yeeboys 发表于 2014-12-8 23:55:16



ckpig 发表于 2014-12-9 10:01:39

inside w3m

希瓦 发表于 2014-12-10 01:36:14

inside mpq

yeeboys 发表于 2014-12-10 23:40:51

希瓦 发表于 2014-12-10 01:36
inside mpq


yeeboys 发表于 2014-12-10 23:41:01

ckpig 发表于 2014-12-9 10:01
inside w3m


actboy168 发表于 2014-12-19 10:54:31

已经很详细了,觉得还不够详细的就是你水平的问题了。 另外别看中文版,看英文的

RoyalFlare 发表于 2014-12-21 16:53:29

@actboy168 是否看懂了那个教程就可以尝试破解MPQ加密 修改MPQ文件头2进制数字 然后就能用MPQ分析工具分析w3x地图?
=_=你总是不回答我的问题 实在无奈

actboy168 发表于 2014-12-24 11:28:33

RoyalFlare 发表于 2014-12-21 16:53
@actboy168 是否看懂了那个教程就可以尝试破解MPQ加密 修改MPQ文件头2进制数字 然后就能用MPQ分析工具分析w ...



RoyalFlare 发表于 2015-1-8 12:05:19

本帖最后由 RoyalFlare 于 2015-1-8 12:08 编辑

注意下面这行 常用的地图加密工具修改w3x文件的文件头信息采用下列方法
Part 2 - Other Map Protection Techniques.

1) Damaging the MPQ headersize information.
A Warcraft 3 map is like a zip file. You have first a 512 bytes big map header with some information. Then you have a MPQ archive attached. The MPQ archive contains all the numerous files needed for a map. The first 4 bytes of the MPQ file are the identifier. It can be read as 'MPQ'. The next four bytes are the header size, which is always hex 0x20 00 00 00. Clever map protectors now change the size from 0x20 00 00 00 to a random number which can look like this (mine) for example: hex 0xG6 RE A2 16. Most MPQ applications now cannot open the MPQ archive anymore because of that wrong size entry. Warcraft 3 seems to ignore false header size entries, so those maps still run in warcraft 3.

2) Deleting the war3map.w3c, war3map.w3s, war3map.w3r, .war3mapunits.doo files.
war3map.w3c stores the camera settings for the world editor. war3map.w3s stores the sounds used by a map world editor. war3map.w3r defines the regions used in a map for the world editor.
All those files are also only used by the world editor (WE only files) and can be easily regenerated by the war3map.j file. Damaging the war3map.j file can reduce chances of restoration.

3) Hiding the war3map.j file (Alternative to damaging the war3map.j file, IF it's not an .xxx file)
Some clever map protectors figured out a way to hide the war3map.j file, so you cannot extract it easily with some programs (Good). Regular map files contain the war3map.j file directly in the root directory. The good map protectors figured out that a map still works if the file is moved into a directory called "Scripts\".

4) Scrambling the war3map.j file (Another alternative)
Some map protectors rename all the variables and function names with random numbers. This renders the war3map.j file very hard to read by normal people.
原帖地址 ... p-protection.49287/
@actboy168 @yxxiaobin

RoyalFlare 发表于 2015-1-8 12:09:31

The most common trick is to change the MPQ version header. WC3 ignores the field completely as it used the only known version of MPQ at the time it was made. However WoW and SC2 advanced on that, adding new versions of file. Because MPQ editors need to support these files, you can break them by defining a WC3 compliant MPQ as a newer version. WC3 will still open it fine as it ignores version yet the MPQ software will break as it tries to load the structures only defined in newer version of MPQ but not present or invalid.

I believe there are other fields in the header you can corrupt to also get similar results but that is usually caused by the editors being poorly coded than anything.

An example would be specifying a block table larger than the file. A properly coded MPQ interface will load a reasonable size block table only (few thousand entries) and check if it extends file size. A poorly coded one might try and stupidly evaluate all block table entries resulting in many errors once the block table structure is exceeded and other data is being passed off as a block table entry.

yxxiaobin 发表于 2015-1-8 12:16:13

RoyalFlare 发表于 2015-1-8 12:05
注意下面这行 常用的地图加密工具修改w3x文件的文件头信息采用下列方 ...


RoyalFlare 发表于 2015-1-8 13:01:03

本帖最后由 RoyalFlare 于 2015-1-8 13:02 编辑

Silk Object Editor
都是10年前的玩意 主要是毛子和美帝开发的工具 说穿了就是尝试重建GUI界面 恢复被删除的WE所需文件 使得地图可以被WE打开 勉强读取
这样还原出来的地图打开后单位/物品/技能/科技/可破坏物/地形是正常的 只有触发器和字符串无法还原
以目前的技术水平来看 war3.wct和war3.wtg是不可逆的 你只能看Jass代码.

RoyalFlare 发表于 2015-1-8 13:04:20

我不懂SC2的编辑器 不知道SC2地图的加密方法和War3是否有类似之处 感觉没那麽多时间钻研了

yeeboys 发表于 2015-4-20 23:20:02

actboy168 发表于 2014-12-24 11:28
读加密的mpq其实跟了不了解MPQ结构没啥联系,因为加密的mpq很多字段都被破坏了,它原来的作用懂不懂无所 ...

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