It's okay to share, by the way ... here the fashion is to share classic models.
But I am just stressing that the intention of inserting them simultaneously with the Reforged models, does not create such a pleasant aspect.
And in my opinion, they don't reach 60% synchrony, in my case I have a habit of using Zoom's maximum approach, the comparison is really unpleasant, there are no reflections of lights and shadows in the details.
For those who play macro-management with Zoom-Out, there may not be that much of a difference in perception, really.

魔剑霜之哀伤 发表于 2021-3-12 18:44:52


阿勇啊 发表于 2021-3-16 20:37:36

大佬啊 求提取wow的模型 有偿提取 有意请联系QQ2997634102

半生 发表于 2021-3-17 22:49:16


欧阳12138 发表于 2021-3-26 18:19:53

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